if you're a single guy with no wife or kids, making $45,376 a year, and paying $302.50 a month for health insurance, you are genuinely retarded (or seriously ill and dependent) and probably need the government to help you with subsidies of some kind. i made almost that much and paid way less than that for health insurance back when i was single no kids.
if you're a single guy with no wife or kids, making $45,376 a year, and risking your health at everyone else's expense, you should probably be assessed a $95 per month fine. that's the fee for insuring all the other dumbasses who thought they had the money to shell out $400k for their cancer treatments on their $20 an hour wage.*
or you live in california, or are "self employed" or are not offered a group plan by your employer, or you have alimony payments to the cunt who didnt drop a kid (small mercies) before she ran off with her psychology professor, or youre still paying off other debts leaving nothing to spare for a really shitty medical insurance plan that doesnt cover shit.
you always forgert that part, this is all for the "bronze plan" garbage, which means youll be DONGED if you actually need it.
ohh yeah your checkups and whatnot will be "free' (only 300+ a month for a ten minute exam every year...) but youll be cornholed by the "Bronze Plan" if you get soemthing serious or have a catastrophic injury.
whats your glib response then? "Shoulda Gone Platinum"?
california has a crippling cost of living index, usury taxes and depressed wages (thanks illegal immigrants) so unless youre on the board of directors for Pets.com or wells fargo you cant afford the niceties of medical insurance which doesnt cover shit, much less the exorbitant rates for the plans that DO cover shit.
so all the poor people should evacuate california and move to mississippi or louisiana where the cost of living is lower and thus medical insurance will be cheaper...
i heard an asshole on the radio making JUST THAT ARGUMENT a few days ago. as if abandoning everything you worked for so far, jumping in your car with whatever of your shit you can carry Joads style and reverse-Grapes-of-Wrathing your way to the rust belt is free, and youll be able to find work, or even a place to crash when you get there...
but the obamacare index of cost will be so much more favourable.
truely a work of genius.