The UK Growers Thread!

It's a tenner for a proper 1.0g or £35 for a 3.5g eighth, then it goes to £60 for 7g, £110 for a half O and £200-£220 per oz. But its hard to find someone who will sell more than an eighth at a time it's usually grams all the way
the latest round here now is 1,4g for 25 quid or 2.8 for 50 lol. so that means now most of the guys selling at 3g for 50 who wer considerd tight arsed cunts are now pretty cheap lol
hopefully that will make more people grow there own,coz if no-one buys they will have to knock there prices down,i though £30 an 8th was expensive and thats what kicked me up the arse to start growing properly,if the pricing keeps going up though ill have to give up work and grow full time lol. :)
It's a tenner for a proper 1.0g or £35 for a 3.5g eighth, then it goes to £60 for 7g, £110 for a half O and £200-£220 per oz. But its hard to find someone who will sell more than an eighth at a time it's usually grams all the way

prices are always dearer here but aye nobody wants to part with anything but small bags, can rarely ever even get a quarter and if u do expext to pay a ton for it. theres guys at the minute selling q's of thai weed for 60 quid. i dont buy fuckall anymore, and if i run dry ill buy a bit of soapbar, fuck payin them prices
Ic3, what's the best site for getting uk made films? i always have trouble getting them. I'm trying to get the film-the wee man. Also have you found a decent torrent for gangster squad? Tpb only have a shite cam thats been filmed on a mobile fone lol or one that has a comment saying it's fake
hopefully that will make more people grow there own,coz if no-one buys they will have to knock there prices down,i though £30 an 8th was expensive and thats what kicked me up the arse to start growing properly,if the pricing keeps going up though ill have to give up work and grow full time lol. :)

prices been like that here for a while now, years ago was a lot cheaper but once they went up they stayed up, it its good enough gear people will pay 50 for 3g all day long.
prices are always dearer here but aye nobody wants to part with anything but small bags, can rarely ever even get a quarter and if u do expext to pay a ton for it. theres guys at the minute selling q's of thai weed for 60 quid. i dont buy fuckall anymore, and if i run dry ill buy a bit of soapbar, fuck payin them prices
Aye there's that "thai stick" here too but it's more seeds and stems than there is bud lol. I've been smoking soapbar for about a month now cos there's nothing floating around really. Saying that i got a couple of gram last weekend of this stuff that was ok, it had a spicy smell to it,compaired to that thai shite it was ok,but like you say fuck buying g's all the time
Aye there's that "thai stick" here too but it's more seeds and stems than there is bud lol. I've been smoking soapbar for about a month now cos there's nothing floating around really. Saying that i got a couple of gram last weekend of this stuff that was ok, it had a spicy smell to it,compaired to that thai shite it was ok,but like you say fuck buying g's all the time

I got a bot of soap today cos finally ran outta weed. Didn't do too bad. Helped set a small grow up for a guy and also lent him a bit and he chopped yesterday so only have to wait a week on hopefully two o's of bud, should keep me goin till mine are done, so bit of soap for a week will have to do
do mine up near Newcastle for 180 oz. Associate of mine had 10oz before christmas . Was mint gear as well but he had to sit on it for a month . just got shot
Christ 1.4 for a tenner, i thought i was getting rinsed at £10 for a g. The prices are insane really, considering how cheap it is to grow/produce. Killler money for dealers, its not right!
thanx man

yup! and i even GOT SEED TO GROW!! fucking amazing shit going on


if yorkies goina help u m8 then just do as he says and learn from that instead of fucking about with shit
I have 8 seeds germinating at the moment in root riot blocks but should i then put the bocks into canna grow or a soil as i have been told mixing equal quantities of compost or peat, vermiculite and pearlite also works well any ideas on what would be best i'm only growing a few lowryders, fruit spirit and a cheese spin off but i do want to try and make the best out of them as i can get even to the point of trying a bit of supercropping just to see how i get on with it and how the plants take to it.
Any help, advise or pointers will be greatly recieved.
Happy growing :bigjoint:
1) I'll come through tomorrow with the bulb, mid lunch after I've scratched on I promise.

2) I'm banging my head because you're a pal, you practically live on my doorstep and I want to see you crop some good quality dank and get paid royal!
It's not about what's comfortable, it's about what's best for the plants.
Best for the plants gets huge dank crops. Comfortable get's drought, starvation and shit yields!

3) I am but tell me, what is the point if your're just going to carry on regardless?
I gave you clones in soil airpot's for a reason, airpot's for the yield and soil for your benefit because you don't water often enough for healthy plants. Soil is more forgiving (I'm actually thinking of you ya cunt!).

I give you cuts in soil for a reason, I get you to buy 'BioBizz Grow' to use on those plants in soil, I get you to buy Epsom Salts and Calcium so you can do things properly, I intended to give you the salts you need for flowering AND make you a customised feeding regime so you don't even have to think about it just measure and pour when it tells you and ya come on here asking these cunts (no offence boys) if you can use canna A+B in soil!?!?!?

I am seriously fucking offended mate! You can take my advice and grow some dank crops and get paid proper GUARANTEED, or you can carry on winging it on what is comfortable and have your leaves fall off faster than a cancer victims hair.

Either way I don't give a shit what you do. They're your plant's and it's your time but don't ask me for advice and then fuck me off for presumption and speculation.

Re-pot a clone from soil to coco! Why, where the fuck is your head lad?

That bud is good to go mate, I haven't weighed it yet but there's probably 3-4oz.
Why, do you want some?

​at last you fecking knob ;-)
Does anybody here use seedling feeds like canna start or formulex or whatever it's called. If so what week do you kick in with it?