Powdery Mildew, Please Help!!!!????

I have been pulling off leaves that i noticed the mildew on. But I find more everyday. I just sprayed them today with some stuff to kill the mildew. After I spray should the white spots of the powdery mildew go away and how often can I spray them? They are only a couple weeks old, 8-9 inches tall. Are they even worth the hassle?
pics will help. what kind of area do you have them in?

i was thinking, maybe you're in flagstaff, but it's pretty dry even up there.
everything looks great. not sure why you have PM. removing the leaf will allow more circulation, which is the enemy of PM.*

setup looks great though.
So should I try to fight it or get rid of the plants with mildew before it spreads to the rest of the plants???

keep an eye out for it and try to prevent it from even happening. einstein oil (neem oil) will fight mites and help prevent PM (as well as other stuff you don't want). i rely heavily on neem when temps get to AZ levels around here.
Do you have large fans running 24/7 with plants moving in airflow? stagnant air can also encourage mildew.
I'm using Serenade right now to treat my pm. It's pre mixed in a spray bottle ready to go. Organic and useable up to harvest. Spray the plant down and it knocks the pm back. From what I understand the pm is essentially systemic, meaning it's in the plant not on the plant. That is why it can show up in ideal conditions, and keeps coming back. The pm propagates itself and you can only treat it and not cure it. It's fucking plant herpes!
I'm using Serenade right now to treat my pm. It's pre mixed in a spray bottle ready to go. Organic and useable up to harvest. Spray the plant down and it knocks the pm back. From what I understand the pm is essentially systemic, meaning it's in the plant not on the plant. That is why it can show up in ideal conditions, and keeps coming back. The pm propagates itself and you can only treat it and not cure it. It's fucking plant herpes!

Plant herpes, couldn't have said it better myself. It will never "go away" once it's infected, they will need to be sprayed and treated every week. It really is a fucking nightmare. I use GreenCure for my veg and a hydrogen peroxide/water solution for my Bloom. Your call if you want to pitch them, but the actual disease won't harm your plants unless it's left untreated. Powder will eventually cover the leaves and prevent your plants from absorbing the light energy they need. I've done everything to prevent it from coming back (dehumidifier, circulation, ventilation, new genetics, etc etc etc), but it comes back in every cycle. I've excepted the fact that my plants have herpes.. Lol

Good luck!
I've been doing battle with PM as well. My clones that I started with where infected with it from the get go. It has been a big pain in the ass! Greencure seems to really help keep it at bay. I use a tablespoon per gallon of water, and make sure to do it when the lights are out for at least an hour after you spray. I've recently added more fans, like a lot more fans, and now it is barely coming back on my infected plants. I had even started to see 1 or 2 spots on my veg plants. I hit my veg plants with neem, and have not seen it come back on them. Good luck, I'd take bugs over PM any day!
Use a sulfur burner during your lights out time two days I'm a row I promise it will get rid of it this is the only method I use 100% kills it every time
Hey guys,
A few thoughts about PM. It is not systemic but rather has the ability to "over winter" in nooks and crannies of stem foilage etc. It can even go intra-cellular which means it invades individual cells and the spore waits for the right condition to germinate. Systemic implies entry into the vascular pathways, PM does not. Its ability to overwinter and wait for right conditions is why it seems systemic in its return. When you have recurring outbreaks of PM from run to run you are literally creating your own strain of PM and increasing its resistance. There are a few fungicides that work sytemically to kill any spores present and but they are systemic. I prefer to not put systemic products in my meds. That leaves natural biology. I use Actinovate for PM and other fungal issues. It is a naturally occurring bacteria that eats fungi. I use it foliar and drench. It stays as long as food is available to it and continues throughout. I spray it one time in veg and dont have issue.

PM is control is not about high or low humidity but rather the difference on high to low in a 24 hour period. I run 85% humidity during veg and have no PM. If i get 55-85 swings at night then I will see it pop up if I'm not using Actinovate. Hope this helps. Peace.