So after dabbing concentrates ill probably never "smoke" cannabis flowers again!

nah youre taking it a little too seriously and to the heart. I was just making a sarcastic remark, a joke. like when I said "IF youre smoking weed because you like the taste over the oil you have laying around..." when I say "youre" I wasnt referring to you. I was referring to anyone in general.. if theyre weed tastes better than their oil. theyre doing it wrong. I just assumed that if you like the taste of the weed, you would LOVE the taste of the oil that it would make, as im sure you very well know. that is all. just making a smartass remark/half assed joke. I guess you didnt get it and found it offensive instead. I am sorry for that. we all know youre the king of oil/hash and have done more studying, and have more bad ass oil making toys and tricks than pretty much anyone here probably. I know you dont make shitty oil, we all know you make good oil fadedawg...

Yeah, it is easier to read folks, when they aren't making sarcastic remarks, so I usually try to avoid them on line. My dry, wry humor isn't always taken with good graces either.

Thanks for saying so, but I'm also most certainly not the king of oil/hash or an expert on the subject, though I do have a thirst for the subject matter and appreciate what ya'll share.
lol...idk just as it was written i misconstrued it and took it as you thought u were "getting" copd FROM smoking buds but you dont "get" copd from the oil...i thought you thought that it goes away after a while..i was drinking i have to not do that before i come on here :wall:

To clear the air, smoking cannabis gave me COPD and if I continue to smoke, makes it worse. In my case it is bronchial congestion, that I can't quite get under to expel.

When I smoke oil, which is an expectorant, it does get under the congestion and expel it.
can you explain more on that?? you mean smoking/vaping oil doesnt make it worse? or give you anything bad to begin with?

I dont smoke cigarettes at all, or anything else, only have smoked weed for a long time. been smoking for 10 years now, lots of oil the last year or so.

ive noticed my lungs and stamina are definitely feeling it. while I am a smoker, I always thought that weed wasnt as bad on the lungs as cigarettes. boy was I uneducated.

I am going to try the oil only thing for a while in an oil rig with no combustion... see how that treats the lungs and the brain.

I know a sketchy old man that only smokes BHO...and lots of it... and its always underpurged. off the blades too. he can take massive tokes, and hold them in forever! its impressive... point is, hes immune to the damn stuff by now. joints dont even get him high... BHO barely does. I just dont wanna get to that point, cuz if I quit, ill quit for good!!!! maybe that isnt such a bad thing afterall.....
I know a sketchy old man that only smokes BHO...and lots of it... and its always underpurged. off the blades too. he can take massive tokes, and hold them in forever! its impressive... point is, hes immune to the damn stuff by now. joints dont even get him high... BHO barely does. I just dont wanna get to that point, cuz if I quit, ill quit for good!!!! maybe that isnt such a bad thing afterall.....

this guy must have iron lungs for sure
What I notice, is that smoke has a slight raw harsh edge to it, that is irritating to my lungs. It is worse burning a joint, because I can also taste the harshness of the paper and the end result is congestion in my bronchial tubes, that I can't expectorate without help.

When I vaporize oil, it still makes me cough, but it is a tickle, rather than harshness, and clears my lungs, rather than further congesting. Being an expectorant, is one of the listed attributes of cannabis oil, which may be directly related to the Pinene content, as Pinene is also listed as an expectorant.

I take most of my oil sublingually in a formula I named Holy Shit, and since I have taken it several years, I have lost the ability to get high. Most of my associates using daily doses of orals or sublingual oils, report that they no longer get high either, so it looks like it comes with the territory.

If I was taking it for the high, like I did for the first 40 years, I would have quit when the effects stopped, but alas I take it for chronic pain and it works better than anything else available, that I can still function on.
whats up with this "raw" extract? supposed to be 100% cannabinoids...
LOL harsh budder from what I hear.
Mmmmmm, not sure why "Wax" became a popular term for water extracted resin glands, or is something different?

It was called full dome clear melt (or something) / bubble hash a decade ago. Now there is wax, shatter etc etc all of which i don't feel i got a clear definition of.

I am gonna try makin some bubble hash with my first harvests trim..... Kind of a neat idea but you could just use two bags to make bulk hash.... go from the work bag directly to 25 micron....

let drain and dry.

Wax is a term that I've been using for a few years to describe my water hash, partially just to cause confusion. Mostly because it looks like the cooked/whipped BHO people call wax. And I think its funny people turn their wax laden BHO into something that looks like good water hash. Wax is simply a reference to the trichome shell, in addition to the wax coating on all plant parts. If you are making BHO you might be dissolving the trichome wax and extracting it with the oil found inside, this is common practice for high yields. Wax content in hash oils range from 5% to over 20% depending on the parameters of extraction and base material. Full melt is also a great term, it will make its comeback soon enough. Bubble hash not so much, as wet hash bubbles the most.

