2nd LED Party Cup Competition Official Update Thread


Well-Known Member
On a serious note...im looking at around 2 pounds....Easy.... :D

Thats why im out of the comp...because i will exceed the quota....


Campo Cultivator

Well-Known Member
Its all good.....straight back into my worm bin to be seen at another time in another form....
chronikool these people have no respect !!!!!! I personally will be holding a minute of silence for your loss
I may even write a few words for the wake
Im sure she is in a far happier place now in a huge enormous field surrounded by her loved ones waving in the wind reaching for the never attainable sun
well at least until it come crashing down on her head:fire:


Well-Known Member
chronikool these people have no respect !!!!!! I personally will be holding a minute of silence for your loss
I may even write a few words for the wake
Im sure she is in a far happier place now in a huge enormous field surrounded by her loved ones waving in the wind reaching for the never attainable sun
well at least until it come crashing down on her head:fire:
Hahaaha....wow! Solutions for bringing back plantz from the dead, a minutes silence, A wake (and bake), and PSY is naming his retard plant after me.....you guyz are the best online friendz a guy could have....WAAY better then Facebook friendz! hahahahaha! :D

Lemon Sour

Active Member
Originally Posted by budster1340

This guy is cheating!
he is using fiber POTics lights,


I have 2 Kessil H350 that say the same thing. Fiberpotics.....here's a link to an aquarium forum that says the same thing and it's on the new version of Tunablue(what a name). I thought this company had a good rep, but now it seems like they don't even spend the extra 2 cents to change their sticker!

I doubt this is any kind of "bootleg" version but who knows, can anyone else show a photo of one that's not a "bootleg Kessil" as was said here. I bought mine from the USA.

Originally Posted by Endur0xX
Attachment 2433378

To the left, 3 Agent Orange seeds (fem!??) found in some great frosty buds, ... the only 3 seeds that I could find on the plant.

To the right, 2 Agent Chemo seeds, from a male Agent Orange x Chemo

I forgot to say, I dont know about the nutes yet and I am also thinking of using coco, ... but most likely I will use promix and I will improvise with the nutes as I dont really have bottled nutes leftover so thats that.

Maybe I missed it, but what led light are you using for this comp? Your plants look pretty good. I definitely would recommend coco. It always has worked great for my plants and I have had the best best best best luck with House and Garden AB Coco. It's hard to overwater with coco, but it does dry out every day so you gotta water more frequently.


Originally Posted by Endur0xX
I would say your KESSIL is WAY TOO CLOSE
When my Kessil was at the same distance from the top of a mature plant, I got bleaching. Are you planning on growing only the one plant under the Kessil?

I see you have a kessil, could you please take a photo of your sticker so I can see how the writing is supposed to look? Or does yours say fiberpotics on your kessil like everyone else here.

That is a really nice looking plant for led, what type of panel are you using for that plant? Have you only used one and the same panel start to finish or do you have multiple led going?

What's been your favorite, best working led light/panel that you've used so far. It looks like you have a lot of exp. growing with led.

What power(watts) would you recommend for a 1x1 meter area, how about a 2x2 meter area?

Do you prefer the red/blue type led panels or the ones with white in them or both?

These questions are probably better suited in a different forum, but it looks like the best of the best led growers are here in this one, and I'm new to grow forums so please let it slide this time cause I just need to get an idea
of what works best so I can join in on the NEXT COMPETITION when I get back to my pad. BTW, when's the next 3rd Gen 12/12 led from seed?

Thnx everyone!

n Greetz

Lemon Sour

Active Member
Usually I don't fuck with seeds. My thinking is if they can't get out of their shell I don't want to know them, but between what I have heard about the problems germming Critical Mass, the fact that I'm using regular seeds, and that we only get so many beans to germ, is reason enough for me to be a little more proactive. So far 1 and 2 are doing well, though it took me a little while to get the height of the 20 watt 12000K SMD right, so they're a little stretched but they're doing OK

What do you mean by 20w 12000K SMD? Is that some type of DIY?

I've noticed with fresher seeds that haven't been drying long enough that they don't like to pop out of their shells all the time. So after soaking in water overnight, if some don't pop I will take my fingernails and pinch the tip to get it to crack very very very very very delicately and sure enough I will get 100% success.

It's not that they are weak seeds, they are just not dried out totally or really hard.

I've noticed it happening with kush seeds that are bigger or really ripe from flowering longer. It's a pain in the ass, but that way you don't throw out good genetics that cost a lot of money and come to you from a long ways away.

Sometimes if they don't shed their shell all the way after breaching the surface of the soil I will help them out of their shell with a needle and tweezers and take the soft shit out from underneath the starter leaf. It works, but takes some finesse.


Well-Known Member
Hey Lemon, Welcome to RIU and thanks for the kind words about my plant. I'm just gonna answer your questions quickly here and if you need to, just PM me for any others;

I was only joking about the Kessil actually. Just having a little fun gaming Sgt. J. I've never heard or seen of a bootleg Kessil and with Kessil's level of design and build quality, I would think it would be quite difficult to bootleg them.

A SMD is a surface mounted device/matrix type LED that they use for floodlights and washlamps and that I like to use in the veg cabinet. The 12000K are just blue LEDs exciting a mostly blue with yellow phosphor mix that produce very cold light. The lights cold, but they run hot as hell. These lights can be found all over Ebay. Look for LED spotlights.

And the fact that plant is surviving after all the abuse I've put it through is a testament to Shanti's genetics than my growing skills :). That poor plant has been shuffled, (and dropped and ignored), all around my flowering tent and has been under multiple panels, one of which, the Vipar A300 is far and away the best panel I've used. I can't give you a figure about wattage for the area your talking about, I'm still trying to get my head around stuff like that myself, but I got an email from Lumigrow yesterday that had an article explaining how to pick LED lights and the one thing they said is to go for half the PAR output of an HPS setup when trying to compute what you need for an area. I kinda like that as a way to quantify an LED panel's ability. My philosophy right now is to get those Led's light on those bud sites, so I like multi panel setups, though since I don't own a PAR meter I can't help you with any uMol data.

And I prefer the colors that grow the most weed :), but think there needs to be a lot more studying of "white" LEDs done before I'm completely sold on their growing ability. I'm not adverse to whites in my panel as long as they're not acting as a replacement for HPS. I prefer specific wavelengths in the flowering room and whites are too all over the place, both in build quality and output. But that's just my little opinion there. (Shhhhh, beware of Warm Whites! Shhhh or he'll hear us!!!! ;))

And good point about the seeds. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for giving a completely irrelevant answer...
Conditions for reading and posting on this thread...Must have sense of humor,and expect nothing conclusive other than a good laugh, speaking of which , stay the fuck away from this thread if one has just smoked a strain that induces the giggles, can be a very painfull experience leaving you a little short of breath. Damn you potheads :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
Sheeeeeet, bring it on. I'm off today! Better yet, give it to PSU. He was all dankrupt last time I heard :).