• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

This Should Concern Everyone....2016


Well-Known Member
duuuur... wut u mean its not 2014?

they are tooling up to bill my ass, but they have revealed NOTHING on these increasingly hypothetical "exchanges" nor have i seen any sign of any scale indicating what my bill will be capped at, what kind of "coverage" i can expect for that low low price of $44.95 (your price may vary) or how i might avail myself of this magical unicorn fart of a medical insurance plan any time in the foreseeable future.

you may trust barry seotoro implicitly and be willing to follow wherever he leads but i dont. he needs to either show me what he is DOING (since talk is cheap and his words are apparently available at deep deep discounts wherever lies are sold) and i could give a flying shit what he SAYS since he's a liar and a fool.

it's worth noting that the question: "and most importantly, where "by law" is the cost capped at $45 for anybody?" is answered by repeating the claim with a fucking asterisk as if that means ANYTHING

heres a tip for ya bucky, whgen you put an asterisk after your comment that USUALLY means theres a caveat somewhere.

but you never include the caveat.

without the corresponding asterisk followed by the exceptions to your statement or the modifier, your asterisk is just useless window dressing.*

*this statement should not be construed as desparaging of the hard working women and gay men who dress mannequins for store window displays. you guys do very difficult** work under demanding*** conditions and deserve **** our respect ***** and admiration******

** no, it's fucking easy. get over yourself

*** indoors, with heat air conditioning and a big ass window? you really are pussies.

**** fuck you window dressers. your just one step above the bitch who sprays perfume in the faces of customers.

***** you deserve about 1/2 of the paycheck you get. any 6th grade dropout can dress a dummy.

****** eat a sack of mouldy dicks.

see how that works?
my computer is weirdly putting in asterisks, i have no idea why.*

it is so incredibly easy to look it up for yourself, but i'll do it for you.



Well-Known Member
i was a little off on the $45 number, it looks like it's closer to $54 for someone making $15k or so.



New Member
every post earns a reply which invariably distracts the discussion to the middle east and those evil zionists forcing the pallies to increase their numbers by 1100% as part of a plot to commit genocide.... EVENTuALLY.... is how that shit works in ausfailia?

you sidetrack every diuscussion with your bile, venom and hatred for america and our nefarious hook-nosed Mini-Me israel.

ban GMO's in california? nope... USA is satan.
gun control in america? america is satan.
hurricane relief efforts delayed by political wrangling? death to america!
isreal building new settlements in the west bank? america is satan!
hamas rocket attacks? allahu ackbar!

EVERY issue comes back to your favorite whipping boy, israel and their "genocide" which seems to be working in REVERSE for the last 60+ years.

so yeah i dont really care much what you say. youre a broken record. even your ad hominems are just the usual "USA is fat lazy and stupid" madlibs.

for a moment i thought perhapoos you actually didnt understand that obamacare is not healthcare, thats it's just a profit engine for insurance companies, but i see now that it's all irrelevant, because....

the jews.
I could show you multiple post where you hijack the thread with your "jew piggie hatred" bullshit.

All your zionist rhetoric doesn't worry anyone, you start in with when you've got NOTHING. But you did have a go with the Aussie insults so you get extra points for your doucheyness. However generic and misguided. Tell me again how the Rothchilds have NOTHING TO DO with the federal reserve? You jumped on top of that that one like you would onto a hard black cock. Maybe that's how you can pay for your obamacare.

Pathetic... Half the shit you got wrong. Point me to my stances on Gun Control & relief efforts? Just move to israel already get it over with, seems you love them more than your own country. But you're TOO MUCH OF A PUSSY TO FIGHT FOR THEM...

If you got paid for everytime you used the "zionist piggie jew" line, you'd be a fuckin millionaire... Honestly if $88 bucks a month is hard to come by for you, you've got another set of issues and obamacare should be the least of your concerns... One would think the JDL provides you with a healthcare plan...

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
goddamn asterisks.
i suspect your computer is adding them to indicate where it (by considerable experience) feels you are being less than honest.

your first graph is unattributed, and thus suspect. from whence did it come?

the second was published (someplace) in 2009 complied by SOMEBODY (not the HHS the whitehouse or the CBO, their graphs usually look less 6th grade social studies) and is not in any way part of obamacare since in 2009 we still "needed to pass the law so we can see what it says"

i HAVE searched for information on how much it weill cost and i have gotten NOTHING as specific as you are claiming, mostly just vage warnings that premiums (which are already rising fast) will increase by as much as another 100%


and your cute little graphs do not inpire trust or confidence since most of the goddamned congress cant seem to agree what the fucking bill says.

you are not convincing me of shit.

post a link to whatever resource sold you on the soundness of Barry's plan and ill read it, till then i can only go by sources i trust, and those sources are saying ill be fucked.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
I could show you multiple post where you hijack the thread with your "jew piggie hatred" bullshit.

All your zionist rhetoric doesn't worry anyone, you start in with when you've got NOTHING. But you did have a go with the Aussie insults so you get extra points for your doucheyness. However generic and misguided. Tell me again how the Rothchilds have NOTHING TO DO with the federal reserve? You jumped on top of that that one like you would onto a hard black cock. Maybe that's how you can pay for your obamacare.

Pathetic... Half the shit you got wrong. Point me to my stances on Gun Control & relief efforts? Just move to israel already get it over with, seems you love them more than your own country. But you're TOO MUCH OF A PUSSY TO FIGHT FOR THEM...

If you got paid for everytime you used the "zionist piggie jew" line, you'd be a fuckin millionaire... Honestly if $88 bucks a month is hard to come by for you, you've got another set of issues and obamacare should be the least of your concerns... One would think the JDL provides you with a healthcare plan...
are your jimmies rustled?

why yes it seems they are.

i must ask why YOU have not scurried off to "Af/Pak" to join the jihad against the great satan since your preference is obviously for a mohammedan world dominated by a caliphate with it's seat in damascus.

ohh right i forgot... no lager or homosexual activity allowed in sandland.

im sure youll find some shady billabong where you can console yourself by rogering a kangaroo, getting faced on cheap pisswater beer and huffing petrol.

maybe youll see one of the great australian heroes of legend, paragons of australian virtue, like paul hogan, or yahoo serious.

i hear Jocko still makes a couple dollariedoos servicing the gloryhole at the Thunder From Down Under shows in new south wales...



New Member
this threqad is about obamacare and the new rules which will fuck us americans in the ass, it has NOTHING to do with the middle east, your personal buggaboos about the evils of israel, and in fact has NOTHING to do with any of you foreigners.

attempting to derail this discussion with more of your inane commentary based on your skewed perspective on international affairs is counter productive.

american internal politics has ZERO to do with kangaroo fucking, dingoes stealing babies or the price of sniffable petrol at the gas stations around the Alice Springs Centre Link. why you insist on dragging every discussion back to the topic you (erroneously) feel you are informed about is a mystery.
Aussie insults don't work. I couldn't care. Try the zionist angle now.

as to what part of your comment was incorrect, all of it.

niger agreeing to host a US air base is not a "Drone Base"
Wong - US eyes drone base in Africa with al-Qaida in mind

osama bin laden could NOT have been "gotten" in 2001 without starting a war with pakistan. if the US DOESNT invade a country, evil, if the US DOES invade, Evil.
Wrong - Maj Thomas Greer (aka Dalton Fury) led the ground operation in Tora Bora, 2001 to capture UBL. How about you read up on the operation and how it was seriously impeaded by the higher ups. And NO, it wouldn't have started a war - anymore then the US finding him living it up in Abbattobad.

using your hindsight driven expertise we would have been at war with EVERY moslem nation (invading saudi arabia = world war 3) bin laden wouold have been protected by EVERY moslem nation and we would have been involved in a nuclear exchange with the pakistanis in about week 2 of the resulting world war.
Ohhh Noooo... the big bad MUSLIM is going to get us. Don't take threat levels to heart too much, they're designed to scare fucktards like you and your kin.

