Well-Known Member
my computer is weirdly putting in asterisks, i have no idea why.*duuuur... wut u mean its not 2014?
they are tooling up to bill my ass, but they have revealed NOTHING on these increasingly hypothetical "exchanges" nor have i seen any sign of any scale indicating what my bill will be capped at, what kind of "coverage" i can expect for that low low price of $44.95 (your price may vary) or how i might avail myself of this magical unicorn fart of a medical insurance plan any time in the foreseeable future.
you may trust barry seotoro implicitly and be willing to follow wherever he leads but i dont. he needs to either show me what he is DOING (since talk is cheap and his words are apparently available at deep deep discounts wherever lies are sold) and i could give a flying shit what he SAYS since he's a liar and a fool.
it's worth noting that the question: "and most importantly, where "by law" is the cost capped at $45 for anybody?" is answered by repeating the claim with a fucking asterisk as if that means ANYTHING
heres a tip for ya bucky, whgen you put an asterisk after your comment that USUALLY means theres a caveat somewhere.
but you never include the caveat.
without the corresponding asterisk followed by the exceptions to your statement or the modifier, your asterisk is just useless window dressing.*
*this statement should not be construed as desparaging of the hard working women and gay men who dress mannequins for store window displays. you guys do very difficult** work under demanding*** conditions and deserve **** our respect ***** and admiration******
** no, it's fucking easy. get over yourself
*** indoors, with heat air conditioning and a big ass window? you really are pussies.
**** fuck you window dressers. your just one step above the bitch who sprays perfume in the faces of customers.
***** you deserve about 1/2 of the paycheck you get. any 6th grade dropout can dress a dummy.
****** eat a sack of mouldy dicks.
see how that works?
it is so incredibly easy to look it up for yourself, but i'll do it for you.