The UK Growers Thread!

gunna do an outside grow any strains to recommend for a good smoke and yield was thinking barneys farm blue cheese, would also be interested in auto if they are good enough quality any suggestions
I've had my dog on 12/12fs since the start of december. On the 14th of jan it started to grow pods at node 3 and 5. I picked the ones on the top off they haven't grew back. The lower ones i have left to grow cos i want their jizz
I'm attempting an outdoor grow this year and will be using auto's i'm thinking of auto ak47,auto afghan kush or auto pounder. I was told that photo's would never finish on time before the first frost, but fuck nose!
I've had my dog on 12/12fs since the start of december. On the 14th of jan it started to grow pods at node 3 and 5. I picked the ones on the top off they haven't grew back. The lower ones i have left to grow cos i want their jizz

Cheers mate so it's low down you get the nuts I'll keep a eye out then I'm 14 days 12/12, I was thinkin the same with leaving a few on if I do get some just to hit the dogbx1 up with its own jizz lol what the fuck would they be called? Dog bx1 fems? !?!? Lol I ant got a clue...
I'm attempting an outdoor grow this year and will be using auto's i'm thinking of auto ak47,auto afghan kush or auto pounder. I was told that photo's would never finish on time before the first frost, but fuck nose!

I was chatting about it with my best mate maybe us havin a bash 1 yeah there's plenty of green places where I live I'm right on the edge of town neighboring Derbyshire so loads of woods an shit just finding some where no fucker goes....
Yh they started low on mine, There's none growing from the side branches tho, just from the stem. I'm planning on hitting the psycho with the dog's filth lol. Fuck nose what they'd be called lol, bx2's? well over my head that stuff mate lmao
I was chatting about it with my best mate maybe us havin a bash 1 yeah there's plenty of green places where I live I'm right on the edge of town neighboring Derbyshire so loads of woods an shit just finding some where no fucker goes....
I'm in scotland( not a good start,i know), live in a tiny village with around 15 mile squared of forrest around me. There's loads of places that i can use,i've already scouted them out. But yeah getting them bumped is always in my thoughts lol
Yh they started low on mine, There's none growing from the side branches tho, just from the stem. I'm planning on hitting the psycho with the dog's filth lol. Fuck nose what they'd be called lol, bx2's? well over my head that stuff mate lmao

Lol I've had this same convo with another 2 peeps you calling the cross rabies? ? Lol an used that same joke with both lol

I'll make sure I look there then mate...

I'm in scotland( not a good start,i know), live in a tiny village with around 15 mile squared of forrest around me. There's loads of places that i can use,i've already scouted them out. But yeah getting them bumped is always in my thoughts lol

Yeh there 1 place near me on a industrial estate waste ground it only small but the place is full of huge thorn bushes no cunt goes in I thought if I can get or the fence wade my way threw we loads of clobber an gloves on then plant um smack in the middle the only thing worrying me is the state of the soil there allsorts of waste been chucked or the fence...
Rabies lol, i wasn't gonna call it anything lol, i'm sure i read that post somewhere lmao. That sounds like it would be a good place for them tho, i'm lucky i can use some manure from the many fields round me to condition the ground a bit. I don't know what id do in your shoes lol
Any dog growers got advice on the hermi probs....not got any probs yet just was wondering is it early on they grow balls or later an should I just pick um off? I've got everything crossed that I don't get none so hopefully I won't she's lookin fuckin splendid lol real fuel like smell diesel or sumut ...

ive had a few plants throw out a pollen sack or 2 that ive grown from seed. ive just got a bottle of dutch masters reverse and penetrator. the reverse has had good reviews. they even say its used to make seedless fruit but i dont know how true that is lol
Rabies lol, i wasn't gonna call it anything lol, i'm sure i read that post somewhere lmao. That sounds like it would be a good place for them tho, i'm lucky i can use some manure from the many fields round me to condition the ground a bit. I don't know what id do in your shoes lol

It's just gettin um there an out we out bein seen that's on goin for it this summer?

ive had a few plants throw out a pollen sack or 2 that ive grown from seed. ive just got a bottle of dutch masters reverse and penetrator. the reverse has had good reviews. they even say its used to make seedless fruit but i dont know how true that is lol

