How do I get to heaven? Answers to your questions on eternal life.

I have studied world religions and found that they are just a derrivative of the oldest studied, hinduism. Religion evolves just as everything else does, please don't take this wrong because religion is a good tool. IMO religion was derived to help govern societies by instilling a higher power or law for the masses. I truely enjoy studying religion and what it can bring but I can not take Heaven as a litteral place, doing good only helps your legacy which is what truely lives on. So with that said I'm trying to smoke myself to heaven, I'm pretty hi right now and I will let you all know if I make it but I feel like I'm getting close.
Let's say i follow procedure and the red portion doesn't happen. Plan B? Diagnostics? cn

Some people aren't spiritually sensitive. Every time i say Maranatha, which means come Lord Jesus in Aramaic i feel this spiritual swoosh and then i can feel God helping me and my spirit. If you don't feel anything, another thing i notice is i can go and look at my eyes in the mirror, then i can spend about a half hour reading John in the new testament in the bible (there are a lot of bibles online) And i can see this beauty shining through my eyes as my spirit is cleansed and beautified by the word of God. Especially the whites of my eyes. Also try saying "I confess, repent, and ask forgiveness for all of my sins in Jesus name amen" That always makes me feel better and helps my spirit to flow right. Make sure it's from the heart.
I have studied world religions and found that they are just a derrivative of the oldest studied, hinduism. Religion evolves just as everything else does, please don't take this wrong because religion is a good tool. IMO religion was derived to help govern societies by instilling a higher power or law for the masses. I truely enjoy studying religion and what it can bring but I can not take Heaven as a litteral place, doing good only helps your legacy which is what truely lives on. So with that said I'm trying to smoke myself to heaven, I'm pretty hi right now and I will let you all know if I make it but I feel like I'm getting close.

I have studied many religions and practiced them as well. I have had many spiritual experiences and have often felt God and angels helping me. Nothing has changed me or given me so much understanding, strength, and hope as having the Holy spirit working in me and doing my best to live a righteous life following the Holy Word of God. I've seen many accounts of blind people gaining sight because of the healing power of God. People getting healed of inoperable cancer through prayer and laying on of hands and letting the spirit of God work through people. Christianity isn't just a means of control, it is the way to eternal life in paradise. And the way of true healing from God. The path to holiness and righteousness.
Chief Seattle said it well ! We knew your God well before your missionaries came with sticks crossed . For the Creator ( Gzehminidou ) is our god too .......PotSnob

One thing we know: our God is also your God. The earth is precious to him and to harm the earth is to heap contempt on its creator.Your destiny is a mystery to us. What will happen when the buffalo are all slaughtered? The wild horses tamed? What will happen when the secret corners of the forest are heavy with the scent of many men and the view of the ripe hills is blotted with talking wires? Where will the thicket be? Gone! Where will the eagle be? Gone! And what is to say goodbye to the swift pony and then hunt? The end of living and the beginning of survival.When the last red man has vanished with this wilderness, and his memory is only the shadow of a cloud moving across the prairie, will these shores and forests still be here? Will there be any of the spirit of my people left?We love this earth as a newborn loves its mother's heartbeat. So, if we sell you our land, love it as we have loved it. Care for it, as we have cared for it. Hold in your mind the memory of the land as it is when you receive it. Preserve the land for all children, and love it, as God loves us.As we are part of the land, you too are part of the land. This earth is precious to us. It is also precious to you.One thing we know - there is only one God. No man, be he Red man or White man, can be apart. We ARE all brothers after all."

God allows free will and a free world for people to do as they please oldtimer54. God wants people to choose to do right, and gives us what we need to do good if we ask Him. Satan is still at work and has a lot of control in this world, so don't be surprised when bad things happen. We aren't just robots for God, we have the ability to choose what we do. This is why people make bad choices. I pray that God will guide us all to make the right and good choices in Jesus name amen

If god is omniscient, he knows all the choices we will make at the time we are created. Where does free will come into play in this scenario? Also, why does god allow Satan do exist at all? It's amazing the the greatest theological minds throughout history can't reconcile evil in the divine plan, but you come along and easily do it. It's great to have access to such amazing minds on a stoner's website, we are truly blessed...

Don't allow evil to change the way you think about Jesus. Jesus is and always will be our God and our Savior. Just cry out Jesus save me and feel God come to you.

