I'm Donating $5000 to FDD2BLK's Family

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i wish i had the money to fly all over the country beating up internet tough guys... that would be super fun!

re read the last couple pages thatll catch you up... but as of right now your in an a/b converstaion cyour way to the last couple pages
i gave $5k to FDD. come to NY or Costa Rica and get in the cage with me. If you ain't tapped out in 2 minutes the $10k on the table is yours. step up or shut the fuck up!

thats what stings me....

All these people giving this guy money.... when his own greed brought him down. And others struggle not because of their own greed.

His wife cant work? for real.... thats Just FUCKED UP.

I was recently the victim of VIOLENT crime where I am literally losing everything. This guy fucked up on his own, lets throw money at him. I got fucked over, and you guys dont care because it doesnt matter, right? Its fine that I suffer through this when I didnt do anything.... right?


I got someone you can get in the ring with, we will split the 10000 :).

Im serious, and could definitely use the money. let me know when.
an a/b convo that is in a forum that anyone can join, to witch anybody can join in. as it is an open thread.

my first trip would be to santa barbara. just because its so beautiful.
i'm putting up the cash. make it worth my time and i'll come tap you out in 2 minutes.

sorry bro i dont think thall happen.. cause #1 i have no current travel plans #2 this dirty 4 letter word named WORK keep me from travelling friviously to prove something to a snitch that would probably call the police and snitch if i did something real bad fuck the ring bro lets keep it in the streets like i said in my original post


id edit that post scoob.. that was a fucked up statement sayin youll snitch on anyone that says where your loyalties lie.. lookin out for #1 is all cool and shit but that means havin eyes in the back of your head and seein the next thing comin before the next dude, not pass the buck so i can get free... wow im glad we dont roll in the same cirlces... as for the ring ill fight a snitch any day call me when u get to cali. holla at me in the streets

hope things are well for FDD even if he is brash manipulative, passive agressive and plays too many word games.. its just the internet afterall never met him in the flesh
an a/b convo that is in a forum that anyone can join, to witch anybody can join in. as it is an open thread.

my first trip would be to santa barbara. just because its so beautiful.

i know it bro thats why im here man... lol born n raised iv left a few times but always find my way back
I do not know if fdd snitched or not. It is a possibility ...but that 99.9% is bullshit.. I think it is closer. To 20-25 % are snitches when looking at a long stretch.
sorry bro i dont think thall happen.. cause #1 i have no current travel plans #2 this dirty 4 letter word named WORK keep me from travelling friviously to prove something to a snitch that would probably call the police and snitch if i did something real bad fuck the ring bro lets keep it in the streets like i said in my original post


whatever excuse you need to help you sleep at night.
hey scooby, you never answered me. i told you i would gladly roll on the mat for bit if you like. i warn you though, i wrestle in the nude. and im kinda a big fella.. and i sweat a lot. so as long as you dont mind my sweaty nut sack all up in your face.. i say fuck it, lets get er dun. and whats best, im in boston, so im fairly close.. my boy lives in queens, and my other boy has a spot in mid town.. so if you have a gym in the city area, i could come crash... fight, do some coke, get some hookers...
hey scooby, you never answered me. i told you i would gladly roll on the mat for bit if you like. i warn you though, i wrestle in the nude. and im kinda a big fella.. and i sweat a lot. so as long as you dont mind my sweaty nut sack all up in your face.. i say fuck it, lets get er dun. and whats best, im in boston, so im fairly close.. my boy lives in queens, and my other boy has a spot in mid town.. so if you have a gym in the city area, i could come crash... fight, do some coke, get some hookers...

This awesome ^^^^ ! We should hit up Artie Lang for some live footage. "You know help pay for any cost incurred!"

I live in LA.. I would pay to this!!!
This thread should be stickied as the official soap opera story or RIU!

What a train wreck. Oy.

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