Well-Known Member
When they eventually legalise cannabis over here I reckon all yous cunts should get on Jeremy Kyle and sort your problems out lol.....he never sent this, he never done this, he gave my fucking cut away lol
When they eventually legalise cannabis over here I reckon all yous cunts should get on Jeremy Kyle and sort your problems out lol.....he never sent this, he never done this, he gave my fucking cut away lol
lmao ark at you, i never said u told me not to water every day so b4 u start calling sum1 a lying bastard or w/eva eread properly,, but i guess ur always right eh?
anyways thanx for the letdown on popping a cfl bak to me,, i sorted it myself,, il grow MY WAY, not yours, and i do just fine, the cherry was SHITE! the smoke was crap so tbh im glad they died
now my hands are washed yet another thread cunt to go on my list
and i said AFTER A WEEK not to bring the cfl bak since id sorted summet elseware,, u said ud pop it bak after signing on u never did so why say it? mr perfect go fuk yerself
Haha fuck soil lol........i was like that cos for some reason thought you was always in coco....I just cunt be bothered to mix 2 lots of feed yorky barely get time to see to me coco girls these days we the baby an starting up me own firm I'm running on about 3-4 hours sleep a night... never mind doin a soil run for the 1st time too, same reason I fucked my slh last grow cos just dint have time to do 2 feeds so it got the full strength huge psycho feed...
Fuck it tho I just think it's funny how pissy you get we ice when he disobeys you lol
An my best mate is sorting me half his crop as the lucky bastards got a exo an pe off me 4 week veg in perfect health an your big smelly fingaz(lol) plus all my old equipment an me showing him the ropes so it ain't just like I've kid it to the local nobhead...I'll get some pics when I'm there...
I wasn't having ago mate, just an observation.
I wouldn't get pissy if IC3 followed the advice he asked me to give, he asks me to help and then carry's on doing what he knows has been proven to be bad practice.
He has not followed a single shred of it, not even tried once and that's why I get vexed.
Lol you should no ice is unteachable mate.......
Sneak preview threw the spy hole day 14 12/12
View attachment 2499679
pukka m8 what are they? Was gettin a bit stressed cos thinkin mine wer bein slow for 2 weeks in but they look about as far on as yours, made me feel better that pic did, my last run of psycho I thot showed flowers faster, probly didn't..ah fuck I can't mind, don't like keepin too many pics or dates lying round
i think if i were ever to be in that horrible twats company i'd take it as my civil duty to give him a reet good hiding. jeremy kyle is such a cunt. oooh i was once a gambling addict i know how to fix everyone's problems i'll just shout over you and tell you to buy nappies not 20 bags.
Lol you should no ice is unteachable mate....... I've given the lad a far bit of advice don't think he's listened to much lol