World Of Hempy


Well-Known Member
I like the idea of an "8 holer" hempy. If you grew a mother in in it you could call it an "octo-mom" (LOL). Seriously, it brings on ideas of "uniformity" in exhaust airflow around the root zone during watering and also a uniform "intake" of air as water is used and transpired up above. Only possible issue is variability in hole location with non-machined human DYI drilling. The lowest hole in the bucket becomes the res depth. But 1/8' holes are easy to nail repeatably. Why not....right on Chacka!
Something I noticed early on so I prefer making the hole with a hot screwdriver (not so easy in a bucket).

I also put a piece of tape on a ruler so I know exactly how high up the hole needs to be.


Well-Known Member
Psilocybinndude, yes, no big disadvantages but in case this is useful in the future, here's your numbers with a 2" perlite reservoir in the "ringed top" utility buckets.....3.5gal = 1.5gal per feed....2gal = 1gal per feed (33% less). I stepped down from 3.5g is the only reason I know. A lot of us with time on the clock have gotten tired of hauling, treating and mixing water. It's probably just human nature.
Thanks for the info man and props on the awesome grow, if anyone can show me that a 5 gallon bucket is over kill for the application its you, because of those massive fucking plants in those itty bitty pots you've got lol, I'm still going to go with 5 gallon buckets out of convenience and because they are already painted so thanks for the info man.


Well-Known Member
I will be using 3 5 gallon buckets for my set up, i knew 5 gallon buckets might be a bit over kill but i don't see any real disadvantages to using them, i know that i might be wasting a bit of nutes and water but it seems like it would be worth it to me for the extra root space and structural integrity of the plants, the way i figure it is the reservoir in the hempy at 2 inches from the bottom couldn't hold more than a gallon and when its filled up with perlite it should only hold a miniscule amount, so i shouldn't need to add that much to refresh the nutes...
My run before the one i just finished up i used 5 gallon buckets. I actually got a better yield from one gallon containers this last grow. Seems like a much better root ball in the 1 gallon. Much more roots in the res for sure. Of course if you did a long veg in the 5 gallon im sure it would pay off...but then unless your scrog your plants will be mighty tall.


hi folks I asked a question in the newbie thread and was told Moebius was the 1 to ask and id find him my question was I have 2 seedlings in rockwool and I plan growing them in canna coco pro how do I go about this? is it a case of filling a pot with coco placing the rockwool in the center and water? if I need to add nutes straight away how much would I add iv canna A& it also best to start in smaller pots n work up to final size which is 18ltr.thanks to anyone who can help.peace

Rusty Shakelford

Well-Known Member
Hey Guys,, Well I jumped into the Coco boat last weekend and picked up a bag of Nutrifield Coco, cause the Store was out of the Roots Organic, and had to order in CNS17 for Coco

The NF Coco didn't mention anything about Rinsing it, but only to infuse it with your nutes before planting,, So I put together some hempy cups with perlite in the Res and Coco the rest of the way up, then Ran some nutes through em.

I then Transplanted a Batch of about the WORST LOOKING Clones from my last batch into the cups. These clones were just beat to hell with problems, so as far as I am concerned, GREAT for Testing Purposes. You can see what a Mess these were by looking at the Original Fan Leaves, and you can see that in just the last 4 Days, they are starting to Burst with Healthy New Growth..

20130115_132954 (1).jpg20130116_071142.jpg20130116_071705.jpg20130116_071731.jpg

So I went ahead and Transplanted my new Moms from Perlite Cups into 1 Gallon Coco Hempy's so they can start making me Youngans.

AFGHAN KUSH Northern Lights x Big Bud
20130116_071218.jpg 20130116_071226.jpg

I have only watered everyone once so far and the Coco seems to be holding just the right amount of Moisture (Not Soggy)

So far So good!!!

