tell yourself whatever you want to make yourself feel like your not just a troll.a hit dog will holler. as my grandfather would so eloquently put it. I never called you anything i merely suggested. hi alex!!
you are a smartass..
tell yourself whatever you want to make yourself feel like your not just a troll.
Chuck may be on the right path Keeb. You have been editing quotes just for your benefit. Just saying...
oh boo hoo, you just love to piss all over UB. I wonder why, could it be , you work for advanced nutrients and UB tells everyone about there B.S? HMMMMM?? very interesting. I see no other reason why you have such a hard on for UB?
smells like you're the douche...and your obvious faith in Jorge proves you dont know anything but what you read...Jorge shows off OTHER people's grows and knows how to write and market booksWell OBVIOUSLY they are not AUTHORITIES are they then? Just because you have a book on the subject doesn't mean that his way is the only way and he himself has said its time to UPDATE the bible with better more up to date information. Why would you put Jorge in the same sentence as UB? There is no comparision IMO, One knows all and the other is a Know-it-ALL.
Respect the man not the wannabe
again, I read UB's advise and save money and grow dank. If i listened to you, i would have to go out and spend more money on a shitty companies nutrients, and after spending all that money, you want me to stop using these expensive nutes at the most important time and try and flush out these expensive nutes. AND I"M THE ONE WHO"S UNINFORMED?? LMFAOYou wonder why? Its because of idiots like you...UB is so high on himself he forgets that there are others on here that see through his BS, you not being one of them, which tells me your growing knowledge.
I wish I worked for sure would bring the costs down, not paying for nute.
Alexander...maybe you should really start taking notes or something??? A grower that is on his game and knows his stuff should be able to better the genetic yeild. This number is an easy goal for anyone that is willing to put in the time. I have yet had a strain that I didn't yeild better that expected. This should be common knowledge for a grower of your caliper.
Another fine statement from the great Alexander, real growers see right through your crap, while idiots, like the guy above, fall all over the BS because they really do not know better. Stop pumping yourself up on the back of noobs.
But Chuck if you bought all that shit you could be taking plants past their genetic limits like Sir G!again, I read UB's advise and save money and grow dank. If i listened to you, i would have to go out and spend more money on a shitty companies nutrients, and after spending all that money, you want me to stop using these expensive nutes at the most important time and try and flush out these expensive nutes. AND I"M THE ONE WHO"S UNINFORMED?? LMFAO
right, because the breeders didn't do enough in making there genetics. I need AN to make my awesome genetics more awesome.Now I get it. the magic is in the bottles.But Chuck if you bought all that shit you could be taking plants past their genetic limits like Sir G!
smells like you're the douche...and your obvious faith in Jorge proves you dont know anything but what you read...Jorge shows off OTHER people's grows and knows how to write and market books
That's true and as long as you understand that and the fact that there is going to be some incorrect information as presented by his plagarized sources and/or skewed by Jorge himself, then it's OK. His Bible is a collection of the huge and now defunct Overgrow members' posts and FAQ's, including mine. Mel Frank is the best source for information, especially for the noob as it's based purely on botany, not hype. 1982 release....and still going strong.