fjukkin pill poppin g mushes no wonder thers no intelligence on here IMMMO
yes sambo i do mean u haha
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And now for something completely different....
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pakistan will take over the UK when we move into space leaving you muslims to die on a very polluted plannet while we are basking the great weather on the moon. and we will take our nukes with us for sunday afternoon pleasure firing them back at you.
wathching tv c5 wright stuff wee specky prick on about all the ppl that die threw marryj,rage want his tounge ripped out.........need a j
we all go over the top m8, i try to limit myself to about 2-3.5g per daybed sheets proof happens after every crop,i smoke far to much when its there like,anyone like this 2 or am i just a smack heed lol
Aint hard to go mad on the smoke when ya just harvested, when I got plenty I will put .5-.8 in each joint and cause of smoking all day isn't hard to smoke 10+ joints like that thereby smoking a oz ever 4days or so, isn't hard but is very expensive best to just get rid asap carnt smoke the cash lol
but you can spend cash on mediocre weed and drugs to get you through to the next harvest.....mmmmn??!?!?!?!