Fan Leafs. Blockers of Light Or Energy Producers???

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I have a question... why not remove fan leaves before they even develop? you guys know the anatomy and shape you are looking for... why wait until it has collected and used valuable energy.. even tho i still think... leaf and roots together.. more is merrier.. just my question for leaf molesters
Dude, if leaves 'collect and use energy', what makes energy for the plant to grow buds?
Of course it is "Blockers of light or energy producers???" Blocker of light means blocking branches and later bud sites of light OK are you still with me then the other side is are they energy producers and yes they are but when removed they will they actually replace themselves from the small branches making tighter nodes more branching and more leaf mass.

Now if any of you have actually done it you would see the obvious difference in plants you done nothing and haven't contributed anything but insults because that is all you have without experience.

Uncle Ben has, so have many others. no man is an island.
So you are riding Beny's coat tails with no experience of you own like most of the insulters just going on a theory you really don't understand because you have never done it. Now Beny's limited experience with allegedly doing it once with a sativa all the pics he put up look like the plants have been defoliated.
I have a question... why not remove fan leaves before they even develop? you guys know the anatomy and shape you are looking for... why wait until it has collected and used valuable energy.. even tho i still think... leaf and roots together.. more is merrier.. just my question for leaf molesters
Dude, how would a plant grow is you never allow leaves to grow? You can't be serious.
What? I'm referring before fan leaves reaches their peak... Fully grown developed leaves...they just don't appear all of the sudden... Do they?
No, they don't 'just appear', you're right.
My apologies, I missed the part where you said 'before they reach their peak'.
Growing style has a lot to do with this. There is no universally correct answer to removal vs. retention. Here are a couple of pertinent points. Leaves have the majority of the plant's chlorophyll which allows the conversion of light to sugars. 2. If any light reaches the ground it is a loss of potential. 3. Top buds (closer to the light source) are usually dramatically more developed than lower bud. In my experience, when I pull fan leaves I sacrifice energy to my prime growing location to allow lesser development further from my lumin source. My yield of high end bud suffers for a little more popcorn. I prefer allowing nature to work her magic.
So you are riding Beny's coat tails with no experience of you own like most of the insulters just going on a theory you really don't understand because you have never done it. Now Beny's limited experience with allegedly doing it once with a sativa all the pics he put up look like the plants have been defoliated.

Why would I need to fail for myself when some else has? I would never do what you are doing to a living species.

even it would some get me more bio mass, cause damn sure isn't t making as much resin as an unstressed plant. You are abusing that plant, it is survival instinct that is making that branching.

You need 2 chew on some of that leaf and chill out.
Defoliation is done weeks apart so the resin production is backwards for two reasons one the earlier defoliation has completely grown back before flower then another 3 weeks into flower so five weeks between defoliation then is half defoliated one day then done again but only removing half of the leaf mass total mostly just large leaf leaving plenty of leaves and exposing many immature pale buds to light that makes them plump up grow and harden no stress and many more weeks to go so the very mild stress they had month ago is good and will not effect your resin in the negative only the positive of getting more light to spots that were shaded so they can get more size and resin.
Defoliation is done weeks apart so the resin production is backwards for two reasons one the earlier defoliation has completely grown back before flower then another 3 weeks into flower so five weeks between defoliation then is half defoliated one day then done again but only removing half of the leaf mass total mostly just large leaf leaving plenty of leaves and exposing many immature pale buds to light that makes them plump up grow and harden no stress and many more weeks to go so the very mild stress they had month ago is good and will not effect your resin in the negative only the positive of getting more light to spots that were shaded so they can get more size and resin.
dude if it makes you happy and you like the results do what you do...but please for your own sake stop explaining it because you either do not come across accurately with your info or it is what you made up in your mind...its all good for you.....
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