Nice Cocaine pick up


Well-Known Member
Smells only of the fuel oil they first float it in and benzene, from the final crystallization process (cancer causing carcinogens) if it's any good, to cook. (see- 'freeway' ricky ross) to learn about how that, little gift to us all got started.


Well-Known Member
They used to smuggle liquid coke then reconsitute it back but not before adding cut. Its extremely easy to do this, just takes 2 to 3 chemicals. I've actually witnessed this on both ends. They claimed it was easier to smuggle large amounts. Not sure if this stills goes on now- haven't been involved since the early eighties. The haydays were in the 70's- got to admitt had alot of fun. Never once got caught. I contribute that to keeping everything confined to a very small group of old time friends never letting anyone else know anything, everyone decided to give it up went everything went "gangster" and quality dropped dramaticly. All in the past now, only exciting memories.


Well-Known Member
Unfortunately I have a close friend going through crack/cocaine addiction issues right now, so this kind of hits home. He lives on Hastings... yeah. It's really not a good drug.

He even described to me as evil, he said it didn't even make him feel good, it just made him do horrible shit to keep his habit going...

I've done my fair share. It's been about a decade here too. At best it was useful to keep a conversation going. Maybe might make you feel good about yourself for about half an hour before you needed to go skiing again.

I can believe the crack addiction not the coke one...

At least for me when i started smoking crack, if i thought about it id get sick. If someone mentioned the word i puke instantly.... and need to go get it.

I haven't smoked crack in over 2 years now.

I still enjoy coke quite often though but I'm not spending 1200 bucks in a 2 day bender...

And the one thing people say isnt true.... "A guy can go have 1 line... go home and falll asleep. You can take one blast from the crack pipe and walk away.."


Well-Known Member
96%? only one way to find out, cook it up, and see how much comes back. you could be like 'the mad scientist' -just in the bathroom.
You'd need to freebase (For best results)

Or use baking soda then drop it in a glass of water for a day or 2 to remove the impurities the soda doesn't remove...
Sorry bud but 96% is bullshit .....unless ure in peru, ecuador or the mountains of colombia themselves...i highly doubt it it pretty difficult for u to get that high % any where in the the time it gets to ure dealer its been stepped on several times maybe he didnt touch it but i guarantee it aint 96%.....and to the meth user up there please dude get help NOW!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
So what would 80+% cocaine do to the normal user (normal being someone who does the American 30ish% blow)?

Seems as if that high of a concentration would send you to the fucking moon or to the ER