How do I get to heaven? Answers to your questions on eternal life.

I cannot tell you the mind and heart of God.

Not to step on tylers reply, but this is exactly what you have been doing. Claiming to not only know that god exists, but what he wants from us. It seems you are in fact quite specific when you have propaganda at the ready, but when you do not have an answer, you fall back on ambiguity.

"Accepting, for the sake of argument, that God intervenes to heal people, what kind of grudge does he have against amputees? The general answer to this is to say that God doesn't heal anyone, so amputees are no different. Faith healing only works on disorders that are invisible to the naked eye, or medical complaints that can naturally go in to remission. The curing of a cancer is somewhat ambiguous when compared to the regrowth of a limb, and that's probably why Christians shall never miraculously regrow lost limbs."

"By looking at amputees, we can see that something is wrong. Jesus is not telling the truth. God never answers prayers to spontaneously restore lost limbs, despite Jesus' statements in the Bible. Accepting this piece of factual information, rather than denying it, is the first step in understanding something extremely important about how prayer really works"


Amputee woman healed by God
Negative result. How do i determine the level of my spiritual sensitivity? And I was always under the impression that that quality was not required or even relevant. Most importantly, what authentication do I demand to avoid impostor feelings of the divine? How do I know i'm not feeling a ... troll? cn

I do not know how you can determine the level of your spiritual sensitivity, how do i explain sight to a blind man?

It's just about being sincere, sincerity being an attitude of the heart. It's not about quality.

This last question is one that even as we speak i am debunking. It may take more time for me to give you a full answer, but spending time dealing with God and his angels and getting a full spectrum of divine intuition and feeling over time is the best way to determine what feelings are coming from where.
cannabineer when you move your finger back and forth between your eyes can you feel your finger without seeing it? If you can you may be spiritually sensitive
Not to step on tylers reply, but this is exactly what you have been doing. Claiming to not only know that god exists, but what he wants from us. It seems you are in fact quite specific when you have propaganda at the ready, but when you do not have an answer, you fall back on ambiguity.

I only know what i know. I can answer some questions and others i can't. Just because I am a Christian doesn't mean i know everything there is to know about a God that is so complex He can create everything in the universe, heaven, hell, and every realm.
I try to stay in the heavenly realm....don't have to wait til I die...I showed you how but you ignore me with words....words will get you no my friend

and I posted my works in the above post

I'm not sure how to reply to the pictures you posted. Being high feels wonderful, but it certainly doesn't compare to life in heaven. That is what the Scriptures mean when they say, "No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love him." 1 Corinthians 2:9

My works are devoting my day to spreading the Gospel of peace to help others reach heaven friend.
I only know what i know. I can answer some questions and others i can't. Just because I am a Christian doesn't mean i know everything there is to know about a God that is so complex He can create everything in the universe, heaven, hell, and every realm.

The things you seem to 'know' you can not explain or demonstrate, so how can you be said to know them? Perhaps because it's dogma that falls apart under the slightest of scrutiny? When your answers lead only to two choices, blind faith or more questions, then they aren't really answers.
I cannot tell you the mind and heart of God.

But you do. What god wants/thinks is peppered throughout your posts. You may mean to say that you cannot tell me the mind and heart of god when posed with the difficulties and logical contradictions of your dogma.

As far as why satan exists, i can only say that satan was not created evil, He chose to rebel against God and is the father of evil. God does not kill anything He creates, the souls He creates are eternal. God allows satan to tempt and to test us because of our sin and fall in the garden of eden, we brought this curse upon ourselves when we chose to defy God.

You mean to tell me your god is so petty and evil that he allows this evil psychopath (satan) to punish everyone because two humans many generations ago defied his arbitrary will? Since god is omniscient, he knows which of us is going to hell upon our creation. This means that he is creating a soul that is destined for eternal torment. I would never create something that I knew was destined for such a fate. Why is my moral sense more evolved and benevolent than your god's?
The name and power of Jesus Christ is the only power that can conquer evil and save us from the gates of hell. The only way to fight demons is in the power of the name of Jesus Christ. All religions claim to be the way, Christianity is the only religion backed by the power of God to prove itself. Read the word of God and feel it's power.

LOL! Really? When has christianity proved itself? In what ways does it have any more proof of it's validity than other religions?
Honestly in my hurry to respond to all of your inquiries i didn't read into it too much.

I know what it is like to be in a hurry and on a slow computer. Take your time to answer, we aren't going anywhere. But think about what just happened... think of how important and serious the message you are sending is. You are speaking about our very existence in eternity, and yet, you haven't even bothered to check your sources. How can you stand up and say that god is real because he heals people, and yet never have checked to see if it is true? That is the problem with blind faith, a lot of pitfalls and room for mistakes.

You are not doing a very good job of conveying confidence in your message. You sound like a confused victim of his own mental scams rather than a messenger of the divine. I realize you are eager to share your feelings and beliefs, but it takes a lot of balls to stand up and lead people based on stuff you haven't really thought much about.
I am not sure if you are joking, terribly naive, or simply missed the fact that this was posted as satire on April 1st...
Pretty funny article though, Angie O'Plasty, I'm sure that was a joke because every time a religous argument comes about people demand proof. IMO religion should be seen as a way of educating right from wrong through stories and simulated experiences but nothing litteral. Remember christianity is a missionary faith, he feels it is his devine duty to get everyone to commit to his god, you know like David Koresh did LOL.
I'm not sure how to reply to the pictures you posted. Being high feels wonderful, but it certainly doesn't compare to life in heaven. That is what the Scriptures mean when they say, "No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love him." 1 Corinthians 2:9

My works are devoting my day to spreading the Gospel of peace to help others reach heaven friend.
I am sorry you feel you must die to attain heaven...that is you...But I do not and will not...and my thc, dmt, etc. tell and shows me so
Amputee brought back from the dead and given a new leg by God

So you sourced that video in a couple minutes, or did you blindly accept it?

It took me all of 5 minutes to find that the medical community seriously doubts this case is real.

"This page shows several X-rays and MRIs of Carole’s stump, supposedly documenting this regrowth, which, as of 2002, Carole claims to include the regrowth of the quadriceps, anterior tibialis, and gastrocnemius muscles, although there is no documentation of this specific point in any of the reports. In fact, I notice that the X-rays and MRIs are shown, but no radiology reports accompany them to back up Carole’s claims and no direct statements from doctors, just Carole’s account that the doctors described her progress as a “miracle.” If you scroll down the page to the MRI from December 13, 2006 and compare it to the MRI from July 25, 2002 and the X-rays from 1995, you’ll see that there really is no significant “regrowth.” True, there does appear to be some remodeling of soft tissue and bone, but that’s to be expected after her operation in 1995. In fact, even if you believe that there’s been some bone lengthening, the amount of lengthening observed over six years looks trivial on her imaging studies. Even if her leg truly were regenerating, at the rate documented on her website, I can safely (and sadly) conclude that Carole will almost certainly die of old age before she regrows enough bone to mean anything."

"Let me ask you something: If you were a doctor, had a patient with a limb that was regenerating 20 years after it had been amputated because of trauma, and had compelling, unequivocal evidence to prove it, what would you do? I know what I’d do. I’d submit a case report to the New England Journal of Medicine! That’s what I’d do. If I had the goods that proved it beyond a shadow of a doubt, Carole would be world-famous, and so would I!"
Also manys sects of hinduism and buddhism embrace the teachings of other religions, realizing that religion's true power comes from a unified belief that good mostly prevails over evil. I think that some religions truely jeapordize thier future by pushing for a "100% conversion rate".
I know what it is like to be in a hurry and on a slow computer. Take your time to answer, we aren't going anywhere. But think about what just happened... think of how important and serious the message you are sending is. You are speaking about our very existence in eternity, and yet, you haven't even bothered to check your sources. How can you stand up and say that god is real because he heals people, and yet never have checked to see if it is true? That is the problem with blind faith, a lot of pitfalls and room for mistakes.

You are not doing a very good job of conveying confidence in your message. You sound like a confused victim of his own mental scams rather than a messenger of the divine. I realize you are eager to share your feelings and beliefs, but it takes a lot of balls to stand up and lead people based on stuff you haven't really thought much about.

I know God heals people because He has been healing me over the past few weeks of a pain i have had for two years in my stomach.
I know God is real because i have been involved in casting out many demons.
I know God is real because he cleanses me of sin when i read His word and confess, repent, and ask forgiveness.
I have heard countless testimonies of people that have been healed by God from cancer and from many forms of illness and delivered from addictions.
I know God is real because i can feel when i sin and i have a conscience that tells me when i am doing something wrong, and because everyone has a conscience.. convicting them of sin.

If my replys are flawed this is a reflection of my humanity, and my emotions.
I sincerely apologize for any inconsistancies or anything i have done that has caused you to doubt.
I hope that the Caroline Miller McCleery-Greene's mri photos of her non existent, then restored leg can bring some clarity to you.