My hot sexy ladies are coming along fine


Well-Known Member
thanks a lot man... it was a quite a ride to this point... i have learned sooooooo much in a short time...
i love it i am the growing.... and the smoking...hehe
the diesel ryder hasn't arrived yet... I am nervously awaiting my delivery from the attitude with diesel ryder and blueberry... also exodus and something else...but i forget. anyway thanks a lot for compliment.


Well-Known Member
I added a bubble disk for aeration to improve the roots...
And I threw two plecos algae eaters into my resovoir just to see what would happen... if they die from the nutes then I will remove before their bodies do any damage... but my thoughts are that since I had to raise my table up so hi on books to get my ladies closer to the light the water in res is so exposed to the light.... there was already algae when I cleaned out on monday.... so I brought the ph up to 6.3 ish and dropped in two plecos.... their waste should also be beneficial to my hos and bitches in about 12 days... if they lived... animal rights....out of the fucking window!:hump::hump::hump::joint:



Well-Known Member
ok so after I read something that scared me I removed the plecos... can't risk this first crop... I will return to this though at a later time.


Well-Known Member
Yeah so everything looks good...
My only area of concern right now... I can't figure out what the hell to do about a nute feeding schedule... I have information about where the ppms should be from week to week and how they should increase but... because I was following the bogus instructions on the botanicare bottles my ppms are way higher than they should be for the second week....but lower than the first thank god... they are at 1200 right now... should I lower them???
I feel like its pointless to ask the forum cause nobody ever helps me out... maybe I will post this in plant problems room. Anyway... the plants seem to be doing much better... Lots of height noticed today...
I wish they would hurry up though... I need something to smoke... Gonna smoke the dead leaves I clipped off in a minute... jk
We had a really hot day here in ah..."Africa" yesterday... jk not really.
So I froze water in empty 2liter bottles and I was putting two of those in my res every few hours to keep the temp at 24 cel
annoying but it worked.



Well-Known Member
hey thanks. I can't afford a chiller right now...
I named my runt plant britney for obvious reasons...she's a fucking mess,
She is still looking like a one week old plant.. She better get her shit together.
When the ppms got to high for her all of her leaves died and I cut them off... Now she has the worst weaves I mean leaves of them all. But some of my other plants are looking really good....
I have a plant I call Karl roves he sucks too. and then there is J.lo I named her that cause she was really short last week, but not so much any more... I have a plant I call Obama and damn is he doing good... Hillary is right next to him and she really needs to make a come back... :joint::joint::joint::hump::hump::hump:


Well-Known Member
hey thanks. I can't afford a chiller right now...
I named my runt plant britney for obvious reasons...she's a fucking mess,
She is still looking like a one week old plant.. She better get her shit together.
When the ppms got to high for her all of her leaves died and I cut them off... Now she has the worst weaves I mean leaves of them all. But some of my other plants are looking really good....
I have a plant I call Karl roves he sucks too. and then there is J.lo I named her that cause she was really short last week, but not so much any more... I have a plant I call Obama and damn is he doing good... Hillary is right next to him and she really needs to make a come back... :joint::joint::joint::hump::hump::hump:

hahaha you said weaves i mean leaves
looks like you dont backspace


Well-Known Member
smile... glad you caught that.
i am just having a little fun with my plants you know...
ohhh you should see them today...they really look good...sog is starting to take shape....
if i wasn't bedridden with the biggest hangover i'd take some pics... but i don't want to hurl in my res....
tomorrow though..or late tonight.....thanks for givin a shit!


Well-Known Member
so today my next batch of seeds arrived... blueberry from dutch passin, g13 labs afghan mafia, exodus, diesel ryder....they are already in rockwool...i prepared it over the week end...

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
First time checkin out your thread, nice plants! I'm kinda new at this too and almost killed my plants with 2000ppm, can't believe yours are doing so good after 3000. You can check out my journal because I both burned my plants and then made them deficient so you can see what both looks like. Only advice I would say is make changes in ppm gradually. If you're going to give less than what you're doing now, decrease by 30-40 each time, not 100-200. And also know that your plants will take two or three days to show the effects of what you do so this is why it's best to make small changes. I'll keep checkin in, PEACE.


Well-Known Member
ITS A GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
me so happy!!!:hump::hump::hump::hump::hump::hump::hump::hump::hump::hump:
i cannot really describe it
when you start flowering and you see ladies you will be happy like me




Well-Known Member
congratulations man... i feel like we should smoke cigars...!!!!Hell yeah! Your the proud father of that slut! You gonna keep her as your private dancer or make her turn tricks on the streets?


Well-Known Member
Thanks mured! Your the best for stopping by and for the comments... I didn't know the three days thing thanks.... See that how this is supposed to work!


Well-Known Member
uhmmm probably when your plants are half the size you want it to be after flowering.:hump::hump:
for you i recommend like after a month and 2 weeks from germination cause youll get great yields!:hump::hump: