i love obama and everything he does


Well-Known Member
remember when all the republicans were yelling and screaming and shouting when bush took a projected surplus and turned it into a $1.5 trillion dollar deficit? yeah, neither do i. they only started yelling after obama lowered the deficit by nearly a half a trillion dollars. weird, right?
Half a trillion reduction of planned INCREASES over the next ten years, nearly all off it after 2016. In other words, it ain't gonna happen


Active Member
I'm not American but Obama is the most sane president you guys have had in a LONG ASS TIME.
So - shut up
He doesn't particularly want to make the wealthy wealthier. Boo-fucking-hoo. Cry me a river so I can shit you a bridge.
He's helping your countries integrity, which has been crumbling off it's hinges since Nixon.


Well-Known Member
Legislative branch levies taxes. Not the President. FAIL !
the president used the bully pulpit to get legislative items in the agenda, and his pen signs them into law.

i suppose you're going to say that the ARRA, aka the biggest tax break in american history, was a republican idea.

stormfront red FAIL!


Well-Known Member
Half a trillion reduction of planned INCREASES over the next ten years, nearly all off it after 2016. In other words, it ain't gonna happen
absolutely and demonstrably false.

we ran a $1.5 trillion dollar deficit when he got into office, our latest deficit was $1.1 trillion.

fucking idiot! (<---that's for you, kelly!)


Well-Known Member

Barack Obama scoops Bo's poop

He may be leader of the free world, but when he takes his dog for a walk, President Barack Obama says he bends down to do the nasty work of cleaning up like anyone else.

as long as it all evens out. ;)

U.S. Drone Strikes Are Causing Child Casualties: Video and Report



Well-Known Member
What was his great plan buck? double my social security cause he did.

Since i wont get that back i guess he is a fiscal genius...good point bub


Well-Known Member
What was his great plan buck? double my social security cause he did.

Since i wont get that back i guess he is a fiscal genius...good point bub
the only thing obama ever did to your social security was take your contribution rate from 6.2% down to 4.2%.

y u so mad about dat, homie?


Well-Known Member

[h=1]Barack Obama scoops Bo's poop[/h][h=2]He may be leader of the free world, but when he takes his dog for a walk, President Barack Obama says he bends down to do the nasty work of cleaning up like anyone else.[/h]
Yea fucking right he scooped up a poop and it was on record... all the sudden he is just like us....do u know how dumb u sound? Plus talking about ur mommy meeting Michelle obama is quite petty and sad to make sure we all knew that


Well-Known Member
Yea fucking right he scooped up a poop and it was on record... all the sudden he is just like us....do u know how dumb u sound? Plus talking about ur mommy meeting Michelle obama is quite petty and sad to make sure we all knew that
has your family been invited to the white house recently?

u sound jealous, homey.