I'd bet that some children and teachers at Sandy Hook cried out for Jesus to save them. What went wrong there?

For those interested in alternatives.

There is only one way to our Father the creator of heaven and earth, and that is through faith in Jesus Christ

So you say, other religions say differently. Why does your religion have any more merit than others?
If god is omniscient, he knows all the choices we will make at the time we are created. Where does free will come into play in this scenario?

Hey, Tyler... Cause and Effect is the reason, scripturally speaking. Whether Buddhist, Christian, etc, you've adhered to the 'law' of cause and effect. And so it goes with successive lives. The choice to 'get off of the ride' (wheel) and see that life has an entirely different plan for people, is theirs. Usually not in accord with what the human will would like to have :lol:
There is only one way to our Father the creator of heaven and earth, and that is through faith in Jesus Christ

What is faith? Trust in our creator and his plan? No, that's called confidence, we don't need to make up a new word for it. What is faith? It's when you just know god is real and feel him? No, that's called intuition, we don't need to make up a new word for it. What is faith? It's when you believe in something for no other reason than wanting it to be true. Ah yes, wishful thinking.

So the premise is, God created the universe. Thousands and thousands of galaxies, millions upon millions of planets, just so he could have a special relationship with one species on one planet, and give that species a test. This test is not based on actions good or bad. It is not based on love or hate, kindness or cruelty, benevolence or malice. The test is: Can you believe in me based on only the poorest of evidence and on reasoning counter to the logical brain I gave you? If the answer is yes you get loved forever. If the answer is no then you get set on fire, for ever.

This is the message you feel compelled to spread...?

"An eye for an eye
Stripped now of your sight
You make think you're innocent but ignorance makes you a suspect
Greed and gluttony, fraud and treachery
You may think you're better than this
Arrogance, a guilty verdict!"
I have been moved by God to begin a thread on the way to heaven,
I pray that many people will be saved from hell by viewing this thread.
This is not a place to slander Christianity. Please keep it clean.

Jesus is the only way in which we can enter into the gates of heaven.
His sacrifice enables us to be cleansed from our many sins,
being made righteous through Him.

We must ask Jesus aloud to be our savior.

"Jesus, please save me. In Jesus name amen."

Get baptized, and turn from your sin.

Know you are going to heaven by doing these three simple things.

Read the bible to find strength and knowledge in God and His path for your life.

How do I get to heaven?



King James Bible (Cambridge Ed.)
And saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand!!
John 14:6 Jesus told him, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me."

People are raised from the dead, sight is restored to the blind, limbs are restored, incurable diseases are healed.

I myself have healed people by the power of God.

Believing in Jesus is a choice. God is real, heaven is real.. Hell is most definitely real.

Where will you go?

You choose.

John 14:6 Jesus told him, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me."

People are raised from the dead, sight is restored to the blind, limbs are restored, incurable diseases are healed.

I myself have healed people by the power of God.

Believing in Jesus is a choice. God is real, heaven is real.. Hell is most definitely real.

Where will you go?

You choose.

I try to stay in the heavenly realm....don't have to wait til I die...I showed you how but you ignore me with words....words will get you no my friend

and I posted my works in the above post
What is faith? Trust in our creator and his plan? No, that's called confidence, we don't need to make up a new word for it. What is faith? It's when you just know god is real and feel him? No, that's called intuition, we don't need to make up a new word for it. What is faith? It's when you believe in something for no other reason than wanting it to be true. Ah yes, wishful thinking.

So the premise is, God created the universe. Thousands and thousands of galaxies, millions upon millions of planets, just so he could have a special relationship with one species on one planet, and give that species a test. This test is not based on actions good or bad. It is not based on love or hate, kindness or cruelty, benevolence or malice. The test is: Can you believe in me based on only the poorest of evidence and on reasoning counter to the logical brain I gave you? If the answer is yes you get loved forever. If the answer is no then you get set on fire, for ever.

This is the message you feel compelled to spread...?

"An eye for an eye
Stripped now of your sight
You make think you're innocent but ignorance makes you a suspect
Greed and gluttony, fraud and treachery
You may think you're better than this
Arrogance, a guilty verdict!"

