FinShaggy's BeanSprouts

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We know you're stupid and don't know how to grow weed.


Well-Known Member
Do you refer to a torture schedule instead of a feeding schedule? What else you got up your sleeve to torture em?


Well-Known Member
So the rice, the nutes to seedlings, the single container w/no drainage, the bad soil, the torch, blowing smoke on them, putting a fan blowing right on them so young have all been to stress them or do you believe some of your techniques help? Is the halogen to create future stress? How else do you plan on stressing?


Well-Known Member
So the rice, the nutes to seedlings, the single container w/no drainage, the bad soil, the torch, blowing smoke on them, putting a fan blowing right on them so young have all been to stress them or do you believe some of your techniques help? Is the halogen to create future stress? How else do you plan on stressing?
The container has plenty of drainage, so you should get your facts straight before talking shit. The torch was not bad for them and was never pointed at them, that just made CO2, so same thing there. The fan is weak as shit, so same thing there. The soil is fine, so same thing there (you know there are plants that grow outside right :dunce: ), I only blew smoke on them like 2x and that just rasises CO2 levels, rice doesn't hurt plants, nutes did stress them which will help them in the future, and the halogen will stress them minimally with heat, which will help. You failed to point out the main factor of stress going on right now, which shows you don't know much about what's going on. The main thing stressing them right now is me letting them dry out too much, then over watering. That's the main stress at the moment. And it WILL help them... The way this works is, "Anything that doesn't kill you makes you stronger", that's how plant stress works. Even bug damage, or infections. Makes the plants stronger.


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First, who do you think about when you jerk off, Velma or Daphne?? Second, lets just say you get "better bud", what will your yield be????

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
Fucking hell talk about taking a sledge hammer to a thumb tack, if this were a true test you would have potted them up separately and had a control to compare to, to help prove any point your trying to make, as it stands it just looks like you haven't got a clue!
so why isn't there a control plant to judge your stressed shwag to? or is it because you can't grow a healthy plant to compare your poor near dead plants to. I'm really not trying to be horrible quiet the opposite I'm trying my best not to be but you don't make it easy, healthy cared for plants for the most part produce quality buds, mexican neglected dirt weed produces shit! surely you make the connections yourself between effort and gain and without a true control group or atleast a fair comparison your experiment is void and at the rate it's going you won't end up with any bud never mind hash, maybe you should feed them some gatorade, electrolytes are the way forward! lolol idiocracy comes to mind


Well-Known Member
if this were a true test you would have potted them up separately and had a control to compare to,
You probably didn't graduate school, right? You know I am transplanting again right? I probably said that on THIS page. :lol: :dunce: :lol: :lol: They will all be separate soon.

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
You probably didn't graduate school, right? You know I am transplanting again right? I probably said that on THIS page. :lol: :dunce: :lol: :lol: They will all be separate soon.
LMFAO I'm the dumbass obviously, you ignored the rest of the quote and took just that from it and your reply ignoring the rest of the statement shows your stupidity and also for the record a control group or plant would have been seperated from the beginning unless you were starting them properly or growing them properly and experimenting on them in the same conditions separately, your stupidity obviously knows no bounds and your comebacks are weaker than your poor plants and growing skills.
Bottom line is you can't grow and this is your poor excuse for an explanation of your pitiful grow attempt.


Well-Known Member
a control group or plant would have been seperated from the beginning.
You are terrible at reading. You have only seen half of the plants I am growing, half of them has been separate from the beginning... So separate they aren't even in the grow room or my house yet.
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