Active Member
LOL, you guys. You sound like my wife and mom... they both said I'm crazy. I don't know... I mean I'm friends with you guys and you're a shady lot. To tell you the truth I can't think of a time I was ever sorta brought into trouble or shady situations by others. I can recognize when shit's going to go down and I make sure I'm not around. No need to worry. If anything I was the one bringing others to interesting places.
So, LeafGnosis... I gotta ask what some of that stuff is for. Are the bottles making co2? And what's up with the tower of solo cups? I dig the space, it's so clean. Oh, and what are the pyramid things in the back right?
I'm watcing So you think you can dance. It's like american idol for dancing. It's so awesome (in my opinon). I love watcing kids do their thing and do it well. It's inspiring and makes me want to do something, and usually inspires me to take one of my interests more seriously. It'd be cool if my kid wanted to be a dancer. I think what I like about it all so much is when peeps dance like that they are exposing their souls, and it's touching to be able to watch. I don't think there's any other way to quite expose yourself. Maybe stand up comedy. On that note, I got mad props for anyone who's ever done stand up comedy. Mentioned that to my wife and she said, "I did that once" ha. I guess you got free drinks at a comedy club if you did a routine. Her and her friend both did one. Anyways, yep.
When should I think about making a tea for my plants/ soil? Another week or two?
Baby things seem great. Wife doesn't really mention anything, so that's good. I asked and she says everything feels normal now. She finally called a doctor and they didn't call her back so she figures it's not a big deal. No bleeding and no cramping. Come on Baby. Happy Healthy Baby.
Anything exciting going on for the weekend?
The 'pyramid' things are tear drop cool mist humidifiers. The stacked cups actually have my hydrometer/thermometer sitting on top where the 'tops' are. The 2 liter to 32 oz bottle tubed to tower fan, the other set up hangs by the light and 'drips' (and I do mean DRIPS lol) down over the top... better than nada I always say lol.. though money gets better then I would look at a small co2 bottle/regulator for canopy saturation.