First of all i would like to say that from where i am sitting, the evidence is overwhelming. I look at the pattern of galaxies and stars, or a Fibonacci sequence, or a flower, or a sunset and see divine creation at work. Do you think it is random that cannabis gets you high? I know there is a creator as i look upon His creation, and i know that Jesus is the way to heaven by practicing what he teaches and seeing the benefits of all of His wisdom.
I try to stay in the heavenly realm....don't have to wait til I die...I showed you how but you ignore me with words....words will get you no my friend

and I posted my works in the above post
I'm working on replying to all of you. please be patient

"Accepting, for the sake of argument, that God intervenes to heal people, what kind of grudge does he have against amputees? The general answer to this is to say that God doesn't heal anyone, so amputees are no different. Faith healing only works on disorders that are invisible to the naked eye, or medical complaints that can naturally go in to remission. The curing of a cancer is somewhat ambiguous when compared to the regrowth of a limb, and that's probably why Christians shall never miraculously regrow lost limbs."

"By looking at amputees, we can see that something is wrong. Jesus is not telling the truth. God never answers prayers to spontaneously restore lost limbs, despite Jesus' statements in the Bible. Accepting this piece of factual information, rather than denying it, is the first step in understanding something extremely important about how prayer really works"

Some people aren't spiritually sensitive. Every time i say Maranatha, which means come Lord Jesus in Aramaic i feel this spiritual swoosh and then i can feel God helping me and my spirit. If you don't feel anything, another thing i notice is i can go and look at my eyes in the mirror, then i can spend about a half hour reading John in the new testament in the bible (there are a lot of bibles online) And i can see this beauty shining through my eyes as my spirit is cleansed and beautified by the word of God. Especially the whites of my eyes. Also try saying "I confess, repent, and ask forgiveness for all of my sins in Jesus name amen" That always makes me feel better and helps my spirit to flow right. Make sure it's from the heart.

Negative result. How do i determine the level of my spiritual sensitivity? And I was always under the impression that that quality was not required or even relevant. Most importantly, what authentication do I demand to avoid impostor feelings of the divine? How do I know i'm not feeling a ... troll? cn
If god is omniscient, he knows all the choices we will make at the time we are created. Where does free will come into play in this scenario? Also, why does god allow Satan do exist at all? It's amazing the the greatest theological minds throughout history can't reconcile evil in the divine plan, but you come along and easily do it. It's great to have access to such amazing minds on a stoner's website, we are truly blessed...

I'd bet that some children and teachers at Sandy Hook cried out for Jesus to save them. What went wrong there?

So you say, other religions say differently. Why does your religion have any more merit than others?

I cannot tell you the mind and heart of God. As far as why satan exists, i can only say that satan was not created evil, He chose to rebel against God and is the father of evil. God does not kill anything He creates, the souls He creates are eternal. God allows satan to tempt and to test us because of our sin and fall in the garden of eden, we brought this curse upon ourselves when we chose to defy God.

The name and power of Jesus Christ is the only power that can conquer evil and save us from the gates of hell. The only way to fight demons is in the power of the name of Jesus Christ. All religions claim to be the way, Christianity is the only religion backed by the power of God to prove itself. Read the word of God and feel it's power.
First of all i would like to say that from where i am sitting, the evidence is overwhelming. I look at the pattern of galaxies and stars, or a Fibonacci sequence, or a flower, or a sunset and see divine creation at work. Do you think it is random that cannabis gets you high? I know there is a creator as i look upon His creation, and i know that Jesus is the way to heaven by practicing what he teaches and seeing the benefits of all of His wisdom.

This explains only that you have very low standards for what you consider evidence coupled with a bias toward Jesus, since many others look at the same evidence and become convinced of Allah, or some other deity. The choice of deity seems to be influenced solely on geographical and chronological criteria, as people living in the mid-east never have revelations of Jesus, and no one living today has revelations of Zeus. If everything we can point to is evidence of a creator, then why, when we study everything, do we see the possible explanation of creation without the need for God's hand? After all, the more knowledge that is gained about the scheme of things, the less room there is for god. Divinity is an arbitrary attribute you choose to add to the world, and that is a fine choice for you to make, but don't expect it to mean anything to anyone else.

This also contradicts what you have said, that the only way to heaven is through faith in the father. If we have evidence, we no longer need faith. So if god did give us evidence, it would seem to contradict his requirements, and if he didn't give us evidence, then we are back to my statements about the test. God gives you a test based on faith, aka wishful thinking, and thanks to Jesus, pays no attention to your deeds, thoughts or feelings beyond that, since the only unforgivable sin is lack of faith.