Why do u grow?


Well-Known Member
lol, all of the above.

...i started growing to increase the quality and lower the cost of what i was personally smoking, ...now i grow because i love to grow, ...it's just that because i love it, i've gotten pretty good at it and so i always have excess and that helps augment a meager budget so it's a win win no matter how i look at it, lol.

peace, bozo


Active Member
Started because I couldn't find anyone to buy weed from but funny enough I could find seeds.

But now after my first grow I'm hooked. Quality was super but for the first time I was also in control of curing and strain. Now as a hobby, I'm looking at trying different strains.

Never really had choice before, just got what I was able to get.

- SB -


Well-Known Member
Im Growing because soapbar will probably kill me, and also its an awsome hobby watching them grow up like children or summit. and yes £25 for 1 gram of decent weed just isnt going to work


Well-Known Member
The question is ,if you have the know how and the balls to break the law ,in most countries ,why not?

You get the satisfying hobby element of growing a plant and then you get to enjoy the fruits of your labour ..and when the fruits of your labour is grade A cannabis.. those are some damn fine fruits

Then theres the money charged and the quality available.I know someone who pays nealry 20$ a gram for the shittest weed on the planet.2-3 grams a week for the last 2 years ..they have noone else to get it off.I felt so bad when they produced this to me ,but no matter how bad i feel about that and as much as i want to help them ,i wont tell anyone what i'm doing.

If you wanna keep growing ,noone ,not even your best friend can know..thats a fact.


Well-Known Member
The question is ,if you have the know how and the balls to break the law ,in most countries ,why not?

You get the satisfying hobby element of growing a plant and then you get to enjoy the fruits of your labour ..and when the fruits of your labour is grade A cannabis.. those are some damn fine fruits

Then theres the money charged and the quality available.I know someone who pays nealry 20$ a gram for the shittest weed on the planet.2-3 grams a week for the last 2 years ..they have noone else to get it off.I felt so bad when they produced this to me ,but no matter how bad i feel about that and as much as i want to help them ,i wont tell anyone what i'm doing.

If you wanna keep growing ,noone ,not even your best friend can know..thats a fact.
Im always hearing of people getting some awesome weed for 150 pounds an oz, but in my area that would be impossible, £350 at least for decent stuff. Prices are insane, probably the best time to start making profit fromm our loved plant before it becomes legal.


Well-Known Member
I am with puffdatchronic. I am doing it for personal. Because I like to be self sufficient, my sort of armageddon preparedness. I don't like having to buy on the black market. And I know enough good people in law enforcement, who would still bust my ass cause it is their job, to know that there is a lot of bad shit tha goes hand in hand with the black market. I also know that, especially when it comes to imported shit, the folks you are supporting may be involved in stuff that is truly evil to other human beings. It is hard enough to know where my protein comes from and make good buying decisions, impossible for weed in my case.


Well-Known Member
I grow for 2 reasons, 1, the price is otrageous, 400$ a z, and 2, I enjoy knowing I grew this on my own and I know what it is, it's also a great hobby and I love to watch it grow knowing that I have control.
I think every one that enjoys a plant be it cucumber or MJ should grow it at least once. I remember when I was a young child and my mom took me out back to pick a perfectly ripe tomato. I was amazed that the same stuff in the store could be grown right in our backyard.


Well-Known Member
Thats a complex question. I'm in my mid 40's now but when I was 15 I was argueing with my father one day about politics and weed and jobs and shit and he says to me "what the hell do you want to to do for a living?" So I answer without thought or hesitation and say "I want to be a marijuana grower." So he says,"you can't do that you have to be in a jungle like Jamaica or Columbia to do that".(our familly was well traveled.)
Well I di do it I followed the Grateful Dead for six years and when I jumped off tour I jumped into Lane County Oregon in 1990. The indoor scene was just starting to boom. I got a house and paid some skilled dudes to come in and teach me, I learned. Then I moved to Oakland, CA in 1991 I set up and raged for a few years. After that I moved back to the east coast to florida where I got busted with a few plants in 1995, I got snitched on. I got set back up as soon as I was off probation Then in 2000 I moved to virginia and raged hard until another asshole snitched on me again and I got busted again in 2002. After that with all the felonies I have never been able to get a decent job doing anything other than labor and I would have random piss tests, neither of which I'm doing at my age.

So I still grow after all that. But why? First and formost becuase I smoke an 1/8-1/4 a day of the dankest weed you'll find anywhere, I've tried to buy weed around here thats as good as mine and if I find it its $25/gram so fuck that. Second I sell about half of what I grow which pays for the growing and leaves me with a some cash. I pay several bills from growing My wife is well employed so we just smoke up and pay the biolls and I make some extra money. But really I grow so I can have weed and I will never stop they would have to give me life in prison, and even then I might find a spot in the prison to plant a seed if I could find one.


Active Member
I am impressed with these answers, is anyone considering moving to Colorado or Washington now that it's legal there?