How do I get to heaven? Answers to your questions on eternal life.

That's all God asks,
It's not easy but it is simple

Easy enough,,I quoted and believed as a child and have come to realize during my life that reality is not so easy and this dose not grant you armor or protection from life in the world Oldgrowth,,,its much more complex than you will lend any ear to,thus you are staining yourself with the yolk of ignorance.
You are crusading like youre on a mission from God.Tell me this if your religion or God is the right one,then why can no other religions see your God and argue over who is truely right?Do innocent childrens souls go to hell when they die without knowing who Jesus is?How do you know?heres the do not know.

People choose the path they are on and they choose the God that they want to follow. No one will be condemned for not hearing of Christ, only those who have heard and chose to turn away from Him. Innocent children do not go to hell. I know because i communicate with God. I know because Jesus would not condemn someone for not knowing Him, because i know Jesus Christ's heart and i walk in His ways the best i can. And there are a lot of things I don't know.
People choose the path they are on and they choose the God that they want to follow. No one will be condemned for not hearing of Christ, only those who have heard and chose to turn away from Him. Innocent children do not go to hell. I know because i communicate with God. I know because Jesus would not condemn someone for not knowing Him, because i know Jesus Christ's heart and i walk in His ways the best i can. And there are a lot of things I don't know.

Why does he care if you believe or not? If you have seen him and spoken to him, will you ask him that please?
People choose the path they are on and they choose the God that they want to follow. No one will be condemned for not hearing of Christ, only those who have heard and chose to turn away from Him. Innocent children do not go to hell. I know because i communicate with God. I know because Jesus would not condemn someone for not knowing Him, because i know Jesus Christ's heart and i walk in His ways the best i can. And there are a lot of things I don't know.

Actualy very contradictory to what is written in the book,what about those in the OT who couldnt have possibly heard of Christ? were they all granted access into heaven??Not according to a vengeful and angry God.
He created you to love Him.
But you have the choice,
those who are made to be with God know He is real.
Whether you choose to love Him or follow Him or not is up to you.

I have not seen God, and though we communicate.. He doesn't exactly "speak" to me
He communicates through others, and through feelings, and signs, and through the Bible.
I feel that He is actually helping me write these responses, as He lives within me.
Actualy very contradictory to what is written in the book,what about those in the OT who couldnt have possibly heard of Christ? were they all granted access into heaven??Not according to a vengeful and angry God.

If they followed the ten commandments and repented and gave sacrifices when they messed up then the went to heaven.
But Christ is the sacrifice once and for all for our sins, being the son of God.
He created you to love Him.
But you have the choice,
those who are made to be with God know He is real.
Whether you choose to love Him or follow Him or not is up to you.

I have not seen God, and though we communicate.. He doesn't exactly "speak" to me
He communicates through others, and through feelings, and signs, and through the Bible.
I feel that He is actually helping me write these responses, as He lives within me.

Right, but you didn't answer my question. Why does god care whether or not you believe?
Seriously man, i think everyone here is waiting for your answer.

Why does god care whether or not you believe?

We all want to know...
Abraham was made righteous by his faith. Faith in God helps make us righteous, therefore making us more acceptable to God.
I have found this life to be quite a test of my ability to be righteous, to do what is right, and to have faith.
I think God is putting us through tests to decide which of us are worthy of His kingdom, and faith is part of that test.
Matthew 7:13 New Living Translation
"You can enter God's Kingdom only through the narrow gate. The highway to hell is broad, and its gate is wide for the many who choose that way."
Many Christians will tell you all you have to do to go to heaven is say Jesus save me, but upon studying the bible i have found there are requirements. And it seems to not be as easy as popularly portrayed.
Acknowledge and believe that Jesus Christ is the Savior of the world, is the Son of God and died for your sins, being resurrected on the third day.
Get baptized in water,
And try to live a righteous life.

Obviously it is impossible to my knowledge to live completely free from sin.
The pursuit of living a sinless life will be rewarded and gets easier over time.

Most Christians will feed you an easy path to salvation, but i study God's Word and i am taking no chances of having anything other that sound doctrine.
As i stated in Matthew 7:21 "Not everyone who calls out to me, 'Lord! Lord!' will enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Only those who actually do the will of my Father in heaven will enter."
Also, prayer to God to help us in our endeavors to reach heaven and to live a righteous life will be answered. And God is always with you and guiding you from inside your being and from the outside to help you do His will.

Sometimes it takes time and patience to learn to listen to the utterances and chastisements of The Holy One.
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Oldgrowth, you still didn't answer my question, it is a simple question.

Why does god care whether or not we believe?

Please answer my question as simply as you can. Do not quote the bible, just answer the question.