damn youre clever as fuck.
Thank you - that's what happens when you're not exposed to Glyphosphates

but only when compared to fence posts. and you still havent figurted oput that obama-care is not "free healthcare" but thats to be expected,
No nothings free, but the taxes I and the rest of the citizens/residents/tourists pay, covers us ALL for healthcare no questions asked. If you can't afford it please ask yourself, do they really want me around?

you think anything is free in the first place so your obviously a prioduct of a really shitty education system.
Says the man who;

- Lost his unskilled job to unskilled, foreign labour
- Has not received an education suitable enough to earn more than minimum wage
- Cannot afford $88 a month in healthcare

The above applies to you but you'd question my education? Pathetic.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member

Echelon1k1 has a point. The whole jew this, jew that, does get old. The jews are like a liberal poor family. They didn't fight for their freedom like we did to get Israel. But we're becoming like them.

Our current "wars" have nothing in common with how we fought oppression. Instead we oppress other countries and even our own citizens.

I fear we may have another civil war with all of the Obama and liberal gun grab brigade.


Well-Known Member
Here is an interesting view on the matters at hand.




New Member
are your jimmies rustled?

why yes it seems they are.

i must ask why YOU have not scurried off to "Af/Pak" to join the jihad against the great satan since your preference is obviously for a mohammedan world dominated by a caliphate with it's seat in damascus.

ohh right i forgot... no lager or homosexual activity allowed in sandland.

im sure youll find some shady billabong where you can console yourself by rogering a kangaroo, getting faced on cheap pisswater beer and huffing petrol.

maybe youll see one of the great australian heroes of legend, paragons of australian virtue, like paul hogan, or yahoo serious.

i hear Jocko still makes a couple dollariedoos servicing the gloryhole at the Thunder From Down Under shows in new south wales...
Austria & Australia are different countries bro.

I don't want to see pictures of your GRANPAPPY.

You should've kept some of the money he gave you when back in the day. That way you could afford health insurance.

I'm sure you'd know that walking outta his place with a hand full o' cash n an arse full o' cum, is a lifelong skill and you're gonna need it if $88 bucks or even $45 bucks a month is hard to CUM by.... all puns intended

Edit - Terrorism stems from Saudi Arabia NOT Syria. Alawites don't support the salifist views. Jumpin on the wrong headline bro - you're fucked in the head if you support expanded israeli aggression on its neighbours. Don't parade zionist bullshit as fact. The real seat is in Riyadh


Well-Known Member
i suspect your computer is adding them to indicate where it (by considerable experience) feels you are being less than honest.

your first graph is unattributed, and thus suspect. from whence did it come?

the second was published (someplace) in 2009 complied by SOMEBODY (not the HHS the whitehouse or the CBO, their graphs usually look less 6th grade social studies) and is not in any way part of obamacare since in 2009 we still "needed to pass the law so we can see what it says"

i HAVE searched for information on how much it weill cost and i have gotten NOTHING as specific as you are claiming, mostly just vage warnings that premiums (which are already rising fast) will increase by as much as another 100%


and your cute little graphs do not inpire trust or confidence since most of the goddamned congress cant seem to agree what the fucking bill says.

you are not convincing me of shit.

post a link to whatever resource sold you on the soundness of Barry's plan and ill read it, till then i can only go by sources i trust, and those sources are saying ill be fucked.
same source as the second graph for the first one.

please let me know when people start paying, on average, $700 a month for health insurance.

meanwhile, i will go ahead and remain satisfied that the law of the land prohibits such a thing from occurring.

the fact of the matter is that the law of the land works on a curve now (or soon enough). medicaid for up to 133% poverty, then gradually from 2% up to 8% or so as you move up to 400% of poverty.

none of this "$20k a year or obama's thugs will kick in your door in the middle of the night and take you to jail" nonsense. that's simply retarded. as retarded as commie fluoride conspiracies. as retarded as the inbred dregs of an island of convicts yelling about zionist jew piggies.

you can't even go to jail for refusing to comply with the non-criminal tax penalty in the PPACA.

so you might want to stop making those kind of absurd claims lest you get even more of a chicken little reputation.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member

Echelon1k1 has a point. The whole jew this, jew that, does get old. The jews are like a liberal poor family. They didn't fight for their freedom like we did to get Israel. But we're becoming like them.

