Using energy from crystals and pyramids to increase plant success

Why do you feel the need to be such a douche while not proving that crystals benefit plants?
When you are telling someone they are not smart, you should spell the word "you're" correctly.
Why do you feel the need to be such a douche while not proving that crystals benefit plants?
When you are telling someone they are not smart, you should spell the word "you're" correctly.

Are you serious? "You're" connotates "You Are" which is not correct for the context of that sentence.. "Your" connotates posession... as in "whats mine is YOURS" so.. In fact.. When I am talking about YOUR dogmatic views.. YOUR would be the grammatically correct spelling. Unification theory states that ALL THINGS ARE CONNECTED BY ENERGY.. therefore.. Crystals are connected to plants by energy.. and all energry can be transmuted from positive to negative. I believe you sir are the douche that has failed to even read any of the information I have posted.. let alone research it. Math doesnt lie bud... Scientists DO!
I would like to thank the people in this forum for giving me reason to research the fundamental ideas behind the use of crystals. Because of you, I now have a physical, mathematical evidence that this theory is correct.

The mass of the universe is calculated to be the SAME as the mass within each proton within our physical reality. This equation shows that from the largest macrocosmic scale... right down to the smallest microcosmic/sub-atomic levels.. the level of energy is CONSTANTLY divided in a very definate pattern from infinintely big THROUGH YOU, THROUGH PLANTS, and THROUGH CRYSTALS down to infinitely small.. This energy creates an incredibly complex resonant frequency that resonates at a potentially infinite number of wavelengths. These wavelengths can interact with each other.. the same way sounds interact with each other (eg. many instruments in a band create a single cohesive sound). These wavelengths change the structure of other wavelengths as they come in contact with each other. Crystals have a very precise and measureable frequency.., all biological life also emits a frequency which is effected by the frequency of other things around it.. SO.. if all the things that lead up to crystals effecting plant growth are all physical, mathematical facts... Why is it so hard for you to believe that Crystals actually DO effect plant growth? There are crystals in your computer that emit frequncies when electricity is passed through them.. that is how your computer does what it does.. You say that your consciousness has nothing to do with your computer working?? Try not touching your computer and see what happens... Im sure you will find that NOTHING happens untill YOUR CONSCIOUS EFFORT is applied to your computer.. You MUST consciously move your hand to the mouse, or keyboard and transfer the energy from your mind to your hands.. through the keys that produce elecrical signals that are transmitted through the crystals to produce the result you desire from your computer. This all really basic stuff folks.. we think about things before we do them.. its just the way the world works! So for you to say that consciousness is not a factor because it can not be measured is simply ludicrous! EVERYTHING YOU HAVE EVER TOUCHED is a result of consciousness interacting with the physical environment!

In addition to this scientific, mathematical evidence I have collected.. I also have grown approximately 2400 plants in the EXACT same environment, with the EXACT same food, EXACT same lights, EXACT SAME EVERYTHING.. And seen a definate improvement in the overall health of my plants, I maintained a VERY high yeild.. and was able to rid my garden of chemical pest, and disease control. As far as Im concerned I have enough factual evidence to promote with full confidence that Crystals DO help your plants! And untill someone can provide evidence that these mathematical facts are false... OR can conduct an experiment with a simlar control group and provide different results.. Please feel free to share.. Until then.. I believe this discussion is closed :-)
lol numbers are numbers, how they are interpreted however is a much different matter

and youtube videos certain can be full of lies

but its cute your think its proof of anything

When math adds up.. its true math.. This math adds up.. relativistic physics does not.. I fail to see you point in this...
When math adds up.. its true math.. This math adds up.. relativistic physics does not.. I fail to see you point in this...

