How do I get to heaven? Answers to your questions on eternal life.

If faith is so important and necessary, then whats the problem with believing there is no god? Nobody can prove God doesn't exist, therefore believing he isn't real requires a leap of faith. Why devalue this faith while hyping your own? Apparently there is more to this than simple faith. It appears that believers only value faith when it leads to their conclusions. If faith agrees with them, it's divine. if not, it's not worthy of consideration.

For the record I do leave a little room for the possibility of God. It's the same amount of room I leave for the possibility of fairies, gremlins, mermaids and unicorns. You can't prove a negative.
If faith is so important and necessary, then whats the problem with believing there is no god? Nobody can prove God doesn't exist, therefore believing he isn't real requires a leap of faith. Why devalue this faith while hyping your own? Apparently there is more to this than simple faith. It appears that believers only value faith when it leads to their conclusions. If faith agrees with them, it's divine. if not, it's not worthy of consideration.

For the record I do leave a little room for the possibility of God. It's the same amount of room I leave for the possibility of fairies, gremlins, mermaids and unicorns. You can't prove a negative.

You should really do some research into spirits, afterlife experiences, exorcisms and things of that nature before you draw any conclusions.
Here is the promised Ghost adventures video. It is a "Best evidences" episode

Here is the promised Ghost adventures video. It is a "Best evidences" episode

wtf? I thought all you zealots were rupturing...err I mean rapturing...can't depend on nothing you say
If faith is so important and necessary, then whats the problem with believing there is no god? Nobody can prove God doesn't exist, therefore believing he isn't real requires a leap of faith. Why devalue this faith while hyping your own? Apparently there is more to this than simple faith. It appears that believers only value faith when it leads to their conclusions. If faith agrees with them, it's divine. if not, it's not worthy of consideration.

For the record I do leave a little room for the possibility of God. It's the same amount of room I leave for the possibility of fairies, gremlins, mermaids and unicorns. You can't prove a negative. comes down (:)) to an act reverence toward the act of creation itself. Let's consider that the sun and the earth create goodness. Ok, we can agree. Now, let's say that creation also requires brilliant minds. Ok, we can agree. Now, to revere creation is to witness the act of creating goodness. To replicate that 'perfection' is to create a 'perfection' of mind in order to create brilliant works / boons to humanity. So, to negate either would create a lopsided existence. It's obvious to me, at this point anyway, that a lopsided creation benefits no one.

*all the fairy and unicorn ideas are just representations of elemental forms. Which, in effect, illustrate cognitive functions at a vegetive level - and otherwise. Let's say adults are talking about matters that are less than suitable for a youngster. Would we use terms that are clear, or would we wrap our expressions in suitable jargon? Look that those elemental ideas in the same light.

...oh yeah, and this too:

But not both.

same human that walked the earth named jesus.

no cow god.

no communicating bitch on tv talking to spirits. even black magic and witches were a human invention, in the unconsious and consious mind.

but energy isnt made up like spirit talking bitches, something started the never ending momentum of energy. we will die but the univerese will spin matter how much we pollute it. (the more we pollute though, the more were stuck with the problem. god set that up to. the field that doesnt let the chemical gas pass into the universe. lol. it stays with us! itll eventually all turn into harmless carbon that drifts in space to fuel another big reaction. kind of like planting a seed, you need the right soil life, all the correct minerals and food, and when they meet in one place, they can harbor life.

its just energy..its insible we cant see or communicate with it becuase thats the way its setup..and its the only thing humans cant break with science and it bothers some.

we are all brothers, realted, for sure in the first class of mamalls and maybe even with other species if it was the same energy. who knows they changed into that though because of enviornment..natural selection the weaker ones unfortunately reproduce slower, eveolve slower. that is as a whole or overall, not in immediate community becuase thats thats going up in rate there thats the annoying thing about genetic drift

youre right about the birds though..they were probably just dinsosaurs immediate brother and sister..and the survived cause they flew and found food

but why didnt the big birds survive then? maybe they had bigger belly and couldnt find enough food i dont fucking know
same human that walked the earth named jesus.

no cow god.

its just energy..its insible we cant see or communicate with it becuase thats the way its setup..and its the only thing humans cant break with science and it bothers some.
I feel that if it does in fact exist then science will discover it and prove it eventually as science's core is truth
science is a good thing..but we when evolve so fast...we use up rescoures more rapidly, we produce faster, our little girls mature so young because of excess hormone supplementation. fucking monsantos, scotts/mircalegro
science is a good thing..but we when evolve so fast...we use up rescoures more rapidly, we produce faster, our little girls mature so young because of excess hormone supplementation. fucking monsantos, scotts/mircalegro
Well I do agree that knowledge is growing much faster rate than its temper...which is wisdom

Just think if all the resources pooled in to death machines were used to elevate mankind...we would be gods ourselves by now...but nope too busy killing ourselves and each other for that
Well I do agree that knowledge is growing much faster rate than its temper...which is wisdom

Just think if all the resources pooled in to death machines were used to elevate mankind...we would be gods ourselves by now...but nope too busy killing ourselves sand each other for that

all you are speaking of the balance, stablitly, life itself homeostatis! whenever you change something, at least one other thing changes.

and yeah, we invented war amongst our own speices...when you go to less developed countries and look at the animals they eat sleep train live together, and only fight for food..which they share..and they protect each other as best they can from threats. they arent chasing anything else rather than to live, like we are with money..we need it or else we cant adapt..we fail. thats fine and dandy, but then we take it to another extreme, make capruting as much resouce as possible when we have an excess already! too big to control! capatalism GREW TOO FAST

whenever you get older youre just getting closer to the end unfortunately its a konwn thing..but just take life and apply it to any situation and you can see it

dont worry though, we had to combact that so we invented medicines (synthetics, coulda been fine just using the the medicine growign on the earth that god gave us, but we detraoyed that so ohhh chemicals) so now instead of living to 30 we live to 100.

the monentum of energy

im outta here though im too highed
The soul will live on either way, and what happens is up to your state of peace, is how I view it. We are all under one conciousness.

Good and evil is all within... The world is even concious.. When I was back home and started a grow out with a bad state of mind, did everything right but didn't give my flower the love it deserved they would turn out less quality.. That's just how I believe though.
Here is some of the best evidence to date for life after death :

Here is some of the best evidence to date for life after death :


No doubt in my mind there is life after death, your concious soul moves on.. I just believe most of the world has a false view on it.