ICE WAX (bubble hash) with Matt Rize

Use all the bags!

Yes, pull the water out using paper towels thru the provided 5micron "drying" silk screens. Then chill the patty. Then grate it thin, let it dry in a cold dehumidified room.

ALL 8!!!!!!! Or 7, or 6 depends on how much trim you have. I just use a 38, 73, 120, 160, 190, 220 because the 25 is too slow for me. And mixing the 73 and 90 are my thing.

25 is too slow for you because you refuse to learn my trick ;)))) but I'll be happy to tell you again . . . there's no good reason a hash maker of your level shouldn't be using the 25 bag....
25 is too slow for you because you refuse to learn my trick ;)))) but I'll be happy to tell you again . . . there's no good reason a hash maker of your level shouldn't be using the 25 bag....
the cooking grades take too much space or time to dry, and are not high enough quality to be worth working with on my level. im past 25s poplars, long time now. If you think throwing out 25 is bad... I recently rejected 50 lbs of trim, just not a flavor I wanted to work with. Also returning some SourD, too chemy for me. The 25 bag also tends to catch contaminants like mold spores. I throw away more hash than most people would imagine, its work to me. 160 bag and 25 bags make hash, sure, but not of a quality worth my time.
I used my 25 and it drained just fine??
Ar you washing several pounds of trim each run? We use multiple machines draining into one set of bags to process. I find that even with 20 gallon bags the 25 micron can clog up unless we set the bags up perfectly from the start. And even if I keep it, I have no market for it.

Im sure I've missed some things, its busy season still here in Cali. I should get some free time around... idk mid summer LOL.

Please remind us if we missed your question along the way.
the cooking grades take too much space or time to dry, and are not high enough quality to be worth working with on my level. im past 25s poplars, long time now. If you think throwing out 25 is bad... I recently rejected 50 lbs of trim, just not a flavor I wanted to work with. Also returning some SourD, too chemy for me. The 25 bag also tends to catch contaminants like mold spores. I throw away more hash than most people would imagine, its work to me. 160 bag and 25 bags make hash, sure, but not of a quality worth my time.

I'll take that, just don't say the 25 bag takes too long to drain because there is a method to get past that ;).
I just made some timewreck Wax and it turned out great it still drying after the micro plane. My thing is this tho the last four or 5 times ive made hash my big money bag is the 120 micron bag. The hash from this is always clean and full melt. My 90 micron bags never have a thing in them tho then my 73 micron bag always has a little bit and the 45 a little more. the 25 micron always has a good bit but never as much as the 120. My question is this am i growing my bud wrong or something to not be getting this 90 and 73 micron shit or cud it be that just these strains that ive made it with the last few times have bigger trichs. The last 4 runs I have used Chernobyl, qush, timewreck, royal purp kush. These where all full melt and the 120 bag was the winner. The run i did with the Ripped Bubba had a good bit in the 73 and 45 a little in the 90 and not much in the 120 this hash wasnt full melt so Im thinking its just possibly the bud and has nothing to do with my growing. Anyone else have anything like this .

