i love obama and everything he does


New Member
if they're unemployed, i.e. out of work by no fault of their own, i am happy to see them get food stamp help and unemployment insurance.

if they are or are not, it remains their choice what they put into their bodies.

dude. dude!

they are millionaires. at least barack is, not sure about michelle. they aren't drunk dialing the fed to print out benjamins for their organic garden. you are sounding like a dumbass now.

yeah, no way that nigger millionaire could afford a dress that cost as much as my wife's wedding dress.

excuse the sardonic nigger use, please. i don't accuse you of racism but that type of bullshit is the same as what racists trot out on the regular.
How is is he a millionaire? Stocks?


Well-Known Member
He couldnt do the job

He wasnt even smart enough to not get busted
you're not qualified to talk about this.

the first and only time the cops ever became aware of my growing was when some douchebag neighborhood kids stole my vegging plants in may. fucking may!

thankfully, i was compliant at the time.

getting busted can be as random as getting broadsided by a drunk driver.

that's probably one of those off limit things.


Well-Known Member
Food stamps pays for organic now? I know u can buy organic with it but do u think they can eat on that small amount?

A lot of taxpayer money goes into that dress and those vacations, and not their personal money trust! how much to ride air force one..... back and forth to hawaii, and the kids and michelle security all that shit.... americans dont get vacations these days, not many i know at least... its disrespect IMO
if they're unemployed, i.e. out of work by no fault of their own, i am happy to see them get food stamp help and unemployment insurance.

if they are or are not, it remains their choice what they put into their bodies.

dude. dude!

they are millionaires. at least barack is, not sure about michelle. they aren't drunk dialing the fed to print out benjamins for their organic garden. you are sounding like a dumbass now.

yeah, no way that nigger millionaire could afford a dress that cost as much as my wife's wedding dress.

excuse the sardonic nigger use, please. i don't accuse you of racism but that type of bullshit is the same as what racists trot out on the regular.

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
it's true, i fucking love the guy.

hell, my family and friends have even been invited by him to the white house and met him. my in laws have had cocktails with the obamas and talked about bo obama with michelle.

yep, we're that tight, the obamas and me.

i <3 you mr. president, and everything you do.

You got to be kidding me ..................you must not be looking for a job............wow............nitro..


Well-Known Member
you're not qualified to talk about this.

the first and only time the cops ever became aware of my growing was when some douchebag neighborhood kids stole my vegging plants in may. fucking may!

thankfully, i was compliant at the time.

getting busted can be as random as getting broadsided by a drunk driver.

that's probably one of those off limit things.
Wasn't talking about you. But that's ok.


Well-Known Member
she asked michelle if bo (the dog) was going to be there. michelle told my ma in law that bo would not be out, as he would jump on the tables and take food.

obama even picks up after his own dog's poop, doesn't leave it to secret service or anything. they're so like us.
Not really, my dog knows better that to jump on tables...


Well-Known Member
it's true, i fucking love the guy.

hell, my family and friends have even been invited by him to the white house and met him. my in laws have had cocktails with the obamas and talked about bo obama with michelle.

yep, we're that tight, the obamas and me.

i <3 you mr. president, and everything you do.


The only thing ill say is Hillary & Obama acted quickly over the israel-palestine incident with egypt. who knows how quick Romney could have started a war with Iran using it as a spring board. bomb alleged Hamas forces in northern israel oops we hit Syria


Well-Known Member
A lot of taxpayer money goes into that dress and those vacations, and not their personal money trust! how much to ride air force one..... back and forth to hawaii, and the kids and michelle security all that shit.... americans dont get vacations these days, not many i know at least... its disrespect IMO
now i'm convinced that you're an idiot.

yes, they ride air force one. no, your taxpayer dollars don't pay for dresses.

you're really sounding dumb now.

You got to be kidding me ..................you must not be looking for a job............wow............nitro..
so, like, i was hearing romney landlside...anyone else hear this? yeah, some guy named dick morris...?


you're out of your element, donny.


Well-Known Member
now i'm convinced that you're an idiot.

yes, they ride air force one. no, your taxpayer dollars don't pay for dresses.

you're really sounding dumb now.

so, like, i was hearing romney landlside...anyone else hear this? yeah, some guy named dick morris...?


you're out of your element, donny.
You really that fucking stupid to think tax payer dollars don't cover any of Obama's living expenses? And you think he has a tough job?
How hard can it be to run a country into the ground? Name something he has accomplished, that helped you out. Hell name something worthwhile that he has accomplished.
All i know, is things are worse now that Obama is in office, and not everything is Bush's fault.


Well-Known Member
You really that fucking stupid to think tax payer dollars don't cover any of Obama's living expenses? And you think he has a tough job?
How hard can it be to run a country into the ground? Name something he has accomplished, that helped you out. Hell name something worthwhile that he has accomplished.
All i know, is things are worse now that Obama is in office, and not everything is Bush's fault.
so did you send back your tax breaks, or are you an unemployed mooch?


Well-Known Member
You are dumb Buck get off Obamas dick, u obviously follow blindly....he takes more unnecessary rides on air force one; that could have been scheduled without costing extra millions to taxpayers.... but ur God Obama is a financial genius i guess....give me a break u obviously try and argue in his defense but what has he done? Except continue to topple the trillions..your not as bright as you depict yourself to others....or else you would see the faults in your precious obama, but no he is void from an flaw according to u....dipshit
now i'm convinced that you're an idiot.

yes, they ride air force one. no, your taxpayer dollars don't pay for dresses.

you're really sounding dumb now.

so, like, i was hearing romney landlside...anyone else hear this? yeah, some guy named dick morris...?


you're out of your element, donny.


Well-Known Member
Dont go classifying me as dumb u ignorant asshole... i could only listen to u spew your uneducated archaic opinions so much before saying something...


Well-Known Member
Who gives a fuck about taxes....i think there are more important things in this world than feeding tax money to the feds for them to abuse it