How do I get to heaven? Answers to your questions on eternal life.

hard evidence? hardly.There is no fear once you accept that there may not be an afterlife afterall and accept the simple truth that you do not know for certain, for everything is an uncertainty in this life as it is throughout existence itself.

I thought this should be said again, hopefully dude reads it.

That video does not provide any evidence, the only thing it provides is what people say, and what they experienced... this is not evidence, it is called hearsay.

They could be wrong, and so you could you, have enough courage to step up and admit it.
If you had watched the video in it's entirety, you would have seen many instances where the scole experiment produced hard evidence of paranormal activity
This fellow obviously lives in a shell,I hope he can find it within to actualy question what it is he thinks and believes what is so absolute,he may then catch on that it may not be so.Its borderline lunacy IMO, to go on thinking that way when everything around is of the self evident laws that governs each and every one of us at all times,,but I will be no judge unto him.
If you are truly as intelligent as you think you are, you would see you are sending a message of hate and separation rather than love and unity. World peace is impossible when theres people like you creating hate and separation. This is why we need an apocalypse!

I understand how it comes across. But truth must be presented as it is. Even if it is hard, or negative.. I must warn people about the fire and torture of hell.
If it is real, and i know it is.. I have experienced so much of the demonic and satanic to possibly be dissuaded
I must warn everyone i can so they will not end up there
I will sacrifice everything i have just to reach one individual
I understand how it comes across. But truth must be presented as it is. Even if it is hard, or negative.. I must warn people about the fire and torture of hell.
If it is real, and i know it is.. I have experienced so much of the demonic and satanic to possibly be dissuaded
I must warn everyone i can so they will not end up there
I will sacrifice everything i have just to reach one individual

Didnt you hear what Lennon said? Love is all you need.
please at least say the prayer, i can't guarantee it will save you..
But there is a chance, and even if it doesn't God will be there to guide you into the Light
Jesus says in Matthew 7:21-23 “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. [SUP]22 [/SUP]Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’ [SUP]23 [/SUP]Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’
John 3:5 Jesus answered, "I tell you the truth, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless he is born of water and the Spirit.
God is love. He loves you so much He sent His only son to die for you, so that believing in Him would make you righteous and worthy of the Heavenly dwelling place of a Holy and perfect God
Oh great,,,quoting scripture,,,,will you at leaste give yourself a chance to the questions i posted previously?Or will you simply indulge in more delusional ignorance.
I understand how it comes across. But truth must be presented as it is. Even if it is hard, or negative.. I must warn people about the fire and torture of hell.
If it is real, and i know it is.. I have experienced so much of the demonic and satanic to possibly be dissuaded
I must warn everyone i can so they will not end up there
I will sacrifice everything i have just to reach one individual

You are coming a little close to yelling Fire in a crowded theater... Back off the alarmism.

"I'm sure you have some cosmic rationale...
But here you are with your faith and your Peter Pan advice
You have no scars on your face
And you can not handle pressure" - Mr Joel
I have been moved by God to begin a thread on the way to heaven,
I pray that many people will be saved from hell by viewing this thread.
This is not a place to slander Christianity. Please keep it clean.

Jesus is the only way in which we can enter into the gates of heaven.
His sacrifice enables us to be cleansed from our many sins,
being made righteous through Him.

We must ask Jesus aloud to be our savior.

"Jesus, please save me. In Jesus name amen."

Get baptized, and turn from your sin.

Know you are going to heaven by doing these three simple things.

Read the bible to find strength and knowledge in God and His path for your life.

Or you could wrap a belt around your neck, throw the trailing end over the hanger bar in a hotel closet and jerk your dick till youre about to pass out....


He's Kicking Ass on Angels Now...
Good Night Sweet Prince.
So I prayed "Jesus save me"
and I got baptized
And i do my best to love God and Love everyone and stay away from sin

That's really good for you, i'm glad you are happy and it gives your life some sense of meaning, and purpose... but i don't think anyone here on RIU agrees with what you are trying to say, so everything you are saying means...well, NOTHING! lol

Oh and if you see god... please tell him i would like to speak with him, i have a lot of questions to ask that sick bastard.