Also I have heard Mr Rize you make your wax in a walk in freezer after hearing this I made my last batch in my walk out freezer. Outside in my garage its a freezer this time of year the temps where like 8 F so it worked fucken awsome. This question tho if you do use a walk in freezer what are the temps around. I noticed that when i did it outside that cold I stirred and let sit for 15-20 min and when i pulled it out the worker bag was frozen. No probs there just the bit of ice that made it into the 190 other than that it was good. Anyway outside in the cold was the fucken way to go I will almost certainly never make it when its warm out again. Now im gonna be looking for a friend thats a manager at a resturant so that this summer i can use there Walk in freezer after hours. probably gonna have to give a little for use of the walk in but its a win win. I will post some pics of the Timewreck Wax tonight.
Well I really appreciate all the info your giving. I probably hav close to 50lbs of trim mabe more from both strains, and Friday is trimming day. I have a small cheese grater ill try to use for grating and what about the freezer? When do you put it in and how long.
Thanks to Matt Rize for passing on the skillz to the common folk. Mr Rize I now can say that i have true conneseur quality ice wax better than most average peoples homemade bubble. I just gotta find myself a few strains that payout in a 90 and 73 bag so i can check them out. My 120 is still pretty good i believe. Thanks again for the knowledge. TGA genetics Timewreck 120 micronPIC_0498.JPGPIC_0497.JPGPIC_0496.JPGPIC_0495.JPGPIC_0499.JPGPIC_0500.JPG
I will post pics. I have no idea how much ill get back becaues this is pretty much my first time
doing it this way And ive never had a grow this big because im finally legal now. I'm going to use all eight bags and ill make sure I post pics. I'm pretty f$&@ing excited right now except for the trim I'm about to do. Tomorrow or Friday ill take pics of tthe plants
and room and on Saturday it will be bubble day well my minions are trimming ill be posting pics. I'm only gonna make half this way and the other half I think I'm gonna dry out and see if there is a differance.
Matt- Just wondering, if you are tossing your 160, why are you bothering with a 190 bag?
redundancy, habit, just cause. I've tried without, and prefer using the 190.
I just made some timewreck Wax and it turned out great it still drying after the micro plane. My thing is this tho the last four or 5 times ive made hash my big money bag is the 120 micron bag. The hash from this is always clean and full melt. My 90 micron bags never have a thing in them tho then my 73 micron bag always has a little bit and the 45 a little more. the 25 micron always has a good bit but never as much as the 120. My question is this am i growing my bud wrong or something to not be getting this 90 and 73 micron shit or cud it be that just these strains that ive made it with the last few times have bigger trichs. The last 4 runs I have used Chernobyl, qush, timewreck, royal purp kush. These where all full melt and the 120 bag was the winner. The run i did with the Ripped Bubba had a good bit in the 73 and 45 a little in the 90 and not much in the 120 this hash wasnt full melt so Im thinking its just possibly the bud and has nothing to do with my growing. Anyone else have anything like this .

Also I have heard Mr Rize you make your wax in a walk in freezer after hearing this I made my last batch in my walk out freezer. Outside in my garage its a freezer this time of year the temps where like 8 F so it worked fucken awsome. This question tho if you do use a walk in freezer what are the temps around. I noticed that when i did it outside that cold I stirred and let sit for 15-20 min and when i pulled it out the worker bag was frozen. No probs there just the bit of ice that made it into the 190 other than that it was good. Anyway outside in the cold was the fucken way to go I will almost certainly never make it when its warm out again. Now im gonna be looking for a friend thats a manager at a resturant so that this summer i can use there Walk in freezer after hours. probably gonna have to give a little for use of the walk in but its a win win. I will post some pics of the Timewreck Wax tonight.
What brand bags are you using? I had "great" yields in my 120 bag using cheaper bags with incorrect pore sizes. \
No on the walkin freezer, but my hash house is about 45 degrees this time of year.
I would guess so his 160 bag doesnt clog up and ruin the output of the other bags! lol. good question though.
that too.
Well I really appreciate all the info your giving. I probably hav close to 50lbs of trim mabe more from both strains, and Friday is trimming day. I have a small cheese grater ill try to use for grating and what about the freezer? When do you put it in and how long.
I chill the patty after pulling out the water with paper towels, to make them grate-able. Each run and strain is unique.
so you scrape the bubble bags.

kinda pat dry as you can real quick.

then quickly put in freezer? even though its not 100% dry? for how long?

then pull it out, microplane it, and let it fully dry like that?
so you scrape the bubble bags.

kinda pat dry as you can real quick.

then quickly put in freezer? even though its not 100% dry? for how long?

then pull it out, microplane it, and let it fully dry like that?

don't pat dry, let the water wick out of the pattie.

Thank you for all the info. I am new to all of this IWE biz. I was wondering if anyone has tried this I think it may be helpful because you don't have to hold the chunk of hash So it will be protected from your body heat. You could even put the devise in the freezer to keep it cool.

I am thinking of heading up to Hopland and trying the dab bar. I just wondered into this IWE thing because I get a ton of free shake and I prefer smoking to eating. And I prefer water to chemicals. I started medicating 15 years ago and didnt realize how high tech the smoking scene got. I am in the process of educating myself and currently on the hunt for an affordable introductory piece so I can consume this hash I am making.
would the center ever dry out that way?? seems like just the outside does.

yes it does, because it 'wicks' the water out of the patty, thus it should be pretty even.

and it's not to dry it, it's to achieve a certain moisture level before grating.