Best Places For White People

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White Guy in Mexico gonna stick out like a boner in silk...I know you are doing a bit beardo but where u live now? Cali
I was just pointing out Mexico"s awesome for white people but not anyone else

Well, most mestizos in Mexico are mostly European, if that is what you meant. Good to see I'm not the only one who sees the hypocrisy of the "white, not of hispanic origin" distinction so prevalent in the US. Or did you mean that Mexico is a good place for non Mestizo Caucasians? I tend to agree with this view also, although gringos are tolerated mostly because of the tourist dollars they bring, they are not tolerated everywhere with the same enthusiasm. Some places, you are better off saying you're Canadian than American, so much of this varying enthusiasm is political.
Where are the best places for White people? What makes these places great places for being White? we're talking about regular White people who like to do regular White people stuff, not dirty hippies or hipsters.

shit i would say??? PRESCOTT i got five months for cultivating marijuana in 1992 and the white kid next to me got probation lolz fuck it would have been nice to be white right about then???? lolz i ended up violating and doing prisson time for six baby's total time 2 years lolz
shit i would say??? PRESCOTT i got five months for cultivating marijuana in 1992 and the white kid next to me got probation lolz fuck it would have been nice to be white right about then???? lolz i ended up violating and doing prisson time for six baby's total time 2 years lolz

Those fuckers, we should run all the honkeys into one state and leave them to themselves, their sports teams will suck. We should give em Texas or Alaska and give em shit untill they all move their and then cut them off and let them succeed.
What if someone wanted to start a private town for whites, is this possible? Can you have a whole private town? Maybe as part of a club or church? Like a homeowners association?
Like what if someone bought a whole huge ranch and then had all their own services and gated the whole place?

Your looking for amish country my friend, Beardo Yoder, kind of has a ring to it.
thats to funny but my brother is white my half brother FARRELL german lolz i cant go like that!!! thats to funny.. but he would disagree the economy realy sucks we gota get it together soon this country is acting like the last mexican presidents and maken alot of money and fucken the rest of the people... greed is running the country down and so is the way people are being brought up man i hear canida is the place to be and polite to shit i run into canadians they are so polite i cant believe what im hearing??
So can anyone explain how to avoid all the trouble of equal housing or whatever it's called, am I on the right track with calling it a private community or homeowners association or church?
What if we do it at sea and in international waters? whats up with international waters? Can I just get a bunch of shit that floats and build on it and do what I want or will the Navy hate us for our freedom?
So can anyone explain how to avoid all the trouble of equal housing or whatever it's called, am I on the right track with calling it a private community or homeowners association or church?
What if we do it at sea and in international waters? whats up with international waters? Can I just get a bunch of shit that floats and build on it and do what I want or will the Navy hate us for our freedom?

Go the Church route, are imagining Water World with Kevin Costner(horrible movie)?
if I watch TV I see lots of White people but in the real world there's hardly any white people.
I think I just answered my own question
I just have to be on TV more
There's lots of White people on TV
I'm thinking I could do a remake of married with children, I'm going to ask my friend Dave if he can do anything so I can get rights to married with children so I can use it without getting sued, I'm thinking I can cast all my friends and if we can't get the name we can call it garry with chitlins, I wish I could get Vanessa to be Peggy but she says I creep her out and she doesn't want to hang out with me, I think Andy will be an awesome Bud, unless Dave wants to play Bud again.
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