Israeli bombing of Hamas leader. Rub it in their face why don't you... VIDEO

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
no, learning arabic is the best thing . . and learning the language normally is not enough . . look at German translations of Simpsons . . the jokes are gone, obviously you have very little knowledge on languages if you think your check list makes it authentic

but coming from the guy who wants a singular culture society i would not expect anything less

many things if not payed perfect attention to can be lost in translation and the saudis . . . come on, the Saudis are not reputable in anyhting other than OPEC corruption
so, i guess if i dont learn arabic AND farsi AND Pashtoon AND kurdish AND every other language on the planet i cant read and understand anything. amazing.

thats why there are translations.

claiming the translations are bad (even when the imams of saudi arabia, the authorities on the koran for the hadj say its good) is not just a weak dodge, but a pathetic insult to the intelligence of anyone who hears that moronic statement. your desire to stand up for the underdog, and fight the power does not make smok3y1's claims any more rational, nor does it change the fact that the koran is chock full of crazy. it also does not erase the FACT that the iranian government put out posters with machmoud's face on em, with the phrase he said in farsi above, and the english translation which included "wiped off the map" below.

ohh my. looks like smok3y1 is full of shit on that one too, or is this also a bad translation?\

edit: and yes i want a singular culture. when i go to mexico i dont demand everyone learn english for my benefit, when i visit canada i dont demand they all bring guns and light lager beer just for me. being a visitor (or new resident) in another land implies a desire to embrace THAT LAND'S CULTURE unless you come to america or britain or france or some other "bad" country. then they gotta embrace YOUR shit.

this is the result of post-modernism, the belief that all things and ideas are equal, and your perspective is all that changes. the fervent desire to be impartial or "Non-Biased" makes the observer's cultural norms a negative impact, while the cultural norms of other people are positive. you got the post-modern disease in spades sammy.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Also I wouldn't trust a Zionist translation I mean look at the purposely mistranslated Ahmadinejad quote. Israel just manipulates everything they can. Heck they even pay people to go online to spread pro-Israeli propaganda.
yeah, those sneaky jews even printed up posters and banners then snuck into tehran and put em everywhere.

cant trust those dirty jews!


Active Member
when your entire opposition force is "civilians" they cannot defend themselves at all. brilliant plan dipshit. thats why hamas and hezzbollah get the upper hand in the press. morons like you who believe every person shot in the west bank is an innocent victim, and every IDF soldier is a slavering madman with an unquenchable thirst for palestinian children's blood.

dont jump into an argument when you are unequipped to argue, dumbass.
Doc, you are either illiterate or a liar. Because once again, you've taken my words and tried run with them. That's fine...article by article once again.

You DID copy and paste. Hence the link references about all those anti-muslim "stats", genius. You took a bunch of random and more than likely inaccurate statistics and threw them up there in a wall of text as if that was definitive proof of anything. Do you have the numbers of attacks perpetrated by christians' to quote as well? Start with Anders Breivik (someone I sincerely hope you do not identify with politically) and then work your way back.

Israel can better defend itself by striving for peace. Lead by example, something you seem to know nothing about. I don't think of anyone involved in this conflict as evil, merely misdirected and misguided (parties on both sides are guilty of this). I want peace, plain and simple. You call for war, for what? Are you Israeli? Are you Jewish? Or are you just some racist bible thumping douchebag? I'm none of the above but I do have Jewish family, some of whom have spent time in Israel working on a kibbutz as part of an exchange program. So you claiming that I "hate Jews/Israelis" is just another prime example of you not knowing what the fuck you're talking about. If the proof was in the pudding, you'd been a-wash in tapioca.

I don't snivel anything anywhere, as I have openly called you a Chickenhawk here and would glady do so to your face. Cowardice is a lowly sin, whether on or offline, and for you to preach violence while sitting idly by and not being the one who would undertake it is foolish. How old are you? Are you physically fit? Would you be willing to heed the call to action if this nation was drawn into another war? And I know exactly who you were refering to when you originally questioned why I mentioned the constitution, but I am now talking about you. YOU Dr. Kynes, DO NOT SUPPORT the constitution if you do not believe in the necessity of seperating Church from State. Stop trying to hide behind point-of-view and either confirm or deny this. It's not very difficult.

