How do I get to heaven? Answers to your questions on eternal life.

What if your faith at the moment of death was not in christianity?What if it was in Buddha?Even if at one point it was in christianity and you became totaly disenfranchized with it?Still hellbound?

Luke 12:9 But anyone who denies me here on earth will be denied before God's angels.

My bet is you should stay faithful to Christ and He will stay faithful to you.
Disproving everything in the Bible is simple, all you would have to do is produce the skeleton of Jesus Christ, for if he did not physically rise from the grave, the whole Bible would crumble. It is necessary for all three things, the virgin birth and man life, the death on the cross, and history says he was dead, and then the resurrection.

Why? without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sin, the life is in the blood. Several things of note, Jesus did not carry his cross, he could not, to do so would have been an admission of guilt.

The stone was not moved yet Jesus was not there. VV
Produce for me, if you will, the skeleton of Thomas Jefferson. I have no reason to believe he existed if you can't prove he existed by showing me his remains.
History doesn't say he (Jesus) was dead and then resurrected... the Bible does.
I believe the story goes that the stone WAS indeed moved.
Disproving everything in the Bible is simple, all you would have to do is produce the skeleton of Jesus Christ, for if he did not physically rise from the grave, the whole Bible would crumble. It is necessary for all three things, the virgin birth and man life, the death on the cross, and history says he was dead, and then the resurrection.

Why? without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sin, the life is in the blood. Several things of note, Jesus did not carry his cross, he could not, to do so would have been an admission of guilt.

The stone was not moved yet Jesus was not there. VV

disproving everything in the bible is simpler than all that.

you just read genesis, then read any textbook from ANY scientific discipline.

while some historical data, geography, entries on famous persons of the time, and political organizations is factual, every time the torah, the new testament or the koran delves into the realms of science they are 100% WRONG.

even their religious and supernatural claims are inconsistent.
The entire concept of the bible is ridiculous to begin with. God wrote a book to tell us some really important things, but among them he didn't see fit to include germ theory, nuclear theory, thermodynamics, medical advancement, physiology, biology, mathematics, physics or even the periodic table. The creator of the universe wrote a book which mentions nothing about the elements or mechanics of the universe. Being omniscient, he was aware of the many struggles humans would face against disease, ignorance, nature and fellow man, yet did nothing to help us prepare for those struggles. He mostly talks about himself and how to revere him. He seems to only have wanted to secure his own legacy and rule, and does so not benevolently, but through aggrandization coupled with threats of damnation and torture. On top of that he is a terrible author, boring and disjointed plot, bland one dimensional characters, and heavy use of rape, oppression and violence. He also seems to be pretty lax about accuracy when it comes to historical, scientific and geographical information. The bible fails by any standards at which we judge books today. It certainly bears no indication of divinity and instead has all the earmarks of being cobbled together by ignorant mortals completely unconcerned with wisdom, knowledge or progress.
I couldn't agree more Heis, it sucks though that most christians ignore the bad parts in the bible, they pretend they don't exist.

Og, we aren't saying that we know god/gods do not exist, nor are we saying that we know god/gods do exist.... for all we know god/gods may exist... we are just merely stating the truth. That you can't be certain, no one can be certain... but you can pretend to be, and that is exactly what you are doing whether you realize it or not.
Now that's intellectual honesty Zaehet. I couldn't agree more with Heisenberg and Zaehet.

Since he won't play and answer my question about alien abductions, I'm just going to assume that OG does NOT believe in them. It's strange though, because there is much more evidence for alien abductions than for Jesus or even God. We have eye witness accounts, photos, recorded interviews while pretty much the only thing contained in the Bible is hearsay. As David Cross put it, "the Bible is the worlds longest game of telephone".
I couldn't agree more Heis, it sucks though that most christians ignore the bad parts in the bible, they pretend they don't exist.

Og, we aren't saying that we know god/gods do not exist, nor are we saying that we know god/gods do exist.... for all we know god/gods may exist... we are just merely stating the truth. That you can't be certain, no one cant be certain... but you can pretend to be, and that is exactly what you are doing whether you realize it or not.

Of course you are right. Arrogant certitude does nothing to enforce the ideology, and the message we should be sending is not that god isn't real, but that god is unsupported by reason, logic or evidence, and thus, should be treated like any other idea not supported by logic, reason or evidence. I've amended this in my head to be more like.... you can be certain if you want, but don't expect anyone else to be impressed or influenced by that certainty unless you have something more convincing than faith and hubris.

But it extends beyond conceit. It's rather shameful to tout evidence when you have never bothered to learn the definition of evidence. It's misleading to suggest a conclusion when you have done no real investigation. It's irresponsible to pretend integrity when you have no standards of quality. These things are not a matter of personal certainty, they are lies. They are dishonest ammunition in service of an unsupportable ideology which undermines any credibility an honest person could give to the message being conveyed.
Since god loves US all, and thinks of US as his children. Don't you think he would reveal himself to everybody so that no one would go to hell? Wouldn't it be cool if god came down and did something to physically show us he exists? Just think if someone caught it on video and posted it to youtube. Holy shit , not only would it be the most viewed video EVER, but it would convert so many people to Christianity. Who is the loser now Lucifer lol.

But that will never happen, so I guess we are just going to have to rely on faith and feeling and one eye brighter then the other.

We will have to wait for the sound of trumpets filling the sky as the battle on earth beings and good vs evil clash. Those who excepted Christ will be with god and others who didn't except Christ turn in to evil monsters and serve Lucifer. Does that sound about right?

Since god loves US all, and thinks of US as his children. Don't you think he would reveal himself to everybody so that no one would go to hell? Wouldn't it be cool if god came down and did something to physically show us he exists? Just think if someone caught it on video and posted it to youtube. Holy shit , not only would it be the most viewed video EVER, but it would convert so many people to Christianity. Who is the loser now Lucifer lol.

But that will never happen, so I guess we are just going to have to rely on faith and feeling and one eye brighter then the other.

We will have to wait for the sound of trumpets filling the sky as the battle on earth beings and good vs evil clash. Those who excepted Christ will be with god and others who didn't except Christ turn in to evil monsters and serve Lucifer. Does that sound about right?


god is more like the Baby Daddy on the Jerry Springer Show.

he conceals himself, avoids your momma, doesnt give you shit, spends all his time hanging out with losers and assholes, sells shitty dope to the suckers, and when finally tricked into taking a paternity test, you wish you still didnt know who the prick was.
...hi :) Just a question for you. Are the building blocks in nature made of energy, matter, and consciousness?

...staff = spine, so far as I understand it. Turning that into a serpent is raising one's consciousness.

This I understand and agree with completely. A bunch of cultures and religions have people holding staffs that are either a snake or have snakes coiling around the staff. That stuff goes back to the Egyptians. so? Genesis, by definition, is 'the beginning'. The genesis of every single person / thing alive is 'the beginning' of its existence.

...take the Hindu, or most other eastern religions. Their cultures pump out doctors and etc like mad, yet some believe an elephant, or turtle (etc), is holding up the world? K, so if I don't see one holding up their part of the world, then what? Oh, must be deeper meaning :) Dig.?

Technically the Greek γένεσις translates as "source" or "making". It's much more personal than "beginning" and bespeaks the deliberate, planned nature of creation, which would imo be a better translation than "beginning". cn
Not kidding here, got a glimpse of the other side and was sent back to report that there is another side. Good way to describe it was put into words a long time ago, "You don't have a soul, you are a soul. You have a body."

Zaehet, I met Carl Sagan the day he moderated a debate, evolution vs creation, on the day he was being awarded "Humanist of the Year." He mentioned Einstein's view that as he increased his understanding of the universe, his appreciation of the greatness of God increased.
Technically the Greek γένεσις translates as "source" or "making". It's much more personal than "beginning" and bespeaks the deliberate, planned nature of creation, which would imo be a better translation than "beginning". cn
Technically, the Greek was attempting to translate the Hebrew bible which says B'reshit, or 'In the Beginning. '
Technically the Greek γένεσις translates as "source" or "making". It's much more personal than "beginning" and bespeaks the deliberate, planned nature of creation, which would imo be a better translation than "beginning". cn

...Bereishit is "in the beginning". Considering "God Built" in Genesis, "making" makes sense (:lol:).

...also, I've read the idea of "gen" and "isis", which would be generations of isis. Or, of the universal 'mater' on the 6th day in Yesod / Foundation which is sex. In that act a spark / seed is placed into matter and unfolds in the womb. So yes, agreed that it is more personal.
This I understand and agree with completely. A bunch of cultures and religions have people holding staffs that are either a snake or have snakes coiling around the staff. That stuff goes back to the Egyptians.

...that's a whole other level of craziness :) Here, this is symbolic of the flow of air from the nostrils to the heart (and below)... Why would that represent any kind of royalty, or knowledge?