Our current "wars" have nothing in common with how we fought oppression. Instead we oppress other countries and even our own citizens.

I fear we may have another civil war with all of the Obama and liberal gun grab brigade.

im actually not that fussed about matters of judaica, and the hebrew/pallie question.

but echi is a holocaust denier, so the surest way to rustle his jimmies is to wave a jew in his face.

you may also notice that ONCE AGAIN he's the one who brough up The Chosen People in this thread. and he did it without any prompting.

he's like the retarded kid who thinks the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are apropos of everything and never misses an opportunity to flog the franchise.

even issues of obamacare (as in this obvious and hilarious case) return back to the same old shit.

Donatello apparently thinks Obamacare is badass, but Raphael and Michelangelo are on the fence. Leonardo agrees with me, but what the fuck does he know, he's a fucking turtle.

even though i agree that foreign entanglements are poisonous to our way of life, and these foreign adventures are stripmining out already shaky economy, when i say "fuck this bullshit bring our troops home to secure OUR borders, im racist.

you just cant win with these fucknuts. they hate america, and that hate is present from EVERY angle.


Well-Known Member
im actually not that fussed about matters of judaica, and the hebrew/pallie question. but echi is a holocaust denier, so the surest way to rustle his jimmies is to wave a jew in his face. you may also notice that ONCE AGAIN he's the one who brough up The Chosen People in this thread. and he did it without any prompting. he's like the retarded kid who thinks the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are apropos of everything and never misses an opportunity to flog the franchise. even issues of obamacare (as in this obvious and hilarious case) return back to the same old shit. Donatello apparently thinks Obamacare is badass, but Raphael and Michelangelo are on the fence. Leonardo agrees with me, but what the fuck does he know, he's a fucking turtle. even though i agree that foreign entanglements are poisonous to our way of life, and these foreign adventures are stripmining out already shaky economy, when i say "fuck this bullshit bring our troops home to secure OUR borders, im racist. you just cant win with these fucknuts. they hate america, and that hate is present from EVERY angle.
but...i like turtles.and is our friend really a holocaust denier? i am this close to crowning him with his skinhead and bag of meth. i mean, i find your race relations stance quaintly cute and basically harmless, but with echelon there seems to be something more vile bubbling under the surface.anti-racist is code for anti-white?


New Member
Niger have just agreed to host a US drone base to focus on North Africa. They no doubt will be used in Mali to kill off AQIM.

A good response would've been to focus on Pakistan & Saudi Arabia. The bullshit detour in Iraq really fucked ops in Afghanistan and prolonged the engagements there, not to mention if politicians had listened to the guys on the ground the US could've nailed UBL in December 2001.
My response to fb360 post.

yeah yeah yeah.

the sun comes up, and thats proof america is evil, and the war in iraq was genocide.

the wind blows and thats proof that america is evil, and in league with the zionist genocidal fiends who have caused there to be NEARLY 11 TIMES MORE PALLIES NOW THAN IN 1948. evil, and incompetent.

the rain falls and thats proof that amewrica is evil aand the US govt is hiding the Troof about "nano-thermate" and the destruction of the world trade center.

the tides roll in, proof that america wants blood for oil.

the tides roll out, america wants to enslave the world.

you have a runny shit in the morning, america is poisoning you with Chemtrails
Kynes response to my post

im actually not that fussed about matters of judaica, and the hebrew/pallie question.

but echi is a holocaust denier, so the surest way to rustle his jimmies is to wave a jew in his face.

you may also notice that ONCE AGAIN he's the one who brough up The Chosen People in this thread. and he did it without any prompting.

he's like the retarded kid who thinks the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are apropos of everything and never misses an opportunity to flog the franchise.

even issues of obamacare (as in this obvious and hilarious case) return back to the same old shit.