Muslim. The word is Muslim. Yes, your way is an accepted spelling. No, you do not sound any more intelligent for using it.

Once again, you make the assumption that I didn't read or digest what you said. I got the point. It was just poorly written, badly punctuated, and by all accounts presented at a time when you might be in need of a refill for your meds. I took these things into account and tried to humor you by showing you where and when you got it wrong. Seems that didn't do the trick though. I never said you called for the US to send ground troops (even though we already provide financial and technological support which is basically the same thing, as I said earlier) I said that you were trying to justify the deaths of civilians as "Just Another Day In..", which IS what you were doing. People are people. Regardless of the faith they practice, the color of their skin, or the area in which they live. The only way you can disagree with that statement is to admit that you are in fact a racist piece-of-shit.


New Member
racist? really? what race is moslem? im really interested since youre such an expert on this subject.

i suppose this knowledge was gained from extensive reading while a dingo was eating your baby.

im well aware of the hundreds of minute factions of the moslem family and the bugnuts crazy ape lunacy each one embraces, while declaring all other flavours heresy, apostacy or a communion with iblis or shaitan, or any of a plethora of imaginary demons that plague their sandy desolate and backwards countries.

as i am already well versed in their silly little superstitions, i dont need more. it's kinda like sniffing petrol to enter the "dreamtime" or watching crocodile dundee 3. it just kills brain cells.
Yeah racist the words Redneck, Biggot, fuckwad, dumbass also come to mind... Don't forget those sandy desolete countries would be nothing without the Petrodollars the US pours into these Muslim countries to breed the hatred that some, and only some (minority - i know you don't like that word) of the people that follow a RADICAL interpretation of ISLAM display.

The Qu'ran does not preach mass murder and violence nor the killing of innocents. Could you please point out where I could find that verse?

Seems your well versed on australian history or you just like throwing stones in your glass house. I suppose white americans treatment of native americans was so much better than white australians treated aboriginies 100yrs ago. Your point being? Or is that all you got? Straying of topic because you spell Muslim the way george bush says it... And he loves holding hands with MUSLIMS.

I think the biggest threat to brain cells are your posts. So are you jewish (extreamist) yourself or just an bottom feeding conman that feels he needs to support the genocide of the palestinians?

I would also ask is your blatent support for Israel an endorsement of the "Final solution" to the "Palestinian Question"?

Here's a link to an article about a fuckwit, like you, that feels the killing of non-jews by jews is justified though HIS interpretation of the Torah. Again an Interpretation of a text you so ignorantly refer to a historical record.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Doc, you are either illiterate or a liar. Because once again, you've taken my words and tried run with them. That's fine...article by article once again.

You DID copy and paste. Hence the link references about all those anti-muslim "stats", genius. You took a bunch of random and more than likely inaccurate statistics and threw them up there in a wall of text as if that was definitive proof of anything.

I posted no statistics. sounds like youre smoking crack

Do you have the numbers of attacks perpetrated by christians' to quote as well? Start with Anders Breivik (someone I sincerely hope you do not identify with politically) and then work your way back.

anders brivik was not a "christian" he was a freemason conspiracy nut, and a lunatic. cheap shot denied.

Israel can better defend itself by striving for peace. Lead by example, something you seem to know nothing about. I don't think of anyone involved in this conflict as evil, merely misdirected and misguided (parties on both sides are guilty of this). I want peace, plain and simple.

peace by submission and surrender. a fine example, but a french example.

You call for war, for what?

israel has the right to defend itself, israel is under siege by hamas hezzbollah and several other moslem terror groups, and iran has declared that israel shall be wiped off the map. theres no place for pacifism in the face of that kind of attack

Are you Israeli?

No. but i support their right to secure their nation against invaders

Are you Jewish?

do i have to be jewish to think a civvilized nation should be able to defend itself against the barbarians at the gates?

Or are you just some racist bible thumping douchebag?

so im racist agains the moslem race huh? newsflash im not jewish, nor christian. i thump no bibles, and the douchery is coming from you dipshit.

