Well-Known Member
oh I see, now it's spam. Since I have made my point and put the science here again.
No, but a shitload of posts in a row...
oh I see, now it's spam. Since I have made my point and put the science here again.
monsanto didnt create frankenfishOK, Doc replied that he "got it" and I accepted that. My post was directed at him and I think he has shown restraint and is a good sport. Sometimes a person just has to be nudged to remind them. On the second "call out" it's a matter of fact that I jumped into this because i hate Monsanto with every fiber of my being. I see what they have been doing for years; this is not new news to me. They have created "frankenfish", GMO fish that absolutely will replace natural stocks and that is a very, very dangerous thing. We're not talking about cell phones, PS3's, lotions and cremes; we're talking FOOD, the most basic element of human survival there is. Monsanto wants to OWN the right to every organism on the planet. They are big, greedy, filthy rich, and ruthless. They are hiding material facts and buying the approval of the FDA - whose "leaders" are all former Monsanto execs.
Well it *is* her thread. BTW, DS am I getting any nookie? (you know, just for the record?)
GMO cannabis will open the gates to a corporate takeover of this plant and the consequences will be felt by any grower without a doubt. I am not an expert on genetic engineering but I know about terminator genes, and round-up ready vegetables. The profit motive on such a scale is going to have blowback. The question is why? Are you dissatisfied with the state of cannabis? Why hand the boutique small batch nature over to a truly evil institution? Science suffers no loss as gmo technology is used and well researched? The term organic applies to non-gmo produce, what tastes better? which is healthier? The "we are nature, and this is nature at work" is a completely ridiculous argument. Nature endowed us with ethics, rationality, greed, remorse, violence etc. We are natural, thus are exempt from any regulations, allowed to harm at the expense of the greater good? Come on. I don't want cricket and fish DNA in my herb. Look at the worst possible food products....that is where this ends. I need a drink.
as for myself, as I have already said, thanks to All of it, I would have to care about any of it to continue. Would I not??? What does that have to do with my sex????????????
For those who wish to continue the subject here
Maybe this will get you back on track.
as for myself. At this point, I think this conversation, is proof, no one is in control of anything PERIOD!!!
You've no idea what they're capable, it's not all about you, it's about the claims...
this citation does nto support ANY of the specific claims made by you or dnaprotection. it makes OTHER assertions, notably that a small chunk of viral genetic material may be lurking in GMO crops.
this article hems and haws, making a great deal of noise about this discovery, then goes on to make multiple contradictory claims which use the science journalism version of "What If..."
as we see here in the relevant excerpts:
"Given that expression of Gene VI is likely to cause harm..."
"Nevertheless, we can theorize..."
"It is too early to be sure..."
"But the saga of Gene VI is not yet over. There is no certainty that further scientific analysis will resolve the remaining uncertainties, or provide reassurance. Future research may in fact increase the level of concern or uncertainty, and this is a possibility that regulators should weigh heavily in their deliberations."
the discovery discussed in this opinion piece is call for REASEARCH not outright bans, and in no way correlates to any of your previous assertions beyond the vague fearmongering "What if Theres Unknown Unknowns...?"
again, misdirection disguised as evidence of your assertions.
if you want to make your claims based on "Gene IV expression" from cauliflower mosaic virus' use in gene insertion, then make THAT case, not the dozens of other cases you and "dnaprotection" have trotted out over and over, and then abandoned when the seriousness of the charge didnt overcome our demand that you prove it. .
and YOU are the one who made putative genders an issue.
nobody else has been whinging about their reproductive organs, only YOU.
shit, for all you know i might actually BE the 12 year old asian girl that uncle buck pretends to be in sex chatrooms.
but you dont know because i havent said.
details of genitals and chromosomes are irrelevant in this discussion.
in threads with a topic "Urinal Cakes, Melt em in your stream, or let them dissolve naturally?" then whether or not you have a dick becomes an issue of your credibility.
monsanto didnt create frankenfish
preety much everything in that post is just plain wrong
so, is this a backhanded, utterly deniable claim that canadians growing rapeseed are prohibited from using non-GMO varieties?
also, canola OR rapeseed. lulz.
you's so funny.
post a link to any proof that GMO rapeseed is mandatory in canada or anywhere.
Well it *is* her thread. BTW, DS am I getting any nookie? (you know, just for the record?)
GMO cannabis will open the gates to a corporate takeover of this plant and the consequences will be felt by any grower without a doubt. I am not an expert on genetic engineering but I know about terminator genes, and round-up ready vegetables. The profit motive on such a scale is going to have blowback. The question is why? Are you dissatisfied with the state of cannabis? Why hand the boutique small batch nature over to a truly evil institution? Science suffers no loss as gmo technology is used and well researched? The term organic applies to non-gmo produce, what tastes better? which is healthier? The "we are nature, and this is nature at work" is a completely ridiculous argument. Nature endowed us with ethics, rationality, greed, remorse, violence etc. We are natural, thus are exempt from any regulations, allowed to harm at the expense of the greater good? Come on. I don't want cricket and fish DNA in my herb. Look at the worst possible food products....that is where this ends. I need a drink.
....clearly you are "misunderstanding"? or dont know how plants pollinate.... prohibited?? no... needless sued over and over and made homeless, broke.... yes.
accidents happen..
PP, I hope you are getting laid in this deal. Crazy pussy is the best kind, if you live through it. Good luck!
She's playing hard to get but I think she's seriously considering it.![]()
your being called out for the above comment not what happened down thread
maybe but maybe you got a chance tho
she may swoon for you any minute if you keep it up
Poll: Monsanto cannabis yes or no? The DNA Protection Act of 2013![]()
Started by DNAprotection, 12-23-2012 09:47 PM
dyverse only came into this thread later with dna's permission
The "viral DNA" thing means absolutely nothing. All of us have viral DNA in us cause that is how viruses operate. All animals and plants have viral DNA, cause that is how viruses operate.
"A retrovirus is an RNA virus that replicates in a host cell. First it uses its own reverse transcriptase enzyme to produce DNA from its RNA genome. This new DNA is then incorporated into the host's genome by an integrase enzyme. The cell then treats the viral DNA as part of its own instructions, which it follows blindly, making the proteins required to assemble new copies of the virus. Retroviruses are enveloped viruses that belong to the viral family Retroviridae. A special variant of retroviruses are endogenous retroviruses which are integrated into the genome of the host and inherited across generations."
Just checking in here. I see "the crazy" is still strong in this thread.