Donatello apparently thinks Obamacare is badass, but Raphael and Michelangelo are on the fence. Leonardo agrees with me, but what the fuck does he know, he's a fucking turtle.

even though i agree that foreign entanglements are poisonous to our way of life, and these foreign adventures are stripmining out already shaky economy, when i say "fuck this bullshit bring our troops home to secure OUR borders, im racist.

you just cant win with these fucknuts. they hate america, and that hate is present from EVERY angle.
Don't bullshit on, you don't miss a chance to post your pre-typed zionist diatribe to detract from any issue, especially when you're WRONG.

Why would I hate America when I have family in VA that serve YOUR country in one form or another? The problem I have is with the US' reckless foreign policies and the continual circle your politicians are intent on running. I take issue with the same institutions you claim to be well read on - CRF, FED, Tri-Lats and the problem they pose to a free and peacefull world

Also please point to my holocaust denials? As I have never denied the event. I visited the camps in '94 while on holidays so I'm well aware of what millions were subjected to. This, however, does not give zionists the right to silence dissent and legitimate criticism by labelling objectors anti-semetic, holocaust deniers. It just doesn't work anymore.


New Member
but...i like turtles.and is our friend really a holocaust denier? i am this close to crowning him with his skinhead and bag of meth. i mean, i find your race relations stance quaintly cute and basically harmless, but with echelon there seems to be something more vile bubbling under the surface.anti-racist is code for anti-white?
You should recognise race-baiting for what it is... You're not the only one that knows how to bait, and I must admit, you're a great teacher!

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
same source as the second graph for the first one.

please let me know when people start paying, on average, $700 a month for health insurance.

meanwhile, i will go ahead and remain satisfied that the law of the land prohibits such a thing from occurring.

the fact of the matter is that the law of the land works on a curve now (or soon enough). medicaid for up to 133% poverty, then gradually from 2% up to 8% or so as you move up to 400% of poverty.

none of this "$20k a year or obama's thugs will kick in your door in the middle of the night and take you to jail" nonsense. that's simply retarded. as retarded as commie fluoride conspiracies. as retarded as the inbred dregs of an island of convicts yelling about zionist jew piggies.

you can't even go to jail for refusing to comply with the non-criminal tax penalty in the PPACA.

so you might want to stop making those kind of absurd claims lest you get even more of a chicken little reputation.

Point 1: the graphs you posted did NOT come from the federal register. in fact they are using the WRONG NUMBERS, since HHS dropped the poverty line to $10,830 for 2009, before it once again got scaled back up to the current number of $11,170 for 2012, and it was $11,344 in 2010.

they are playing jumprope with the poverty line. the poverty line has become a political tool for manufacturing just the numbers desired for outrage or satisfaction with the current regime by making small changes which go unnoticed but result in HUGE swings in the number of people classed as "Poor" but since it is a national figure, your poverty may vary depending on the cost of living in your neck of the woods. california has a stunningly high nationally recognized poverty level of 16.5% but when "supplemental metrics" are used, including the cost of housing, state taxes, transportation, and whatnot, that number swells to 23.5% and and that still seems light.

http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/11/14/california-poverty_n_2132920.html see how i included where i got my info from? thats a helpful hint you can have for free.

Point 2: a mean cost of $350 a month was the quotes i got today from several insurance companies. yet the wall street journal says the rates will climb higher before obamacare can jam in a wedge to slow the increases to no more than 10% a year. the WSJ's another 100% estimate was for new york, but i doubt california will be far behind.

Point 3: your absurd notion that for THIS ONE TAX the IRS will decline to use their power to garnish wages, seize assets, and even imprison those who refuse to submit to their demands is insane. if you refuse to pay a tax,, the tax gets bigger with fines and fees. when it reaches a point a tax "judge" (actually an administrative law clerk...) deems appropriate, criminal charges of tax evasion can be filed, and a bench warrant issued. this is the same procedure used for other civil cases including traffic tickets and city ordinance violations. civil cases CAN and DO result in jail time particularly if the defendant is unlikely to ever be able to pay.