I'm none of the above but I do have Jewish family, some of whom have spent time in Israel working on a kibbutz as part of an exchange program. So you claiming that I "hate Jews/Israelis" is just another prime example of you not knowing what the fuck you're talking about. If the proof was in the pudding, you'd been a-wash in tapioca.

you sure talk like you hate jews. but some of your best friends are jewish? perhaps some distant relation killed in the holocaust would further solidify your "not anti-jewish" credibility.

I don't snivel anything anywhere, as I have openly called you a Chickenhawk here and would glady do so to your face.

internet tough guy rating 0.3, you would have got a 0.5, but the swiss judge gave you a 0.0 which ruined your average.

Cowardice is a lowly sin, whether on or offline, and for you to preach violence while sitting idly by and not being the one who would undertake it is foolish.

"israel has the right to defend itself as they see fit" does not equal "Lets have a fabulous little war!" you lack of comprehension on this issue shows that you are either semi-literate and simply guessing what the big words mean, or deliberately obtuse.

How old are you? Are you physically fit? Would you be willing to heed the call to action if this nation was drawn into another war?

a football injury prevented my entrance into the armed forces, the recruiters would not accept me, and by the time clinton's drawdown ended i was too old to enlist and requirements became.... looser. however if called i will serve and gladly. it was my dream. so fuck you.

And I know exactly who you were refering to when you originally questioned why I mentioned the constitution, but I am now talking about you. YOU Dr. Kynes, DO NOT SUPPORT the constitution if you do not believe in the necessity of seperating Church from State. Stop trying to hide behind point-of-view and either confirm or deny this. It's not very difficult.

ORLY? separation of church and state? what part of the constitution is that in? its not, you dipshit, it was found in a letter written by thomas jefferson to explain why he couldnt attend services at the pennsylvania babpitist league. "living document" revisionist judges inserted that bullshit based on their desire to create a new restriction on religion, but a religious test for office is strictly prohibited. militant over-reachers like yourself LOVE the nebulous "wall of separation" bullshit, since it conceals a multitude of prejudices under a cloak of judicial legitimacy. (still not copy and paste)

Muslim. The word is Muslim. Yes, your way is an accepted spelling. No, you do not sound any more intelligent for using it.

when i was in school it was moslem. i dont play the name game. that is Politically Correct masturbation for weak minded fools. muslim is fine with me, by i use Moslem out of habit and your obvious consternation over this word which is still in common use in many lands, particularly in the british commonwealth is particulalry enjoyable. (i also spell colour with a U and Potatoe with an E, your inability to be a proper grammar nazi is laughable)

Once again, you make the assumption that I didn't read or digest what you said. I got the point. It was just poorly written, badly punctuated, and by all accounts presented at a time when you might be in need of a refill for your meds.

now you seek to judge my punctuation? you are a sad little clown.

I took these things into account and tried to humor you by showing you where and when you got it wrong. Seems that didn't do the trick though. I never said you called for the US to send ground troops (even though we already provide financial and technological support which is basically the same thing, as I said earlier) I said that you were trying to justify the deaths of civilians as "Just Another Day In..", which IS what you were doing. People are people. Regardless of the faith they practice, the color of their skin, or the area in which they live. The only way you can disagree with that statement is to admit that you are in fact a racist piece-of-shit.

when the "People who are just people" have their pals scurry off with their AK 47's and soviet made rocket propelled grenade launchers before the press comes in for the weeping tragedy moneyshot, or when they fabircate imaginary "atrocities" for the benefit of the media then they stop being people and they become assholes. their LOVE of random violence against israelis, (and in fact nearly any nation you can imagine if they are not moslems) proves mohammedans (another oldie but goodie from way back) are in fact violent assholes with an agenda to sell, and in fact the jews are entitled to broad presumption of innocence among rational people. Musselmen (woo hoo 1700's here i come!) have a long history of aggression against kaffirs (thats everybody who aint a moslem in the eyes of the person with the gun or bomb) and particularly against jews. if i am to presume one party is guilty of atrocities, the jews are my last choice, you need real proof of deliberate evil from israel to sway me, and a few collateral damage pictures dont change my mind. the enemy operates in close proximity to neighborhoods, schools, hospitals and "baby milk factories" by design. its called human sheild, and moslems use them as a matter of course. the western media LOVES a bloodbath, and hamas and hezzbollah are not above killing arabs to provide one.

you may prefer to assume the jews are the provocatuers but i know better.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Yeah racist the words Redneck, Biggot, fuckwad, dumbass also come to mind... Don't forget those sandy desolete countries would be nothing without the Petrodollars the US pours into these Muslim countries to breed the hatred that some, and only some (minority - i know you don't like that word) of the people that follow a RADICAL interpretation of ISLAM display.

