Please help diagnosing this problem - Tangerine Dream looking pale and droopy


Well-Known Member
I can't ever figure out whether the symptoms are a deficiency or an over abundance, or neither. Anyway, this is the problem. The new growth looks all pale green, droopy, and strangely veiny. Looks a bit like a Dr Seuss character. It's 2 weeks into flower and the bottom half looks fine, but the top looks like this.

I checked all the FAQs and the charts that show each nutrient deficiency, and it looks like any number of things to me. I really have no idea. Please help!!!img1.jpgimg2.jpgimg3.jpg
ive got 9 of these now and there 3 weeks in they like to drink 2 times a day i give nutes in the morning and plain water at night mine looked like this wen in veg i was feeding ever 3 days but when i changed it they perked up less feeds more often hope it helps or maybe some of the guys no more about this strain


Well-Known Member
ive got 9 of these now and there 3 weeks in they like to drink 2 times a day i give nutes in the morning and plain water at night mine looked like this wen in veg i was feeding ever 3 days but when i changed it they perked up less feeds more often hope it helps or maybe some of the guys no more about this strain
Damn! You give nutes every single day? And water every night? I'm happy it's working out for you, but I'm hesitant to go this route. Hopefully somebody else has some experience with this strain that can weigh in.


Active Member
Well if you give it a lot of water, then try slacking off.
If you think you don't really give a lot of water, then try to give it more.
Test the pH and see if it's neutral.
When it comes to nutes, try to diagnose to the best of your ability and then add one at a time, wait two to three days and see if it improves, then move on.
When you solve the problem, you'll have learned something new.
Damn! You give nutes every single day? And water every night? I'm happy it's working out for you, but I'm hesitant to go this route. Hopefully somebody else has some experience with this strain that can weigh in.
yes every day my girls seem to love it i have got 1200 watts in there so mine seem to dry quite quick good luck tho bro let me no how it turns out

sheik yerbouti

Active Member
How close are the lights and how much wattage? I've lowered my lights too close and stressed my plants causing them to look exactly like what you have going on there. If so just raise the lights and wait 5 days, they'll come back.

If not that what size pots you in? My plants will droop when pot bound. Don't get the light coloring with pot bound though so prob not the problem.

Other than that I could maybe guess nutrient lock out if you've been using a heavy nutrient regime but sounds like your not doing that.


Well-Known Member
The lights are usually about 3-4 inches from the top, but it all fluorescents (T5 and CFLs), so I don't want them to be too far away.

The pot size is 5 gallon tall pots. I can see roots poking out from the bottom drainage holes, but I see that happening with most of the other plants too. Is that a sign of it being root bound?

sheik yerbouti

Active Member
The lights are usually about 3-4 inches from the top, but it all fluorescents (T5 and CFLs), so I don't want them to be too far away.

The pot size is 5 gallon tall pots. I can see roots poking out from the bottom drainage holes, but I see that happening with most of the other plants too. Is that a sign of it being root bound?
Ya those are big enough pots unless your plants are 5 ft tall already and I doubt that your florescent lighting will cause the droop. Maybe more pics would help but you said the leaves at the bottom are still perky but just the top is drooping? sounds like maybe the plants are having trouble transporting water to the top. Do you let you soil dry at all or just water when needed? Are there nutrients in the soil or you feeding nutrients and what kind? Also what are your day and night temps? Any chance that they are getting too low or high?

Tough call for sure without seeing or knowing how much your watering or too little, basically if your watering every 5 days it could be underwatering. Overwatering looks a little different then what you got. You shouldn't let the pots completely dry out either, the should be lighter when you lift the pot then when you watered but not as light as a dry pot.


Well-Known Member
yeah, the leaves on the bottom half look completely different. They're mostly wider, healthier looking color, and aren't at all droopy. It's just the ones on the top half that look this way.

General Hydroponics nutes (grow, micro, bloom) and bud candy with this plant. Feeding roughly every other watering. It's in FF Ocean Forest soil.

However, it is kind of cold in there. Could that be what's doing this? It hasnt caused this reaction in other strains, but I guess that doesn't really mean much...
Lights on temp tops out around 66f, and lights out gets down to 58f. I'm guessing that the low temps are also keeping the soil from drying out too fast, as it seems to take 5-6 days until it feels dry enough to water again.


Well-Known Member
The pale color looks like they could use more nitrogen. Not sure how much is it those nutes you are using. As far as the temps, I'm sure you prob know the answer to that already. 58f overnight is a little chilly. I would try to raise both day and night temps some if possible. Good luck man.

sheik yerbouti

Active Member
yeah, the leaves on the bottom half look completely different. They're mostly wider, healthier looking color, and aren't at all droopy. It's just the ones on the top half that look this way.

General Hydroponics nutes (grow, micro, bloom) and bud candy with this plant. Feeding roughly every other watering. It's in FF Ocean Forest soil.

However, it is kind of cold in there. Could that be what's doing this? It hasnt caused this reaction in other strains, but I guess that doesn't really mean much...
Lights on temp tops out around 66f, and lights out gets down to 58f. I'm guessing that the low temps are also keeping the soil from drying out too fast, as it seems to take 5-6 days until it feels dry enough to water again.
Ya thats not too bad for temps, def colder than ideal, that strain could be temp sensitive or the fact that its taking a while to dry out is causing a problem. I don't see any signs of toxicity or deficiency so my guess is a climate thing. Can you get your hands on an electric heater to raise the temps? If you can get them warmer and get them drying out faster so you can water with fresh water more often they may rebound. Just be careful to not get impatient and try something drastic like flushing or trying to correct nute defiecies, you'll just make it worse. When I lowered my lights too far onto my plants I thought they needed a flush and the flush basically killed the plant. Stressing out an already stressed plant is a bad thing.

Also how much Micro, grow, bloom, bud Candy are you putting in? does FF soil not have nutrients already?


Well-Known Member
Epsom salt foliar spray pronto, or use a product called insta green in a really works well. Looks waterlogged and hot. (use a wetting agent if possible) results should be evident very soon.


Well-Known Member
Can you get your hands on an electric heater to raise the temps? If you can get them warmer and get them drying out faster so you can water with fresh water more often they may rebound.
Also how much Micro, grow, bloom, bud Candy are you putting in? does FF soil not have nutrients already?
Using an electric heater makes me nervous, because it would have to be on all the time until winter is over. I know the oil filled kind are supposed to be safe, but I'm not sure if they're intended to be on all the time for months on end.

Also, at this point in the plant's life, it's getting pretty much close to full strength nutes. I'm told that FF ocean forest has nutes already, but I thought that after it's been in that medium for a while, it isn't a replacement for additional nutes. Yes?

sheik yerbouti

Active Member
Using an electric heater makes me nervous, because it would have to be on all the time until winter is over. I know the oil filled kind are supposed to be safe, but I'm not sure if they're intended to be on all the time for months on end.

Also, at this point in the plant's life, it's getting pretty much close to full strength nutes. I'm told that FF ocean forest has nutes already, but I thought that after it's been in that medium for a while, it isn't a replacement for additional nutes. Yes?
Ya they are built to be used all the time. I use them consistently in my house and grow as its cold here in the winter as well. You can get ones with built in t-stats as well so once temps get to a certain point they shut off.

What is your full strength nutrient program? like how many ml/gal. You say you have other plants in the room that are not effected? Cold temps or salt build up is about all I can guess.