AA is a CULT!


Well-Known Member
AA didnt work for me. Putting your life in the hands of another force, even if it is god is saying you dont have the willpower.

I just stopped drinking. That worked for me...


New Member
AA didnt work for me. Putting your life in the hands of another force, even if it is god is saying you dont have the willpower.

I just stopped drinking. That worked for me...
God is a worthless fuck. I put up with the politics of christianity anymore.


Well-Known Member
God is a worthless fuck. I put up with the politics of christianity anymore.
I believe there is a god... But I dont believe in organized religion. God game me life and what I choose to do with it after that is my choice.

I dont think he looks over us lovingly and takes care of us. That's for sure...


New Member
I believe there is a god... But I dont believe in organized religion. God game me life and what I choose to do with it after that is my choice.

I dont think he looks over us lovingly and takes care of us. That's for sure...
Sperm and egg gave me life. Not some mythical person.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Anonymous my ass. If you could wear a mask and not be forced to tell everyone your name, then maybe you could consider it "anonymous."
bro, it's anonymous in that what happens in the meeting, and the identities of the attendees are secret.

when you go to a meeting, it's to shaare, with the only pewople who cna understand what youre going through, and thats other people who have been through it.

it's not a cult, there are no charismatic leaders, no payments for induction into the "deeper mysteries" and no demands of eternal fealty.

its people coming together to help each other through some rought times, not a secret cabal plotting thhe destruction of human society to usher in the dominion of the Lizard People.


New Member
bro, it's anonymous in that what happens in the meeting, and the identities of the attendees are secret.

when you go to a meeting, it's to shaare, with the only pewople who cna understand what youre going through, and thats other people who have been through it.

it's not a cult, there are no charismatic leaders, no payments for induction into the "deeper mysteries" and no demands of eternal fealty.

its people coming together to help each other through some rought times, not a secret cabal plotting thhe destruction of human society to usher in the dominion of the Lizard People.
You obviously haven't seen the movie "fight club"


Well-Known Member

I'd hate to see this guy leashed...


Active Member
I had a friend that was in AA and a big bible thumper, he also drank like a fish. One time back when Howard Stern was on tv, we was getting all drunk. We each had a bottle for ourselves. We sat down on the couch to watch tv and while looking at the guide I seen Howard Stern was on and said lets watch this. He looked up at me and said, "please, no sin". I looked at him and was like "dude we are about to get fucked up drunk and your worried about watching Howard Stern?" I pretty much figured then that AA was bullshit.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
, so, that one guy has wacky inconsistent views, and thus the entire program is crap, and most likely a cult.

likewise, larry craig was a hypocrite, so every oher person on the planet who holds conservative views is an asshole, and we should all start blowing strangers in men's rooms.

brilliant logic.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
It started from a Cult
It continues to be a Cult

and to top it off it's success rate is less than 5% abstinence after a year
about the same as people who choose to quit without AA

And the Powerless thing is not about God
it's about surrendering yourself to the group
Indeed! They tore a page from the government handbook.


Active Member
Man I been there trust me the last thing I need is a bunch of like minded (genetically predisposed to addiction) people looking to vent in the name of an elusive never fantastic power that will free you from a (glitch in your brain) lifetime of decisions you had no business making in the first place. I have been and gained something a knowledge that if I never drink again I have no need to subject myself to those antics again. Keep comin back it works.


Active Member
People do bad things then look for relief from a higher power, the trick is to understand right and wrong, then make calculated decisions based on consequence. It isn't anyones fault but yours including "God". I agree Christianity is quite cult like, but religion is still used as it was designed, to conform people.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
People do bad things then look for relief from a higher power, the trick is to understand right and wrong, then make calculated decisions based on consequence. It isn't anyones fault but yours including "God". I agree Christianity is quite cult like, but religion is still used as it was designed, to conform people.
uhhh the subject is Alcoholics Anonymous, not christian religion. the two are completely separate.

AA does not equate drinking with a religious sin, but treats alcohol abuse as a problem, a PERSONAL problem, and porovides a safe place for people to talk about the problem without the social stigma or prejudice they find elsewhere.

everyone crying and whinging about a PRIVATE GROUP of people making a PRIVATE CHOICE about their PRIVATE LIVES, and calling them weak, foolish, stupid, brainwashed or gullible is making obvious WHY alcoholics anonymous is ANONYMOUS!

if your lives are so well in hand, then make a series of self helkp videos, share your great wisdom, and become fabulously wealthy. it should be pretty easy for all these paragons of virtue who are so confident in their moral superiority as to desparage people they dont know for going to meetings with a group they dont understand.

edit: i forgot to add,



Active Member
uhhh the subject is Alcoholics Anonymous, not christian religion. the two are completely separate.

AA does not equate drinking with a religious sin, but treats alcohol abuse as a problem, a PERSONAL problem, and porovides a safe place for people to talk about the problem without the social stigma or prejudice they find elsewhere.

everyone crying and whinging about a PRIVATE GROUP of people making a PRIVATE CHOICE about their PRIVATE LIVES, and calling them weak, foolish, stupid, brainwashed or gullible is making obvious WHY alcoholics anonymous is ANONYMOUS!

if your lives are so well in hand, then make a series of self helkp videos, share your great wisdom, and become fabulously wealthy. it should be pretty easy for all these paragons of virtue who are so confident in their moral superiority as to desparage people they dont know for going to meetings with a group they dont understand.

edit: i forgot to add,


I was making the parallel in "AA is a Cult", the only reason AA was adressed as a Cult is because of the religious practice at meetings. I think AA is a great step, it shows that someone is willing to make an effort to cure themselves. I think you missed the point of the OP.