The Qu'ran does not preach mass murder and violence nor the killing of innocents. Could you please point out where I could find that verse?

Seems your well versed on australian history or you just like throwing stones in your glass house. I suppose white americans treatment of native americans was so much better than white australians treated aboriginies 100yrs ago. Your point being? Or is that all you got? Straying of topic because you spell Muslim the way george bush says it... And he loves holding hands with MUSLIMS.

I think the biggest threat to brain cells are your posts. So are you jewish (extreamist) yourself or just an bottom feeding conman that feels he needs to support the genocide of the palestinians?

I would also ask is your blatent support for Israel an endorsement of the "Final solution" to the "Palestinian Question"?

Here's a link to an article about a fuckwit, like you, that feels the killing of non-jews by jews is justified though HIS interpretation of the Torah. Again an Interpretation of a text you so ignorantly refer to a historical record.
as usual, a shrill hyperbolic brainfart of a post designed to showcase your own prejudices while claiming the other guy is the racist (against a fictional moslem race)

the koran is chock full of crazy, i already waded through that turd with smok3y1, and have no intention of rehashing the same tired bullshit aboiut how the university of virginia is a secret zionist conspirator trying to defame all moslems with their "bad translations" the entire book is nothing but exhortations to submit or die, the hadiths take the crazy to maximum insanity levels, and i didnt even have to go to those insane pages of madness to find plenty of entreaties to violence. the koran was more than enough. read it yourself, i bet you can find a copy. maybe even a translation that wasnt prepared by evil zionist conspirators. nahh. most likely youll get one of the "bad translations" even if you get it from your local mosque. those evil jews are everywhere.

also, everybody has been dancing on eggshells trying not to godwin, and yet, here you come with your "final solution"

i guarantee when israel throws a genocide against the pallies youll fucking know it, you tool. your presumptionm of guilt on the part of israel is a sure sign of a moron, an indoctrinated fool, or a true believer in the mohammedan cause laid out in the glorious hadith examined here:

but thats probably another "bad translation" right?

the fuckwit be thee, not me.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Run away!

Ickbar is coming!

Those scary Muslims just be hating your freedom so much you're scared, arnt you?
and again you become insensible with rage that any dare question the mighty and glorious mohammed, or his fucktarded insane followers.

the video features hamas gunmen crashing a fatah part wedding with machineguns, in the "peaceful transition of power" in 2007 where hamas simply killed all the fatah supporters to cinch the vote up.

democracy arab style. yay. good times.


Well-Known Member
as usual, a shrill hyperbolic brainfart of a post designed to showcase your own prejudices while claiming the other guy is the racist (against a fictional moslem race)

the koran is chock full of crazy, i already waded through that turd with smok3y1, and have no intention of rehashing the same tired bullshit aboiut how the university of virginia is a secret zionist conspirator trying to defame all moslems with their "bad translations" the entire book is nothing but exhortations to submit or die, the hadiths take the crazy to maximum insanity levels, and i didnt even have to go to those insane pages of madness to find plenty of entreaties to violence. the koran was more than enough. read it yourself, i bet you can find a copy. maybe even a translation that wasnt prepared by evil zionist conspirators. nahh. most likely youll get one of the "bad translations" even if you get it from your local mosque. those evil jews are everywhere.

also, everybody has been dancing on eggshells trying not to godwin, and yet, here you come with your "final solution"

i guarantee when israel throws a genocide against the pallies youll fucking know it, you tool. your presumptionm of guilt on the part of israel is a sure sign of a moron, an indoctrinated fool, or a true believer in the mohammedan cause laid out in the glorious hadith examined here:

but thats probably another "bad translation" right?

the fuckwit be thee, not me.