Point 4: i still want to know where you got those graphs, since you seem pretty sure of their veracity, and youre usually not totally full of shit. i can say they did NOT come from the federal register as claimed in the "source" attribution in graph 2.

http://www.aspe.hhs.gov/poverty/09fedreg.pdf check for yourself. no graphs. not even any of the claims made regarding obamacare. just the new (now old) poverty line numbers.


Well-Known Member
i'll work backwards here.

the CRS (congressional research service) put out both those graphs a while back, they've been on wikipedia for some time now.

if you read the bill, you will notice a couple things about the non-criminal tax penalty for non-compliance. this is from lawrence o'donnell, so don't masturbate. but he does cite the bill itself in the video.

"In the section called 'Waiver of Criminal Penalties,' it says 'In the case of any failure by a taxpayer to timely pay any penalty imposed by this section, such taxpayer shall not be subject to any criminal prosecution or penalty with respect to such failure.'" Another key component is the "Limitations on liens and levies." That reads, “The Secretary shall not file notice of lien with respect to any property of a taxpayer by reason of any failure to pay the penalty imposed by this section, or levy on any such property with respect to such failure."


premiums have tripled over the last twenty years, and the PPACA doesn't do much to actually address that rise in costs. but it does put a foot in the door for more government intervention into the health care market, which is what all the other nations that do health care better than us do.

and yes, the poverty line is just a metric, and from what i remember reading about it, it is based on some ridiculous old metrics at that and is probably used as a political football as you mention.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Does failure to pay go on your credit report? Some loans have rate increases if you fail to pay your other debts. Even if those debts aren't affiliated with any of your other loan and you never missed a payment.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Don't bullshit on, you don't miss a chance to post your pre-typed zionist diatribe to detract from any issue, especially when you're WRONG.

Why would I hate America when I have family in VA that serve YOUR country in one form or another? The problem I have is with the US' reckless foreign policies and the continual circle your politicians are intent on running. I take issue with the same institutions you claim to be well read on - CRF, FED, Tri-Lats and the problem they pose to a free and peacefull world

Also please point to my holocaust denials? As I have never denied the event. I visited the camps in '94 while on holidays so I'm well aware of what millions were subjected to. This, however, does not give zionists the right to silence dissent and legitimate criticism by labelling objectors anti-semetic, holocaust deniers. It just doesn't work anymore.
but i didnt mention Jews, i mentioned ZIONISTS, and as you have previously established, they are distinctly different.

thats why you were so confident that machmoud achmedinejihad wasnt talking about wiping jews off map, just that illegitimate zionist regime...

are zionists jews or not? ill even let you establish the rules, but you cant switch them about to suit your holocaust denial narrative.

denying the event is not required to deny the extent and claim it was a put-up job. even the ausfailian speech codes find it to be a crime to deny or aattempt to diminish the holocaust in public, so you dance on the edge of the law, claiming things like:

Meanwhile in kynes' small mind;

View attachment 2482348
the savy observer is well aware that Latuff is a noted holocaust denier. he regularly equates israelis with nazis, and took first place in the iranian holocaust cartoon competition.


I think the biggest threat to brain cells are your posts. So are you jewish (extreamist) yourself or just an bottom feeding conman that feels he needs to support the genocide of the palestinians?

I would also ask is your blatent support for Israel an endorsement of the "Final solution" to the "Palestinian Question"?
which is just one of MANY re-iterations of the trope you embrace so eagerly, that the occupied territories represent a "genocide" which you then equate with the holocaust, dancing right on the cusp of ausfailian speech laws which make holocaust denial and holocaust minimization hate crimes.

i could drag through many more of your posts to find additional cases where you invoke the holocaust and imply it was either exagerated, fabricated or used as a pretext for some imagined atrocity, but youre really not woirth the trouble.