Oh and just a Quick Update on the SCROG.. I am at the Half way point with Flowering. I also did not get as much stretch out of these girls as I had anticipated (A week and a Half at best), so my screen did not fill in COMPLETELY, but I can also see where a couple of Practice Grows of SCROG comes in.
Anyway, its just a Matter of waiting for them to Plump up and Ripen now.. They are pretty much hands off at this point.. I feed every other morning and that's about it.. Now I'm Bored ;-).. At least I have the Cups and Moms in Veg to keep me busy, although it looks like I will be watering them less often, so I may need to get another hobby.

THANKS a Bunch W.O.H :leaf::leaf::leaf:



Well-Known Member
My run before the one i just finished up i used 5 gallon buckets. I actually got a better yield from one gallon containers this last grow. Seems like a much better root ball in the 1 gallon. Much more roots in the res for sure. Of course if you did a long veg in the 5 gallon im sure it would pay off...but then unless your scrog your plants will be mighty tall.
Well my plants are scrog and i have plenty of head room so im not to worried about that, but i wasn't really planning on vegging for very long my screens are about 10 inches from the tops of my containers, so i was figuring i would be vegging for a month at max, hmm i did not anticipate the amount of roots in the res effecting the growth of the plants but im wondering should i perhaps drill the holes on my buckets higher up on the buckets than 2 inch's so that i have more of a res?

Any more experience or info provided on using 5 gallon buckets as hempys would be greatly appreciated...


Well-Known Member
Moe, You said you just use a heated screwdriver for your hempy hole. Is that about 1/4" size in the 2L? Just want a better idea for optimal drainage in the 2Ls. Was thinking about doing 2 - 1/8" holes opposite sides of the container. Would this work or would the holes be to small? Trying to avoid needing to glue screens on the the containers as well. Thx


Well-Known Member
Moe, You said you just use a heated screwdriver for your hempy hole. Is that about 1/4" size in the 2L? Just want a better idea for optimal drainage in the 2Ls. Was thinking about doing 2 - 1/8" holes opposite sides of the container. Would this work or would the holes be to small? Trying to avoid needing to glue screens on the the containers as well. Thx
the hole made by the heated screwdriver is only about 5mm. ... I make 4 holes in the 2L bottle, any less and it would just take longer to feed as it takes longer to drain. .


Well-Known Member
My crystal ball says "10 days left"..some of these tops are 3" across and swelling everyday.....plants are sucking up their own starches due to the lower doses of nutrients on the Canna feed schedule. I see maybe 2 more feedings and 5 days of flush and its quitting time. Trich's are milky...some still clear. This is the point where I was talking earlier about dropping the lumen's setting on my Lumatek ballast to improve THC production. Doesn't look like it would hurt the yield at this point does it? But, I'd have a hard time proving it was better, never grew this strain.
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Jela10, that's some fine medicine you have there! I can see first hand the true power of the 2 gal bucket. How tall are those plants 2'? They look absolutely beautiful. I can't wait to hear how it smokes. Maybe you and the wifey can share a cross-joint in honor of the film ;) I still can't get over how big those colas are. Seems like no matter how hard you try by topping, one cola always leans more dominant. I've seen this in all my previous topped grows too, unless I did something wrong (which is ENTIRELY possible).


Well-Known Member
Hey Guys,, Well I jumped into the Coco boat last weekend and picked up a bag of Nutrifield Coco, cause the Store was out of the Roots Organic, and had to order in CNS17 for Coco
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The NF Coco didn't mention anything about Rinsing it, but only to infuse it with your nutes before planting,, So I put together some hempy cups with perlite in the Res and Coco the rest of the way up, then Ran some nutes through em.

I then Transplanted a Batch of about the WORST LOOKING Clones from my last batch into the cups. These clones were just beat to hell with problems, so as far as I am concerned, GREAT for Testing Purposes. You can see what a Mess these were by looking at the Original Fan Leaves, and you can see that in just the last 4 Days, they are starting to Burst with Healthy New Growth..

