Monsanto cannabis yes or no? The DNA Protection Act of 2013

Genetically Engineered Cannabis yes or no?

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New Member
oh there certainly is a problem with the distribution model we are currently operating under

and as you should have noted i made no comment as to poverty just "support" theres 7 billion + people and the number is growing day by day

if the planet wasn't supoorting that number it would be dropping day by day would it not?

what part of history have i missed?
The farming revolution at the time, was heralded as the answer to global famine.

History has proven this, just a tad, short sighted.

Now GM Crops are being heralded as the answer to global famine.

There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — [pauses] — shame on you. Fool me — [pauses] — You can't get fooled again.


Well-Known Member

yes meat production uses more resources in its production

but telling me to give up meat does what exactly?
you seem to have gone off on a rant about how GMOs will feed the world.

well, GMOs are just fattening cows instead. fattening cows does not feed the world, it feeds americans who love their mcdonald's GMO burgers.

just sayin'


Well-Known Member
The farming revolution at the time, was heralded as the answer to global famine.

History has proven this, just a tad, short sighted.

Now GM Crops are being heralded as the answer to global famine.

There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — [pauses] — shame on you. Fool me — [pauses] — You can't get fooled again.
short sighted? have you not seen the rise in population that countries like brazil, india and china have enjoyed because of it?

these countries are becoming the worlds new power houses because of those populations

i fail to see the down side could you please explain?


Well-Known Member
you seem to have gone off on a rant about how GMOs will feed the world.

well, GMOs are just fattening cows instead. fattening cows does not feed the world, it feeds americans who love their mcdonald's GMO burgers.

just sayin'
they're "just fattening cows"? funny i thought they were also making your peas taste bad


Well-Known Member
did your superhuman body tell you as much?

i've already told you theres a million dollars just sitting there waiting for someone with powers like yours to collect it
you telling me that a cow packed in like a sardine, past its hooves in muck, pumped full of GM hormones and antibiotics, and fed a diet of GMO grains is more nutritious or as nutritious as a free range cow that eats its natural grass diet?

i mean, i know you can't argue that the former is safer, it's not. those GM growth hormones that monsanto makes have LOTS of bad consequences (aka job security for other retards at monsanto to fix the problems they themselves created).

so is that cow in the mud full of GMO food and GM growth hormones more nutritious?


Well-Known Member
you telling me that a cow packed in like a sardine, past its hooves in muck, pumped full of GM hormones and antibiotics, and fed a diet of GMO grains is more nutritious or as nutritious as a free range cow that eats its natural grass diet?

i mean, i know you can't argue that the former is safer, it's not. those GM growth hormones that monsanto makes have LOTS of bad consequences (aka job security for other retards at monsanto to fix the problems they themselves created).

so is that cow in the mud full of GMO food and GM growth hormones more nutritious?
protein is protein nutrition cares not in that fashion


Well-Known Member
protein is protein nutrition cares not in that fashion
there's a big advertising campaign on TV trying to convince me of the same.

"sugar is sugar!" "protein is protein!"

"pay no attention to the weird things we're noticing, that's irrelevant!"

"just trust us! why would we lie?"

"we care about you so much, we're spending millions upon millions to convince you of it!"

seems legit.


Well-Known Member
there's a big advertising campaign on TV trying to convince me of the same.

"sugar is sugar!" "protein is protein!"

"pay no attention to the weird things we're noticing, that's irrelevant!"

"just trust us! why would we lie?"

"we care about you so much, we're spending millions upon millions to convince you of it!"

seems legit.
as i said take your magic nutrition analysing digestive system and go get that 1000000$ prize

both those advertising statements are correct btw


Well-Known Member
Forbes makes reference to a paper written on Monsantos' GM corn here: and I find it interesting as to what's said, with the abstract being:

The health effects of a Roundup-tolerant genetically modified maize (from 11% in the diet), cultivated
with or without Roundup, and Roundup alone (from 0.1 ppb in water), were studied 2 years in rats. In
females, all treated groups died 2–3 times more than controls, and more rapidly. This difference was visible
in 3 male groups fed GMOs. All results were hormone and sex dependent, and the pathological profiles
were comparable. Females developed large mammary tumors almost always more often than and
before controls, the pituitary was the second most disabled organ; the sex hormonal balance was modified
by GMO and Roundup treatments. In treated males, liver congestions and necrosis were 2.5–5.5
times higher. This pathology was confirmed by optic and transmission electron microscopy. Marked
and severe kidney nephropathies were also generally 1.3–2.3 greater. Males presented 4 times more large
palpable tumors than controls which occurred up to 600 days earlier. Biochemistry data confirmed very
significant kidney chronic deficiencies; for all treatments and both sexes, 76% of the altered parameters
were kidney related. These results can be explained by the non linear endocrine-disrupting effects of
Roundup, but also by the overexpression of the transgene in the GMO and its metabolic consequences.
Sound delicious? I'd heavily lean toward no.


Well-Known Member
Forbes makes reference to a paper written on Monsantos' GM corn here: and I find it interesting as to what's said, with the abstract being:

Sound delicious? I'd heavily lean toward no.
trust them. just trust them. they're spending millions of dollars so that you'll trust them, so why don't you trust them?

you should probably just trust them.


Well-Known Member