LOL a man on youtube has thrown a bunch of numbers at you and told you what they're supposed to mean

you've bought it hook line and sinker well thats good for you

go off and play with your crystals if that what you wish

but dont try to get us to believe this bullshit
That man calculated the size and volume of the universe, and then cross referenced it with the size and volume of a proton and found the same value.. he then reversed his caluclations to check his math and found the same result. If you can find flaws in his calculation be my guest.. I have not found them.. and I am most certain I have done more research on this than you have. Your opinion is dogmatic and holds no substance.. This formula is EXACT and can be back referenced for accuracy to a billionth of a billionth of a billionth of a percent.. I think Im going to believe the math.. not some guy who's still stuck on 3rd grade physics.. Try actually learning something instead of making assumptions all the time.. you might be surprised what you learn!
That man calculated the size and volume of the universe, and then cross referenced it with the size and volume of a proton and found the same value.. he then reversed his caluclations to check his math and found the same result. If you can find flaws in his calculation be my guest.. I have not found them.. and I am most certain I have done more research on this than you have. Your opinion is dogmatic and holds no substance.. This formula is EXACT and can be back referenced for accuracy to a billionth of a billionth of a billionth of a percent.. I think Im going to believe the math.. not some guy who's still stuck on 3rd grade physics.. Try actually learning something instead of making assumptions all the time.. you might be surprised what you learn!
and what? he did a couple of sums and has done nothing apart from that to back it up?

no predictions?
no experiments?
nothing at all just a youtube vid and a gaggle of gullible idiots who lap it up without question?

well thats me sold
and what? he did a couple of sums and has done nothing apart from that to back it up?

no predictions?
no experiments?
nothing at all just a youtube vid and a gaggle of gullible idiots who lap it up without question?

well thats me sold

If you would do a little research you could find that out for yourself! But oh wait... You would rather make assumptions based on your dogmatic views instead of actually learn something new... I forgot.. My bad... Im sorry but its not my job to render the hundreds of hours of research I alone have done on the subject.. I have shown you the facts.. if you would like to see where they come from.. I have also given you every avenue to check that out.. Im not on salary bud.. Im just trying to help you learn something.. Its up to you if you want to follow through and actually learn something new!
If you would do a little research you could find that out for yourself! But oh wait... You would rather make assumptions based on your dogmatic views instead of actually learn something new... I forgot.. My bad...
dude what did i just say? relax man if you cannot act civil dont type
Hocus pocus rocks? No... pH shocking the shit out of them and potentially getting lucky you didn't wipe out your crop? More(most) likely..

From Lawrence Livermore National Labs.. I cite:

"A single-pass, flow-through apparatus was used to determine the dissolution rate of quartz at 70°C as a function of pH and time. Dissolution rate data were obtained over the pH range 1.4 to 11.8 in nine separate experiments each lasting 50 days. The quartz dissolution rates were defined by the silica release rate to solution. Speciation-solubility calculations using the geochemical modeling code EQ3/6 indicate that the fluid was maintained far from equilibrium with respect to quartz and well-undersaturated with respect to all possible secondary minerals in all runs. The dissolution rates were independent of pH at values (10[SUP]−15.3[/SUP] mol/cm[SUP]2[/SUP] · s) consistent with the data of Rimstidt and Barnes (1980) up to approximately pH 6, but at higher pH the rates increased with increasing pH, proportional to1-s2.0-0016703788900555-si1.gif, being almost four orders of magnitude higher at pH 11.8. The rate constants for quartz dissolution at 70°C were 10[SUP]−15.3[/SUP] mol/cm[SUP]2[/SUP] · s in the pH-independent region extending from acid through neutral solutions, and 10[SUP]−17.8[/SUP] mol/cm[SUP]2[/SUP] · s in more alkaline solutions. Etch pits were strongly developed in the runs with the more alkaline solutions (pH > 8 ), in which the rates were the highest. This appears consistent with a surface reaction-controlled dissolution mechanism."


This also assumes that the quartz is superheated to 70C, but fact remains.. if it in a liquid form can run a 1.4 to 11.8 range.. why can't it be worn off the very same stones/rocks/hocus pocus magical things with normal liquids? Maybe this is a hint that we need to buy diamonds for the females... afterall, diamonds are a girls best friend.. ?


Edit: Something in the above text did not agree with the security settings for the forums, first time I tried to submit it... I got this msg:

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The security system for this website has been triggered because of a phrase or content in your submission. If you are reading this, you are most likely a human visitor trying to log in or post a comment that triggered the system.

Any idea what word(s) or combination used in either my word choices or citing that could have triggered it? If so, will do my best to dodge those so I don't have to play with the anti-bot screen. In retrospect, was probably the clickable link embedded... blah.
If you would do a little research you could find that out for yourself! But oh wait... You would rather make assumptions based on your dogmatic views instead of actually learn something new... I forgot.. My bad... Im sorry but its not my job to render the hundreds of hours of research I alone have done on the subject.. I have shown you the facts.. if you would like to see where they come from.. I have also given you every avenue to check that out.. Im not on salary bud.. Im just trying to help you learn something.. Its up to you if you want to follow through and actually learn something new!

lol you think that as you've just now found out about this guy that no one else has heard it before? that your the first to start spreading the nonsense that is crystal energy?

hundreds of hours of research? lol well lets put it this way not all research if done equally especially if your prone to believing stupid shit like you seem to be

your not new or original and shout that we're dogmatic doesnt make what your saying any more real
Ok.. so you all keep taking shots at me.. But none of you have done the math? I have provided a verifiable, mathematical evidence that Crystals help plants grow... I have also provided information on the thousands of plants I have grown using this method.. You all keep posting shit that has NOTHING to do with the evidence of proof I have provided! What does crystal Ph have to do with its energy? Not to mention the calculations you listed were for a quartz crystal that is heated to 70c? Do any of you keep your grow room that warm? I fail to see how this has any relevance at all to this discussion... I have been aware Mr. Haramein's work for about 5 years now.. So no.. I didnt JUST hear of him.. this is just the first time I have ever taken the time to back check and verify the factual conculsions he has come too.. and it seems that some of the greatest minds alive today agree with this theory.. I wasnt insulting anyone by saying Stephen Hawking is smarter than them.. He has been stated as the most intelligent person on the planet.. So fo you to say its not warranted for me to point out the fact he is smarter than ALL of us is not overstepping any bounds.. If your insulted by this.. Its probably because you KNOW Im right.. and are just grasping at straws to try and over turn the PROOF I have uncovered. For the last century Physicists have been trying to solve Einstein's feild equations.. Haramein has done it... and his math is verifiable. Now.. are you just going to keep posting useless shit? Or is someone acutally going to PROVE ME WRONG! Unification Theory is now closer to fact than Relativity has EVER been! Remember.. Relativity is a THEORY.. it has NEVER been proven.. So for you to site relativistic physics as proof.. when the math doesnt add up.. is just plain ignorant! The math adds up for unification theory.. it does not add up for Relativity.. This is a plain and simple fact.. you can ignore it if you want.. but your only holding yourself back!
Hocus pocus rocks? No... pH shocking the shit out of them and potentially getting lucky you didn't wipe out your crop? More(most) likely..

From Lawrence Livermore National Labs.. I cite:

