Pukka Bud's Coco Grow Journal!


Well-Known Member
Everything is looking great pukka
that albino is interesting,, forgive me Iv not read too much of whats going on.

well first albinos are white
not a light green/yellow color

that is a plant born defficente in sumtin i dont know whut
if it is the same age as the others it is suffering i might would snuff it an use the space
they say healthy plant and leves = healthy buds how about the opposite

PB erryting else be lukin devine broda



Well-Known Member
Group shot threw my spy hole lol......the pale smelly cherry has gone decided to pull it, and 1 exo an 1 pe also but they've gone to a friend.............we got from top left workin across exo, pe, cherryband, magic monkey and the dog up front.


QQ x blues/livers male, took most his fans an left him in the 1ltr pot, hes under a 35w blue cfl

Snowy view near me....



Well-Known Member
i would too lol. if it does turn blokey, send me some jizz! would be good to back cross it into the QQ, i've been thinking about taking that to f3 but it might have to wait. like 6-9 months lol
Its a bloke mate lol....every thing else is female, i got rid of the pale little fucka an my mates had a exo an 1 pe so im down to 5 in there which should be do able with abit trainin....gunna hit every thing this run then ill send you the rest mate......

well first albinos are white
not a light green/yellow color

that is a plant born defficente in sumtin i dont know whut
if it is the same age as the others it is suffering i might would snuff it an use the space
they say healthy plant and leves = healthy buds how about the opposite

PB erryting else be lukin devine broda

Thanks brudda....this magic monkey is lookin sweet mate real nice smell to already also, you still doin a magic merlin next run?
got a male to work with this run the QQ x livers/blues, feels good to be back playin lol


Well-Known Member
im glad you be smilin PB even if only inside- so far al the same selections but things can change
i think im sticking where i am
im thinking you gona enjoy the space bettern llooking at them plants doin nutin but sitin dere
an takin up yo limited space

who is tommy sir DGT


Well-Known Member
im glad you be smilin PB even if only inside- so far al the same selections but things can change
i think im sticking where i am
im thinking you gona enjoy the space bettern llooking at them plants doin nutin but sitin dere
an takin up yo limited space

who is tommy sir DGT
Don't no what you mean in the 1st bit mate... I'm gunna get you a little pollen out in next pac with the new crosses I'm gunna make should be there in time for your next run man looks like he'l produce a load just gotta make sure i dont waste a load, how long you giving them straddlers?


Well-Known Member
maybe a littl joy from the decision too move the yellow midget out
maybe a little smile about dat

some time when you make decision to move on it fells good sumtime it = a good feeling
sumtimes i get - did i do the right thing wit a nurvous feeling


Well-Known Member
i know im smilin inside on getting rid of my anchors
cause day were holdin me back from movin forward

like woman you have lost respect and luv for = just baggage

in da fukn way


if it aint dat true one Luv
get da fak outa my way


Well-Known Member

very nice plant - whut is it again

i like the steps it steps up from the front to the back

very helthey specimen

Mr PB youd be dangerous wit one foot of realestate to share on the sides

either way you work well wit whut you got and thats whut a gardener is
a true gardener dont need the max of erryting can get results from anything
can use lower end equipment and get middle end results

a shit garddenerr can take high end equipment and get middle end results

i have gotten good results wit 250's cant wait to see whut i get wit a 4oo w and a 25ow a big step up for me -its been years
one day to be two 4oo's



Well-Known Member
you speakin on the slight yellow area
but how can part of plant be difff nurishment from rest of plant unless is sumtin wit roots

your dog originated as headband x ???


Well-Known Member
yeah thanksi forgot was about 4 or 5 after the yella one came out

i was just thinkin it was a mutly toped big bush - way off target - the old man is loosing it
oh well it wont be much diff when my memory goes from now - already pretty bad LOL
lots of drugs for lots of years will do that

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
man i'm in the same boat. i'm just making sure my mind goes before my body ;) lol. my working memory is perfect. show me how to do something and I can do it. if my brain doesn't deem it worth remembering even if i probably should. it's gone. bad habit i know but i can't seem to shake it. i keep trying to learn spanish and various other bits of languages but without someone to converse with it just doesn't stick