I've never had any probs mate we me seeds not done that many tho, herd about that reverse stuff think dura users it has an 1 tried it on a prone dog phenomena see if it cured it?....
"But not very much else" what the fuck do you no ya twat you don't no me mate I'm pretty clever just not any good on computers does that mean I'm thick? Lol.....ya just mardy cos every fucker thinks your thick lol

no pukka u knw i love u :) nothing was directed at you m8,,

i just object to sum cunt force feeding me HIS methods,, while advice is advice i take what i need from advice, if he had his way id be doing shit exaktly his way,, and u know that dont work m8..

we all do it OUR way and tyvm im getting rather good at it,, weve all killed shit,, we just dont post it in public,lol
right, i've had to roll my sleeves up for this......

Firstly i didn't go searching for proof of serious changing the line i went searching for proof of the 'cherry ak', which i found.
I condensed the information for the benefit, you're quite welcome to search the archive on it's own (regardless of the commercial net) but i hope you realise how big it is.

Take the word of a breeder? Poor little pheno? Dodgy? Could be anything? (that one tickles me)
you obviously aren't familiar with who dr candyman is and i don't really expect you to but he is very respected in the underground breeding world, the guy grew several hundred outdoor plants at a time for several years. But that aside please tell me where in this picture you think the plant looks abused.....

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it has a very slight calcium deficiency in the areas marked in black but then the plant is outdoors, other than that the plant is a picture of health.
I can only assume you you are looking at the leaf in the red area but judging buy the health of the rest of the plant we can see i'm sceptical if it's attached to or even from that plant. Please feel free to mark out any other areas you have problems with because i surely must be blind not to see them.

Your ad hominem attack on the health of the plant does not discredit the validity of the claim and besides that the picture in question is 1 bud from 1 plant, that particular plant could have been flowered just to pollinate for seeds. We don't know so we don't speculate but the fact that the plant exists stands, i gave photo evidence of what is the cherry pheno of 'ak47' from a man who was growing hundreds of plants at the time.
On the flip side to your comments on the plants health if you would like to inspect the grow rooms of 'serious seeds' they are in an interview with simon on ludacris's 'the red light district' dvd and here in the 'blueberry yum yum' video, the plants are far from prime specimens or well tended to say the least.

First off mate you haven't showed proof of anything other than a purple plant that could still be anything.
Then to the plant health, that thing is not healthy by any stretch of the imagination, it looks like a pathetic little plant by my standards never mind a professional that should be able to keep a healthy plant.
I don't know how to do the circling thing on the computer but i see more signs of bad health than i do of good health.
My ad hominem attack lmao does not discredit the validity of the claim, it doesn't prove fuck all either ya numpty other than poor growing skills, could have been grown for seeds we won't speculate, i don't see any seeds do you???
Hundreds of plants at a time means nothing, i've passed the hundred mark at a single time, does that make me a pro? No
does it mean he can keep his plants healthy? Obviously not!

other peoples grow rooms don't concern me unless it means a substandard product.

"how they taste are down to how the person sampling them describes it like simon from serious seeds said, you should know yourself that we could all grow out the same cut in our different rooms and the likely hood of them all looking identical is slim to none and slim has left the building!":- this is also illogical, since when has taste been related to colour? You can't change the conclusion to fit the premiss, since i established in beginning the cherry pheno name has nothing to do with taste your argument doesn't stand.
when has taste been related to colour? When someone names it after a fruit that is typically regarded as red, hence cherry red, also if you've done as much homework as you're making out you would know it's supposed to have a fruity flavour with hints of cherry to it, so it does relate to it's name completely!

"also just to throw it out there mate the strain your talking about has quiet a parentage behind it and they are all crosses! The colour could come from anywhere and the pheno's coming from the seed stock will have the potential to produce hundreds if not thousands of different pheno types unless heavily worked":-
actually no you misunderstand, seed stock doesn't have the potential to throw out hundreds of different phenos (taking environmental influences out of the equation). The number of phenos is much, much smaller but some genetic pheno expressions don't pop up as much as others.the reason why the cherry ak is that colour is because of the genetic inheritance of certain pigments, the presence of these pigments make selective breeding quite easy and a hell of a lot easier than selecting for taste (don't even get me started on the 'pineapple' pheno of c99).....