"A single-pass, flow-through apparatus was used to determine the dissolution rate of quartz at 70°C as a function of pH and time. Dissolution rate data were obtained over the pH range 1.4 to 11.8 in nine separate experiments each lasting 50 days. The quartz dissolution rates were defined by the silica release rate to solution. Speciation-solubility calculations using the geochemical modeling code EQ3/6 indicate that the fluid was maintained far from equilibrium with respect to quartz and well-undersaturated with respect to all possible secondary minerals in all runs. The dissolution rates were independent of pH at values (10[SUP]−15.3[/SUP] mol/cm[SUP]2[/SUP] · s) consistent with the data of Rimstidt and Barnes (1980) up to approximately pH 6, but at higher pH the rates increased with increasing pH, proportional toView attachment 2497819, being almost four orders of magnitude higher at pH 11.8. The rate constants for quartz dissolution at 70°C were 10[SUP]−15.3[/SUP] mol/cm[SUP]2[/SUP] · s in the pH-independent region extending from acid through neutral solutions, and 10[SUP]−17.8[/SUP] mol/cm[SUP]2[/SUP] · s in more alkaline solutions. Etch pits were strongly developed in the runs with the more alkaline solutions (pH > 8 ), in which the rates were the highest. This appears consistent with a surface reaction-controlled dissolution mechanism."


This also assumes that the quartz is superheated to 70C, but fact remains.. if it in a liquid form can run a 1.4 to 11.8 range.. why can't it be worn off the very same stones/rocks/hocus pocus magical things with normal liquids? Maybe this is a hint that we need to buy diamonds for the females... afterall, diamonds are a girls best friend.. ?


Edit: Something in the above text did not agree with the security settings for the forums, first time I tried to submit it... I got this msg:

What happened?

The security system for this website has been triggered because of a phrase or content in your submission. If you are reading this, you are most likely a human visitor trying to log in or post a comment that triggered the system.

Any idea what word(s) or combination used in either my word choices or citing that could have triggered it? If so, will do my best to dodge those so I don't have to play with the anti-bot screen. In retrospect, was probably the clickable link embedded... blah.

So pulling 3lb per 1000W HPS on a consistant basis is just "luck".. well then I guess Im pretty lucky eh.. Ive been pulling 3lb per light for close to 15 years now consistantly.. Something tells me luck doesnt have much to do with it ;-)
lol you think that as you've just now found out about this guy that no one else has heard it before? that your the first to start spreading the nonsense that is crystal energy?

hundreds of hours of research? lol well lets put it this way not all research if done equally especially if your prone to believing stupid shit like you seem to be

your not new or original and shout that we're dogmatic doesnt make what your saying any more real

Dogma is belief without factual evidence.. If you believe in relativity.. you believe in a dogmatic veiw as there is NO PROOF that it factually exists. If you actually look at the way Relativistc physics are experimented with.. all of the laws are based on the function of a substance within an ISOLATED SYSTEM. By definition.. an Isolated System is a system that is completly cut off from the rest of the universe and can not... or does not interact with its physical surroundings.. This definition also states that Isolated Systems are NOT FOUND ANYWHERE IN NATURE?!?!?!?!? So.. in a nutshell.. this basically means that ALL of the natural laws that have been developed by relativistic physics are NOT based on something that NATURALLY occurs in nature?!?! Do you not see a fundamental flaw in this approach? How can we judge how an object interacts with its natural environment.. when we are doing experiments in an environment that doesnt occur naturally? It just doesnt make sense.. just like all of the arguements I have heard rebuting this theory. Im just looking for some proof.. Not some smart ass comment saying "haha your a retard if you believe in this".. cause you know.. so much progress is made with that kind of thing..........
be careful with this-

there is a reason the energy isn't detectable. i personally think all of science is flawed, as it will not recognize its own "faith" . boson-higgs exists? it must. but we can't see it or detect it, same as the flat world. but yet they will stretch for the theory based on accurate assessment of the unseen.

pyramids work. due to recognition algorithms, the are discovering them at an overwhelming rate. even so thought mountains may be pyramids. the crystals work, orgone blasters work. i have seen it, and i consider it to be of an esoteric nature of which i won't engage. i believe that if i could see the other 97%, my head would explode.

there are plenty of examples of unmeasurable energies that exist. the russian government is doing extensive work with this, and their experiments are reproducible. build a cardboard pyramid, with golden geometry and see what it will do. it will scare you.

also, just by chance, i was introduced to electro-magnetic pulse induction in the garden. same result. amazing, and scary.