View attachment 2482652View attachment 2482654View attachment 2482655View attachment 2482656

So I went ahead and Transplanted my new Moms from Perlite Cups into 1 Gallon Coco Hempy's so they can start making me Youngans.

AFGHAN KUSH Northern Lights x Big Bud
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I have only watered everyone once so far and the Coco seems to be holding just the right amount of Moisture (Not Soggy)

So far So good!!!

Oh and just a Quick Update on the SCROG.. I am at the Half way point with Flowering. I also did not get as much stretch out of these girls as I had anticipated (A week and a Half at best), so my screen did not fill in COMPLETELY, but I can also see where a couple of Practice Grows of SCROG comes in.
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Anyway, its just a Matter of waiting for them to Plump up and Ripen now.. They are pretty much hands off at this point.. I feed every other morning and that's about it.. Now I'm Bored ;-).. At least I have the Cups and Moms in Veg to keep me busy, although it looks like I will be watering them less often, so I may need to get another hobby.

THANKS a Bunch W.O.H :leaf::leaf::leaf:

Looking NICE Rusty! Seems like this PH pen is working much better! They all have a nice green to them. Congratulations on switching to coco. Once I finish 6.5 cu ft of perlite, I'll be doing coco hempy's too. I've been mixing in the extremely coarse vermiculite into my mix to help retain water in the 2 liters.

I see you may have jumped on the June promo bandwagon too with the WOS seeds. Is that regular afghan kush or crossed with the skunk? Looks a lot like the one I just finished growing. The scrog is looking great. How is the chicken wire? Did you end up just tying them down?


Well-Known Member
Something I noticed early on so I prefer making the hole with a hot screwdriver (not so easy in a bucket). I also put a piece of tape on a ruler so I know exactly how high up the hole needs to be.
Moebius, I would hate to meet you in a dark alley!


Well-Known Member
Moebius, I would hate to meet you in a dark alley!
Man i must say i am so impressed with your grow, i am really startled that it was done under a 400 watt light, my first grow was done under a 400 watt hps i yielded 5 OZ and i can only wish it could have touched what i project your yield to be i really hope that with the improvments i have made to my garden i can get buds close to the size of yours.


Well-Known Member
I used a soldering iron after my drill cracked the pot before it made a hole :) 8 holes all opposite each other, measured quick like beforehand.


Well-Known Member
Hey Guys,, Well I jumped into the Coco boat last weekend and picked up a bag of Nutrifield Coco,
Rusty, power to ya bro! I've been watching your grows for the past year wish you the best of luck with your new coco's an awesome medium and an easy transition from perlite. Everyone here on WOH knows my quest to prove that hempy is not just a perlite venture and that there are other mediums to enjoy.....coco was the first step for me in knowing that.


Well-Known Member
Jela10, that's some fine medicine you have there! I can see first hand the true power of the 2 gal bucket. How tall are those plants 2'?
Geeez Dank, I just measured height after your question and the tallest one is 47.5"'ve got some eyeball's a shot of my light hangers maxed out in a 78" high tent (6.6')....came close didn't I.....



Well-Known Member
Geeez Dank, I just measured height after your question and the tallest one is 47.5"'ve got some eyeball's a shot of my light hangers maxed out in a 78" high tent (6.6')....came close didn't I.....
haha and here was me considering the pineapple ex. :wall:

That pic saved me a lot of headache. too tall for me.