I didn't misunderstand anything!!! Any strain stemming from several crosses does have the potential to produce hundreds/thousands of phenos, unless from cuttings every plant will be different! Even homogenised strains won't be identical all the time! Get a fucking clue, we would all be professional breeders if this wasn't the case.

"other than green, purple is the most common color in living marijuana. Triggered by seasonal temperature changes (just as trees change colour in the fall), the vibrant hues of the mature pot plant are also the result of genetics and the creativity of the cultivator or breeder.
Indoors and outdoors, color can be influenced by deficiencies as well as by temperature. The intense green of chlorophyll usually overpowers other colors, such as red, orange and the coveted purple. Chlorophyll tends to break down late in the season, and a pigment known as anthocyanin is unmasked and allowed to show through.
For purple colour to develop upon maturation, a strain must have the genetic potential to produce anthocyanin pigments. However, the colour might never be shown if environmental conditions don’t cause chlorophyll breakdown. Colombian and hindu kush strains tend to develop purple coloration when subjected to low night temperatures during the end of their life cycles. Purple orangutan, originally from afghanistan with heavy traits of the hindu kush, produces some of the darkest purple and blue tones found in any marijuana strain.
Another pigment called carotenoid is largely responsible for the yellow, orange, red and brown colors of marijuana. These colours begin to show in the leaves and calyxes of certain strains as the green chlorophyll colour fades. Gold strains reveal underlying yellow and orange pigments as they mature. Red strains are usually closer to reddish brown in colour, though certain carotenoid and anthocyanin pigments are nearly red, and streaks of these colours occasionally appear in the petioles (the slender stems supporting the leaflets) in ripe flowers. The red colour in pressed, low-grade tops often consists of masses of reddish-brown dried pistils." ~ high times article.

Other than green purple is the most common living colour!!! Doesn't do your argument any favours.

To come with statements like those in a thread frequented by some folk who know a thing or two just makes you look foolish and that that you don't have a clue what you're taking about mate, if you stand by those statement's then i think you'd best tell don that he's tripping because these 'smelly cherry' seeds here....

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don, did i bring him into it? No i fucking never and i like the guy so we'll leave him out of it! If he's used lineage named as something and labels it accordingly that's his business.

....aren't all jet black and he hasn't got around 80-85% of them to go purple in 4 generations and his f3 male stud hasn't made the lemon's buds go purple in a first cross (my plant as proof), when i s1 it i'll let you know how that get's on turning it's offspring purple.
There are a couple of people here that now have access to a clone of that purple plant i grew, ask any one of them what colour the calyx/pre-flowers are even in veg and i'll tell you they'll say pink/purple if i haven't mixed the cuts up.
We call the cherry ak a pheno but actually it's a particular genotype of ak making gene transferral to offspring guaranteed with a dominant allele.

More speculation on your part without proof, there's plenty of purple ak's out there and it means nothing unless you think their all the cherry pheno and i think we can both agree they're not.

I don't have any "proof" of serious changing their p1's (all it would take is to use a sister of the original mother to make the next batch of f1's and you wouldn't know) just like i don't have any 'proof' what really happened to the twin towers on sept 11, i do know that if you grow out a couple of hundred ak47's you won't find the cherry any more just like i know the twin towers didn't collapse due to jet fuel fire! Just like i can look out of the widow in the morning and see snow on the ground, i don't need to have actually seen the snow fall to know that it has.

You admit yourself you have no proof and spout a load of shit to back up a statement without any evidence what so ever.

When 2 separate breeders of distinction (candyman and heath, not to mention others) both grow out enough ak47's to find the plant in question and can probably give you an informed insight into the ratio of said plant within the seed numbers say that the cherry isn't there any more then you have to take their word for it unless you have the ability to grow out enough to call them on it? Leaving the only logical explanation to be that the stock used isn't the same, it can't possibly be.

"if you do find something concrete put it up i'd like to have a look before i go spending £60 on a pack mate":- frankly i don't need to find anything concrete, it's good enough for me. I don't care where you spend your money or if you believe me, you are quite welcome to spend your pennies where you like and let yourself be labelled a 'dumb consumer' by the commercial seed industry (greenhouse thrive on it).