In response to the health questions:
My understanding is cannabis is the most special plant on the planet. The negative affects of the plant in its natural states (flowers, hash, kif) are outweighed by the positive affects. Only when you chemically dissolve the trichome, and recrystallize it (budder, wax, honeycomb), do you encounter something not natural. Honeycomb/budder is chemically comparable to wasp wax, not plant wax. This crystalline wax is very stable (you can touch it ect) and gets stuck in the lungs. This is most likely why we see lungs collapsing.
LOL harsh budder from what I hear.

Wax is a term that I've been using for a few years to describe my water hash, partially just to cause confusion. Mostly because it looks like the cooked/whipped BHO people call wax. And I think its funny people turn their wax laden BHO into something that looks like good water hash. Wax is simply a reference to the trichome shell, in addition to the wax coating on all plant parts. If you are making BHO you might be dissolving the trichome wax and extracting it with the oil found inside, this is common practice for high yields. Wax content in hash oils range from 5% to over 20% depending on the parameters of extraction and base material. Full melt is also a great term, it will make its comeback soon enough. Bubble hash not so much, as wet hash bubbles the most.

In response to the health questions:
My understanding is cannabis is the most special plant on the planet. The negative affects of the plant in its natural states (flowers, hash, kif) are outweighed by the positive affects. Only when you chemically dissolve the trichome, and recrystallize it (budder, wax, honeycomb), do you encounter something not natural. Honeycomb/budder is chemically comparable to wasp wax, not plant wax. This crystalline wax is very stable (you can touch it ect) and gets stuck in the lungs. This is most likely why we see lungs collapsing.

haha , i thought bubble hash was called that because you used bubble bags to extract it . what a dope . so i presume they call it full melt because it melts fully and disappears? stupid question i know.

i have never smoked oil , wax , bubble hash . any of that shit . last time i smoked hash it was at these ridiculous drum circles they used to hold in philly when i was a teen. hundreds of people smoking and drinking playing drums. you could find anything there. those were the days
The less vegatable matter you smoke, the easier it is on your throat and lungs. At least that's what I find.

So when you make hash, you are removing vegatable matter.

When you make oil, you're removing further impurities that hash will have. So you have an even purer product.
is it possible to free base hash oil ?. just curious . cause if it was, i would inject it directly into my brain. fuck that smoking nonsense.
Now of course all oil isn't created equal. There is high and low end oil.

When I make oil, I remove it with the bowl method. And I usually like to extract oil from an already processed hash product. Like sift or bubble.

I then like to add a bit of sift back into the oil, just to give it form when you handle it.

b39aa.jpg Here's some prime material to extract oil from b40.PNG Thunder Powder and Wonder Bubble.
I extract both full melt and honey oil with a friendly solvent, grain alcahol, no butane necessary.

048.jpgThe orangish yellow oil on top is the honey oil. In this picture I'm using outdoor bud to produce the honey oil.
Rather then doing dabs, I'll place a small flattened piece of the solidified hash oil product I mentioned previously and put it on top of some sift hash. And then rather then vaporize them as most people might do I ignite them.

With a heat manipulation device like this one:

I also make my own vapor bongs, with medical grade pyrex tubing, and any type glass bottle that suits you. I like pop bottles.
you mixed oil with kief? I did that once and it was the biggest waste of kief and oil ive ever seen. it didnt smoke worth shit after that... they both seemed to fight each other in the bowl and I was very disappointed.
I love experimenting, but so far prefer to vaporize my oil and kif separate, as they both have delightful individual flavors. Our jelly hash works well, but isn't smooth to smoke.

We tried rolling a bud in oil, and then rolling that oily bud in kif. After repeating several times, we allowed it to set up and then passed it in a pipe, during a break in a soap and topical making class we were attending . We had the full class and instructor, about 12 people, all coughing at once, cause it ended up harsh.

One wise ass, noted that it was a MMJ group, and said, "Let the healing begin!"


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this guy must have iron lungs for sure

Or maybe the inside surfaces of his lungs are so covered in crap accumulated over the years, that it is difficult for anything to diffuse through his alveoli. I suspect part of the reason that inexperienced smokers get more high is also because their lungs are "fresh" :P
Or maybe the inside surfaces of his lungs are so covered in crap accumulated over the years, that it is difficult for anything to diffuse through his alveoli. I suspect part of the reason that inexperienced smokers get more high is also because their lungs are "fresh" :P

no the reason is because the cannabinoid receptors in your brain get slowly less receptive the more you smoke...the a receptors regenerate fully when you dont smoke a while but the b receptors only regenerate partially :(