Well-Known Member
Geeez Dank, I just measured height after your question and the tallest one is 47.5"'ve got some eyeball's a shot of my light hangers maxed out in a 78" high tent (6.6')....came close didn't I.....
In a pinch you could raise that up another 9 inches or so, just zip tie the light straight to the cross members :) I had to do it once or twice. My ceiling is 9'4" now though! Bam! Excited lol


Well-Known Member
WOH,.... I unveil to you, before your very eyes, the next generation hempy medium combo that will rock this planet.....introducing the the new "Triple Threat, Double Debt" hempy medium. You've seen my PE Express in mapito from Mapito USA (fat 1" chunks of rockwool and large chunks of polyurethane couch foam). Now I've been playing with sprouts in a new vendor's mapito from and some sprouts in Grodan "grow cubes" that are 3/16" square. So far the sprouts do well in the higher foam content and the fluffy wool-like rock-wool found in the new mapito..... but I've had a rough time with the small rock-wool grow cubes with air trapped in between its cubes that mismatch during compaction. Even though I soaked the Grodan mini-cubes in pH'ed water, I burnt some young ones using the really safe Canna "Start" and "Rhizotonic". What, me?....burn youngsters with Canna start? Yes I did. Here's why....when you have a medium with high air content, your water transpires from the surface of the medium faster than the young ones can drink it; especially if you have a fan on it to stiffen the stems. You witness the starter cup getting dry, so you add more water/nutrients because you have it mixed and ready to pour. Bad move,...the water has been evaporating and leaving a higher concentration of salts behind. So my dumb-ass adds more. Luckily I figured out you need a surface cap over the rock-wool to keep air from drying it out too fast. So, in came hydroton clay balls to the rescue. Then I thought "why do just mapito, or just do rock-wool cubes"? You could take advantage of several zones in the root ball. Lets have a party for the girls....mapito lower 2/3rds, rock-wool cubes atop that with a cap of hydroton clay balls for a "triple threat". "Double Dept" in the nickname is for the cost..I'm sure the expense is more for some than perlite or plain coco...but WTF, I'm having fun and getting nice meds out of this. Barney's Farm Blue Cheese...10 days from seed.



Well-Known Member
WOH,.... I unveil to you, before your very eyes, the next generation hempy medium combo that will rock this planet.....introducing the the new "Triple Threat, Double Debt" hempy medium. You've seen my PE Express in mapito from Mapito USA (fat 1" chunks of rockwool and large chunks of polyurethane couch foam). Now I've been playing with sprouts in a new vendor's mapito from and some sprouts in Grodan "grow cubes" that are 3/16" square. So far the sprouts do well in the higher foam content and the fluffy wool-like rock-wool found in the new mapito..... but I've had a rough time with the small rock-wool grow cubes with air trapped in between its cubes that mismatch during compaction. Even though I soaked the Grodan mini-cubes in pH'ed water, I burnt some young ones using the really safe Canna "Start" and "Rhizotonic". What, me?....burn youngsters with Canna start? Yes I did. Here's why....when you have a medium with high air content, your water transpires from the surface of the medium faster than the young ones can drink it; especially if you have a fan on it to stiffen the stems. You witness the starter cup getting dry, so you add more water/nutrients because you have it mixed and ready to pour. Bad move,...the water has been evaporating and leaving a higher concentration of salts behind. So my dumb-ass adds more. Luckily I figured out you need a surface cap over the rock-wool to keep air from drying it out too fast. So, in came hydroton clay balls to the rescue. Then I thought "why do just mapito, or just do rock-wool cubes"? You could take advantage of several zones in the root ball. Lets have a party for the girls....mapito lower 2/3rds, rock-wool cubes atop that with a cap of hydroton clay balls for a "triple threat". "Double Dept" in the nickname is for the cost..I'm sure the expense is more for some than perlite or plain coco...but WTF, I'm having fun and getting nice meds out of this. Barney's Farm Blue Cheese...10 days from seed.
I'm sure the cost is negligible when you consider the Ganja youre getting. I like trying the different mediums and learning their properties too, I tried Hydroton pebbles on top of my 2L for the reason you listed above, I think I posted pics earlier on WoH.
Ive always liked Hydroton as a product but I did find that with so many Hempys and in such a small space I would spill one and end up picking up pebbles for days but this was mainly due to working in a tight space.

Those Hempys look like Strawberry Sundaes :weed:
