How do I get to heaven? Answers to your questions on eternal life.

You are not obtaining anything but an escapism.. from what you currently have..

plain and simple..................

Religion is based on FAITH.............

The Bible is edited by Man who makes mistakes.........makes things personal...edits the meaning towards their desires.. I personally feel there is much truth in there.. and just like info being passed on when we tell a truth today.... they added some "flare" to it.

not one single person here can convince another person one way or the other..
internet forums are designed so we all have our say..

some folks like to add their thoughts... never having studied the subject....
what is the creator's name?

How do YOU know what ME and My Creator do ?

How do you know what these chemicals do for me?

I have no need for faith as I know my Creator personally

For He is my guidance and friend and we are consciously aware of each other and communicate in so many ways...And the Chemicals allow an easier communication and immersion

I am so sorry but religion in and of itself is evil, so according to your scriptures since these religions are of evil, they are not of Him. So I have nothing to do with them nor their false prophets, adherents nor profits, for that is what religions seek...PROFITS
what is the creator's name?

How do YOU know what ME and My Creator do ?

How do you know what these chemicals do for me?

I have no need for faith as I know my Creator personally

For He is my guidance and friend and we are consciously aware of each other and communicate in so many ways...And the Chemicals allow an easier communication and immersion

I am so sorry but religion in and of itself is evil, so according to your scriptures since these religions are of evil, they are not of Him. So I have nothing to do with them nor their false prophets, adherents nor profits, for that is what religions seek...PROFITS

Let's forget religion.
Cut all the dogma
I believe you know Adonai, the Creator
Just know that Jesus is His son and one with Him.
And that Jesus died for you.
That's what DAD (the Creator) wants me to say to you.
please if you are going to use names use the correct ones


for as you promote the FALSE names the truth is not in you. So I must not heed your words. see your scripture that you so profoundly use but do not know and you will see it says exactly what I just told you
The language is for communicating with God. It is a prayer language.

God doesn't understand English?
I don't understand why you guys keep saying that my argument is illogical. Listen to the exorcism i posted, or watch the video at the top of the thread about the girl who went to and painted the images of hell. Even if there is a chance that these things are real, which they are.. I would seriously do my best to make sure i didn't end up in a place like hell.

If there is a chance that hell is real, the logical thing to do is to follow the path to heaven through Jesus Christ.

Take a chance of burning in hell thinking your limited sensory experience is enough to define absolute truth vs. following the path of God and righteousness and Holiness through Jesus Christ and going to Heaven

Don't gamble with eternity.

It would really help your debate skills and critical thinking skills to familiarize yourself with basic logical fallacies. The one you demonstrate above is Pascal's Wager, and it is a fallacy -'s_Wager
Proof of God # 230

(1) If God exists, it would be really cool. (And I would win big-time.)
(2) If God didn't exist, it would really suck. (But I wouldn't lose much.)
(3) Thus I should believe in God because it's the best bet.
(4) Therefore, God exists.

Proof of God # 15

(1) Okay, I don't pretend to be as intelligent as you guys — you're obviously very well read. But I read the Bible, and nothing you say can convince me that God does not exist. I feel him in my heart, and you can feel him too, if you'll just ask him into your life. "For God so loved the world that he sent his only begotten son into the world, that whosoever believes in him shall not perish from the earth." John 3:16.
(2) Therefore, God exists.

Proof of God # 241

(1) Lots of ridiculous statements are made by people who only claim is to be Real Christians.
(2) They just give Real Christians a bad name.
(3) Real Christians don't believe <insert Biblical reference> is literally true.
(4) But that doesn't mean the Bible isn't still mostly true.
(5) And the Bible is the Word of God.
(6) Therefore, God exists.

Proof of God # 576

(1) God's word is the Bible.
(2) How do you know?
(3) It says so in the Bible.
(4) How do you know the Bible is true?
(5) The Bible is the word of God.
(6) But...
(7) Therefore, God exists.
...well, since God is love and creates all things out of the matrimony of spirit and matter, He is apparent. The process by which he is apparent is in the creation of things. Is there a spark of life in an atom? No need to wager on that.

Here's a thought. If the human race stopped that expression, there'd be no human race. So, who or what would you say is God? The 'creator' / generator of man?

(yep, the physical expression of love "creates" all things, who knew!) :)

"Insertion of the vertical phallus into the horizontal uterus forms the Cross. The Cross has the power to create. There cannot be creation without the sign of the Holy Cross. Animal species are crossed, atoms and molecules are crossed to perpetuate life."

At this point, no need to envision that cross at calvary. Just think of a 'cross', and it is everywhere apparent. Omnipresent, Omniscient, Omnipotent... What is the one potency?
The evidence is clear, look at the world around you.. look at an eye.
If you choose not to believe than it comes right down to that..
You're choice.

You have freewill to Follow God or follow your own way.
The consequences are clear.

Hell or Heaven.

It's very simple.

Say Jesus save me and mean it, Get baptized at your local church, and turn from your sins.. Trying your best to follow God's will

and burn forever more, being tortured by demons endlessly with no breaks.

i will post these videos again, just in case you missed them.
The evidence is very clear.
The facts are given, the conclusion is evident.
Choose wisely

please if you are going to use names use the correct ones


for as you promote the FALSE names the truth is not in you. So I must not heed your words. see your scripture that you so profoundly use but do not know and you will see it says exactly what I just told you

Yahweh or YHWH
Yeshua or Y'shua
Adonai means Lord in Hebrew

It's all the same God
His name is I AM that I AM
Yahweh or YHWH
Yeshua or Y'shua
Adonai means Lord in Hebrew

It's all the same God
His name is I AM that I AM
ok you speak lies and falsehood...never were those his names ..a tiny bit of research on your part would show this to you and your not knowing this proves to me you are not OF HIM and false....
good day...I AM done with you evil speaker

you do not own this thread and you are the one bashing and spreading lies and falsehood

You believe what?!?
ok you speak lies and falsehood...never were those his names ..a tiny bit of research on your part would show this to you and your not knowing this proves to me you are not OF HIM and false....
good day...I AM done with you evil speaker

you do not own this thread and you are the one bashing and spreading lies and falsehood

The link you provided provides this information, As Jews are forbidden to say or write the Tetragrammaton in full, when reading the Torah they use the term Adonai

Which is exactly what I said
The link you provided provides this information, As Jews are forbidden to say or write the Tetragrammaton in full, when reading the Torah they use the term Adonai

Which is exactly what I said
no you said Adonai, Elohim, Jesus, Lord , God, Jehova
Lord comes from the false god Baal
Elohim comes from El shaddai, which is erroneous misapplication of one of the other religions
Jesus from Isesus the son Of Zeus
God from Gawd a germanic tribe god
Jehova an erroneous interpretation of the tetragramaton and Adonai combined

Exodus 3:15 states YHWH in the oldest verified texts and the meaning of Yahweh coincides with the meaning of His name exemplified in 3:14...

Last time you perpetuate falsehood and YOUR scripture states that this makes you not of Him and one with a forked tongue not to be heeded but avoided

It is your Book that states this but somehow you go against your own belief...Hypocrite...Pharisee
I believe in Jesus,
The Son of God

View attachment 2487826

Actually your ideas more closely resemble a delusion than a belief. A belief is information you deem true about the world based on real world data. The entire idea behind forming beliefs is to distinguish between accurate information and misleading information, and this is done by analyzing observations. Even the asinine belief that walking under a ladder is bad luck is based on real world data. Your confidence in Jesus as you have stated it is based on nothing but faith. When you hold truths that depend on ignoring real world information, these truths can no longer be said to tell you anything accurate about the real world. Just like any other belief that is based on nothing but fantasy, we can call this one a delusion, a bastardization of the purpose of having a belief system to begin with.

To be fair I do not deem all Christians delusional. Some of them manage to hold beliefs and confine Christianity to a philosophy. These are people who have actually thought about the gospel rather than just regurgitated it, people who realize that faith does not trump observable, measurable facts. You appear to be simple, empty, and clueless. The evidence you have presented to us amounts to; gullibility, an April fools prank, and an old book which bears no sign of divinity and shows all the earmarks of being cobbled together by ignorant mortals for whom a wheelbarrow would have been considered emergent technology.

I support your right to express your views, but you should understand that when you present them as a moron, people will judge you moronic, and you wont accomplish much.
Faith comes by hearing the word of God.
Real faith, or simple stravation of other ways to think?
The Word of God is The Holy Bible
Never been proven. One cannot use a text's claim to verity as an indicator of verity.
The evidence is clear, look at the world around you.. look at an eye.
If you choose not to believe than it comes right down to that..
You're choice.

You have freewill to Follow God or follow your own way.
The consequences are clear.

Hell or Heaven.

It's very simple.

Say Jesus save me and mean it, Get baptized at your local church, and turn from your sins.. Trying your best to follow God's will

and burn forever more, being tortured by demons endlessly with no breaks.

i will post these videos again, just in case you missed them.
The evidence is very clear.
The facts are given, the conclusion is evident.
Choose wisely


The bolded is where I step off. The existence of the eye is not proof of anything other than life's capacity to develop ways to see. It does not in any consequent way point at a designed universe, and it certainly doesn't bear an ID of a designer.
You're offering the classical Romans 1:20 carnival magic to us: "nature proves God, and if you don't see it, well you're just an idiot".

None of these things are useful to either prove or identify an engaged Divine. And the Christian core texts contain so much just plain ugliness that i cannot accept them without compelling independent evidence for their verity. My opinion. cn
Please do not spam that religious garbage to my inbox again. I did not solicit it and have no desire to engage in you religious rhetoric. My only warning.
I have been moved by God to begin a thread on the way to heaven,
I pray that many people will be saved from hell by viewing this thread.
This is not a place to slander Christianity. Please keep it clean.

Jesus is the only way in which we can enter into the gates of heaven.
His sacrifice enables us to be cleansed from our many sins,
being made righteous through Him.

We must ask Jesus aloud to be our savior.

"Jesus, please save me. In Jesus name amen."

Get baptized, and turn from your sin.

Know you are going to heaven by doing these three simple things.

Read the bible to find strength and knowledge in God and His path for your life.

You could be right, but you could also be wrong... i think i'll take my chances.