Lmfao spending my pennies, yes on a solid and reliable,proven breeder with strains that match their descriptions and are fucking great for cash cropping and guarantee a wage and a great fucking crop out of every pack!!! Even your purple plant carries their genetics and they have been proven for years, probably why the guy was growing them out in the first place. Has your strain been proven for years?
Which one of us is the consumer dumbass?
For those 60 notes i'll earn thousands without a headache and get what i want, we can all find cheaper seeds but if they're not what i want they're no good to me!
I want proven genetics for my money!!!
I could go on to state that it's highly unlikely mr nice's strains are what they are said to be either, since shanty got busted in switzerland several years ago for "bringing into switzerland plants that could be used to produce a controlled substance" (leading to a 4 year custodial sentence) his library of genetics were seized hence him only working on 'cbd crew' strains since his release but you would probably want the evidence sheets from the swiss police to prove the widow seeds that seedsman seeds sell are very old stock if legit at all.
The majority of the commercial seed industry is fucking bunk and isn't worth 60 sheets a pack in a month of sunday's, i can list numerous underground breeders that have done more to push selective breeding forward in the last 10 years than the entire netherlands has since shanti and the white family!

The only speculation here is from you mate. I on the other hand don't take anything on face value or with presumption so i had to find out if the cherry really exists for myself and i've presented the evidence as well as educated information that the same plant isn't to be found any more, take it or leave it.

i never speculated about anything only called you out on your speculation that serious changed there parent stockand have got nothing but bullshit for it!
You might be able to baffle a few dumbasses on here with science but not me, you come across as a know it all cunt and then back it up with nothing but bollax.

Also as for you mugging ic3 off because your a man of integrity wasn't you the one saying saying two extacy tabs would fuck up our brains for days after regardless of weight, tolerance etc? Wrong and the fact that i and many others have been fine is living proof.
Should we also talk about the fact that you was arguing billy's soapbar was legit gold seal when it couldn't have been further away from it.
You may be book smart but i think that's where it ends becasue you haven't got much of a real world clue, hps light are fine for both veg and flower! Is there lights out there that will do a better job? Of course there is but you won't have crappy plants for using a hps light and yields will still be good, i've pulled over 20 odd oz a light in soil with no additives and they've spent their who cycles under nothing but hps, so you might want to stop chatting shit about hps not being up to the job! If you can't veg with them then that's due to a fault on your part! Fucking hell your just full of fail these last couple of days aren't you lol
right, i've had to roll my sleeves up for this......

Firstly i didn't go searching for proof of serious changing the line i went searching for proof of the 'cherry ak', which i found.
I condensed the information for the benefit, you're quite welcome to search the archive on it's own (regardless of the commercial net) but i hope you realise how big it is.

Take the word of a breeder? Poor little pheno? Dodgy? Could be anything? (that one tickles me)
you obviously aren't familiar with who dr candyman is and i don't really expect you to but he is very respected in the underground breeding world, the guy grew several hundred outdoor plants at a time for several years. But that aside please tell me where in this picture you think the plant looks abused.....

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it has a very slight calcium deficiency in the areas marked in black but then the plant is outdoors, other than that the plant is a picture of health.
I can only assume you you are looking at the leaf in the red area but judging buy the health of the rest of the plant we can see i'm sceptical if it's attached to or even from that plant. Please feel free to mark out any other areas you have problems with because i surely must be blind not to see them.

Your ad hominem attack on the health of the plant does not discredit the validity of the claim and besides that the picture in question is 1 bud from 1 plant, that particular plant could have been flowered just to pollinate for seeds. We don't know so we don't speculate but the fact that the plant exists stands, i gave photo evidence of what is the cherry pheno of 'ak47' from a man who was growing hundreds of plants at the time.
On the flip side to your comments on the plants health if you would like to inspect the grow rooms of 'serious seeds' they are in an interview with simon on ludacris's 'the red light district' dvd and here in the 'blueberry yum yum' video, the plants are far from prime specimens or well tended to say the least.

first off mate you haven't showed proof of anything other than a purple plant that could still be anything.
Then to the plant health, that thing is not healthy by any stretch of the imagination, it looks like a pathetic little plant by my standards never mind a professional that should be able to keep a healthy plant.
I don't know how to do the circling thing on the computer but i see more signs of bad health than i do of good health.
My ad hominem attack lmao does not discredit the validity of the claim, it doesn't prove fuck all either ya numpty other than poor growing skills, could have been grown for seeds we won't speculate, i don't see any seeds do you???
Hundreds of plants at a time means nothing, i've passed the hundred mark at a single time, does that make me a pro? No
does it mean he can keep his plants healthy? Obviously not!

other peoples grow rooms don't concern me unless it means a substandard product.

"how they taste are down to how the person sampling them describes it like simon from serious seeds said, you should know yourself that we could all grow out the same cut in our different rooms and the likely hood of them all looking identical is slim to none and slim has left the building!":- this is also illogical, since when has taste been related to colour? You can't change the conclusion to fit the premiss, since i established in beginning the cherry pheno name has nothing to do with taste your argument doesn't stand.
when has taste been related to colour? When someone names it after a fruit that is typically regarded as red, hence cherry red, also if you've done as much homework as you're making out you would know it's supposed to have a fruity flavour with hints of cherry to it, so it does relate to it's name completely!

"also just to throw it out there mate the strain your talking about has quiet a parentage behind it and they are all crosses! The colour could come from anywhere and the pheno's coming from the seed stock will have the potential to produce hundreds if not thousands of different pheno types unless heavily worked":-
actually no you misunderstand, seed stock doesn't have the potential to throw out hundreds of different phenos (taking environmental influences out of the equation). The number of phenos is much, much smaller but some genetic pheno expressions don't pop up as much as others.the reason why the cherry ak is that colour is because of the genetic inheritance of certain pigments, the presence of these pigments make selective breeding quite easy and a hell of a lot easier than selecting for taste (don't even get me started on the 'pineapple' pheno of c99).....

i didn't misunderstand anything!!! Any strain stemming from several crosses does have the potential to produce hundreds/thousands of phenos, unless from cuttings every plant will be different! Even homogenised strains won't be identical all the time! Get a fucking clue, we would all be professional breeders if this wasn't the case.

"other than green, purple is the most common color in living marijuana. Triggered by seasonal temperature changes (just as trees change colour in the fall), the vibrant hues of the mature pot plant are also the result of genetics and the creativity of the cultivator or breeder.
Indoors and outdoors, color can be influenced by deficiencies as well as by temperature. The intense green of chlorophyll usually overpowers other colors, such as red, orange and the coveted purple. Chlorophyll tends to break down late in the season, and a pigment known as anthocyanin is unmasked and allowed to show through.
For purple colour to develop upon maturation, a strain must have the genetic potential to produce anthocyanin pigments. However, the colour might never be shown if environmental conditions don’t cause chlorophyll breakdown. Colombian and hindu kush strains tend to develop purple coloration when subjected to low night temperatures during the end of their life cycles. Purple orangutan, originally from afghanistan with heavy traits of the hindu kush, produces some of the darkest purple and blue tones found in any marijuana strain.
Another pigment called carotenoid is largely responsible for the yellow, orange, red and brown colors of marijuana. These colours begin to show in the leaves and calyxes of certain strains as the green chlorophyll colour fades. Gold strains reveal underlying yellow and orange pigments as they mature. Red strains are usually closer to reddish brown in colour, though certain carotenoid and anthocyanin pigments are nearly red, and streaks of these colours occasionally appear in the petioles (the slender stems supporting the leaflets) in ripe flowers. The red colour in pressed, low-grade tops often consists of masses of reddish-brown dried pistils." ~ high times article.

other than green purple is the most common living colour!!! Doesn't do your argument any favours.

to come with statements like those in a thread frequented by some folk who know a thing or two just makes you look foolish and that that you don't have a clue what you're taking about mate, if you stand by those statement's then i think you'd best tell don that he's tripping because these 'smelly cherry' seeds here....

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don, did i bring him into it? No i fucking never and i like the guy so we'll leave him out of it! If he's used lineage named as something and labels it accordingly that's his business.

....aren't all jet black and he hasn't got around 80-85% of them to go purple in 4 generations and his f3 male stud hasn't made the lemon's buds go purple in a first cross (my plant as proof), when i s1 it i'll let you know how that get's on turning it's offspring purple.
There are a couple of people here that now have access to a clone of that purple plant i grew, ask any one of them what colour the calyx/pre-flowers are even in veg and i'll tell you they'll say pink/purple if i haven't mixed the cuts up.
We call the cherry ak a pheno but actually it's a particular genotype of ak making gene transferral to offspring guaranteed with a dominant allele.

more speculation on your part without proof, there's plenty of purple ak's out there and it means nothing unless you think their all the cherry pheno and i think we can both agree they're not.

i don't have any "proof" of serious changing their p1's (all it would take is to use a sister of the original mother to make the next batch of f1's and you wouldn't know) just like i don't have any 'proof' what really happened to the twin towers on sept 11, i do know that if you grow out a couple of hundred ak47's you won't find the cherry any more just like i know the twin towers didn't collapse due to jet fuel fire! Just like i can look out of the widow in the morning and see snow on the ground, i don't need to have actually seen the snow fall to know that it has.

you admit yourself you have no proof and spout a load of shit to back up a statement without any evidence what so ever.

when 2 separate breeders of distinction (candyman and heath, not to mention others) both grow out enough ak47's to find the plant in question and can probably give you an informed insight into the ratio of said plant within the seed numbers say that the cherry isn't there any more then you have to take their word for it unless you have the ability to grow out enough to call them on it? Leaving the only logical explanation to be that the stock used isn't the same, it can't possibly be.

"if you do find something concrete put it up i'd like to have a look before i go spending £60 on a pack mate":- frankly i don't need to find anything concrete, it's good enough for me. I don't care where you spend your money or if you believe me, you are quite welcome to spend your pennies where you like and let yourself be labelled a 'dumb consumer' by the commercial seed industry (greenhouse thrive on it).

lmfao spending my pennies, yes on a solid and reliable,proven breeder with strains that match their descriptions and are fucking great for cash cropping and guarantee a wage and a great fucking crop out of every pack!!! Even your purple plant carries their genetics and they have been proven for years, probably why the guy was growing them out in the first place. Has your strain been proven for years?
Which one of us is the consumer dumbass?
For those 60 notes i'll earn thousands without a headache and get what i want, we can all find cheaper seeds but if they're not what i want they're no good to me!
I want proven genetics for my money!!!

i could go on to state that it's highly unlikely mr nice's strains are what they are said to be either, since shanty got busted in switzerland several years ago for "bringing into switzerland plants that could be used to produce a controlled substance" (leading to a 4 year custodial sentence) his library of genetics were seized hence him only working on 'cbd crew' strains since his release but you would probably want the evidence sheets from the swiss police to prove the widow seeds that seedsman seeds sell are very old stock if legit at all.
The majority of the commercial seed industry is fucking bunk and isn't worth 60 sheets a pack in a month of sunday's, i can list numerous underground breeders that have done more to push selective breeding forward in the last 10 years than the entire netherlands has since shanti and the white family!

The only speculation here is from you mate. I on the other hand don't take anything on face value or with presumption so i had to find out if the cherry really exists for myself and i've presented the evidence as well as educated information that the same plant isn't to be found any more, take it or leave it.

i never speculated about anything only called you out on your speculation that serious changed there parent stockand have got nothing but bullshit for it!
You might be able to baffle a few dumbasses on here with science but not me, you come across as a know it all cunt and then back it up with nothing but bollax.

Also as for you mugging ic3 off because your a man of integrity wasn't you the one saying saying two extacy tabs would fuck up our brains for days after regardless of weight, tolerance etc? Wrong and the fact that i and many others have been fine is living proof.
Should we also talk about the fact that you was arguing billy's soapbar was legit gold seal when it couldn't have been further away from it.
You may be book smart but i think that's where it ends becasue you haven't got much of a real world clue, hps light are fine for both veg and flower! Is there lights out there that will do a better job? Of course there is but you won't have crappy plants for using a hps light and yields will still be good, i've pulled over 20 odd oz a light in soil with no additives and they've spent their who cycles under nothing but hps, so you might want to stop chatting shit about hps not being up to the job! If you can't veg with them then that's due to a fault on your part! Fucking hell your just full of fail these last couple of days aren't you lol
I'm gonna try and get this quote right one more time and then I'm done, the site keeps flagging me on security issues?