how much longer?

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New Member
There should b interviews before ur accepted as a member to riu... a screening process..."what sites have u been a member of"..."why'd u leave"....a portfolio of ur plants... n if ur new a probation period of 60 days...ha


Well-Known Member
Let's hope he went back to grasscity. He's usually cluttering up this section by now with his bullshit.


Well-Known Member
the bible was touched, rewritten and translated by man, and therefore its corrupt and not 100%, not even the old testement, becuase humans, even if they are pure, will alwasy bend thought and write things down the way they percevie them.
Somehow I found myself back on this thread, and laughing again, but I have a question..........
If 'man touched, re wrote, and translated' the bible, who originally wrote it?
And don't fucking say "Jesus" either, because if Jesus had written it, don't you think he would have written it in a language that man could understand to begin with?
P.S. Instead of buying Ebooks, try an Edictionary.


Well-Known Member
An epic thread...... I'm morbidly drawn to it like a car accident.

"Never try to teach a pig to sing. It's a waste of your time and annoys the pig." - Robert Heinlein


Well-Known Member
Somehow I found myself back on this thread, and laughing again, but I have a question..........
If 'man touched, re wrote, and translated' the bible, who originally wrote it?
And don't fucking say "Jesus" either, because if Jesus had written it, don't you think he would have written it in a language that man could understand to begin with?
P.S. Instead of buying Ebooks, try an Edictionary.
God dwells within the prophets who wrote the bible..
God is the Holy Ghost, the Father I AM That I AM, and Jesus
Ya know how when people are possessed demons speak out of them and move them?
It's like the writers of the Holy Bible were partially possessed by God and were divinely influenced to write what they wrote.

Hope that clears things up.
God bless you


Well-Known Member
God dwells within the prophets who wrote the bible..
God is the Holy Ghost, the Father I AM That I AM, and Jesus
Ya know how when people are possessed demons speak out of them and move them?
It's like the writers of the Holy Bible were partially possessed by God and were divinely influenced to write what they wrote.

Hope that clears things up.
God bless you
Cloudy, still waiting for a couple amber.
Actually, it was a rhetorical question directed at bmeat.
I did not mean to waste your valuable time on something that I don't really care about.
My apologies.


New Member
so im high off that purple colored stuff and i decided to do some training at a young age, while the stalk is still pliable. i also added more soil to he top of cup for more roots. probably going to keep it in the 1/8 gallon container to stunt it..theyre growing nice now.

opened her legs up and then tucked her in! im a good dad. creepy does that sound X_x

2 weeks 2 days on 12/12. they're still vegging themselves no pre flowers yet.2013-01-23_01-05-10_578.jpg2013-01-23_01-38-55_408.jpg

this is the other girl, who grew less during seedling stage so shes a bit smaller


Well-Known Member
so im high off that purple colored stuff and i decided to do some training at a young age, while the stalk is still pliable. i also added more soil to he top of cup for more roots. probably going to keep it in the 1/8 gallon container to stunt it..theyre growing nice now.

opened her legs up and then tucked her in! im a good dad. creepy does that sound X_x

2 weeks 2 days on 12/12. they're still vegging themselves no pre flowers yet.View attachment 2492742View attachment 2492739

this is the other girl, who grew less during seedling stage so shes a bit smaller
View attachment 2492741View attachment 2492738View attachment 2492740
Thses plants are going to kick the shit outta that gumbi glue plant. Theyre doing great you crazy sob. Are you going to train them around in a circle around the container. Whyd you go to 12/12 so early?


New Member
ok the lst didn't really open her up. i removed it, gotta think of something else. maybe if i tie from a higher node?
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