New way of growing. No electricity. Stealth.


Active Member
You can't artificially increase lumens. . An increase is an increase. No matter how its making 675 lumens doesn't matter because it still produces 675-1400 lumens...


Well-Known Member
The fact of the matter is once they are installed they are identical to a 60w light producing 675 lumens.. Are u retarded?? If it produces 675 lumens then that's what it produces if that's what light measuring instruments say... Fack. ..dumb...ppl...
Look up the inverse square law sometime, maybe what I'm saying will click then. <----There it is for you. It explains how you can have a point source that skews like your measurements do.


Active Member
Bottom line people. These lights work. they are equivalent to a 60w 675-1400 lumens light.

These other guys are seriously medicinal smokers with serious problems in their brains lol


Well-Known Member
You can't artificially increase lumens. . An increase is an increase. No matter how its making 675 lumens doesn't matter because it still produces 675-1400 lumens...
Tell me what wavelengths are most visible to the human eye (What gives us a lumen measurement.), vs what wavelengths of light are PAR. Yes, you can create bulbs with more lumens, it just depends on the concentration of a very small spectrum of radiation compared to what plants use. That's why you can't grow good weed with a spotlight off of a cop car. Seriously, think about it.


Well-Known Member
Bottom line people. These lights work. they are equivalent to a 60w 675-1400 lumens light.

These other guys are seriously medicinal smokers with serious problems in their brains lol
I guess the people with doctorates in physics that explain how your numbers exist must have been medicinal smokers with serious brain problems.


Active Member
Red light frequency has the most lumens.. I would think the bottle light would be full spectrum like the sun since it is the sun..


Well-Known Member
So what would be an accurate reading then?
Lumens can, assuming all things are constant, give you an idea. My point is that you are clearly stating something that flies in the face of the laws of physics, with no knowledge of what lumens really are or a basic understanding of how light works that is available to a layman such as myself. Your statements don't bear scrutiny, I have explained to you why your numbers are off (inverse square law, draw a picture and do the math.), and you still keep saying the same things without actually explaining to me how the math I refer you to ceased to apply.


Well-Known Member
I hate to interrupt some seriously entertaining banter, but not all "clear" plastic is clear...which is going to effect the type of light being emitted....
I bow out...


Active Member
You sound educated and Im starting to believe you may be right. My understanding of light and physics is rudimentary.

So.. Is light a wave lentgh or a particle?lol


Well-Known Member
You sound educated and Im starting to believe you may be right. My understanding of light and physics is rudimentary.

So.. Is light a wave lentgh or a particle?lol
A photon is a particle, a wavelength is the frequency at which that particle operates, that's the best way I can explain it.