"Im coming for you motherfucker"


Active Member
You two are fucking retarded. Christianity and Islam have been on completely different levels for over a century now. Since you have brought up muslin percentages lets look at some. Seems to me they're working against everything we're striving for. Gender equality, freedom of speech, against physical violence, you know a normal life?!? You two need to pick your friends better, or fucking grasp reality that would do us all a little good.

ICM Poll: 20% of British Muslims sympathize with 7/7 bombers
NOP Research: 1 in 4 British Muslims say 7/7 bombings were justified

People-Press: 31% of Turks support suicide attacks against Westerners in Iraq.
YNet: One third of Palestinians (32%) supported the slaughter of a Jewish family, including the children:,7340,L-4053251,00.html

World Public Opinion: 61% of Egyptians approve of attacks on Americans
32% of Indonesians approve of attacks on Americans
41% of Pakistanis approve of attacks on Americans
38% of Moroccans approve of attacks on Americans
83% of Palestinians approve of some or most groups that attack Americans (only 14% oppose)
62% of Jordanians approve of some or most groups that attack Americans (21% oppose)
42% of Turks approve of some or most groups that attack Americans (45% oppose)
A minority of Muslims disagreed entirely with terror attacks on Americans:
(Egypt 34%; Indonesia 45%; Pakistan 33%)
About half of those opposed to attacking Americans were sympathetic with al-Qaeda’s attitude toward the U.S.
Pew Research (2010): 55% of Jordanians have a positive view of Hezbollah
30% of Egyptians have a positive view of Hezbollah
45% of Nigerian Muslims have a positive view of Hezbollah (26% negative)
43% of Indonesians have a positive view of Hezbollah (30% negative)
Pew Research (2010): 60% of Jordanians have a positive view of Hamas (34% negative).
49% of Egyptians have a positive view of Hamas (48% negative)
49% of Nigerian Muslims have a positive view of Hamas (25% negative)
39% of Indonesians have a positive view of Hamas (33% negative)
Pew Research (2010): 15% of Indonesians believe suicide bombings are often or sometimes justified.
34% of Nigerian Muslims believe suicide bombings are often or sometimes justified.
Populus Poll (2006): 12% of young Muslims in Britain (and 12% overall) believe that suicide attacks against civilians in Britain can be justified. 1 in 4 support suicide attacks against British troops.
Pew Research (2007): 26% of younger Muslims in America believe suicide bombings are justified.
35% of young Muslims in Britain believe suicide bombings are justified (24% overall).
42% of young Muslims in France believe suicide bombings are justified (35% overall).
22% of young Muslims in Germany believe suicide bombings are justified.(13% overall).
29% of young Muslims in Spain believe suicide bombings are justified.(25% overall).
Pew Research (2011): 8% of Muslims in America believe suicide bombings are often or sometimes justified (81% never).
28% of Egyptian Muslims believe suicide bombings are often or sometimes justified (38% never).
Pew Research (2007): Muslim-Americans who identify more strongly with their religion are three times more likely to feel that suicide bombings are justified
ICM: 5% of Muslims in Britain tell pollsters they would not report a planned Islamic terror attack to authorities.
27% do not support the deportation of Islamic extremists preaching violence and hate.
Federation of Student Islamic Societies: About 1 in 5 Muslim students in Britain (18%) would not report a fellow Muslim planning a terror attack.
ICM Poll: 25% of British Muslims disagree that a Muslim has an obligation to report terrorists to police.
Populus Poll (2006): 16% of British Muslims believe suicide attacks against Israelis are justified.
37% believe Jews in Britain are a "legitimate target".
See also: for further statistics on Islamic terror.

al-Qaeda and Osama bin Laden
Pew Research (2007): 5% of American Muslims have a favorable view of al-Qaeda (27% can’t make up their minds). Only 58% reject al-Qaeda outright.
Pew Research (2011): 5% of American Muslims have a favorable view of al-Qaeda (14% can’t make up their minds).
Pew Research (2011): 1 in 10 native-born Muslim-Americans have a favorable view of al-Qaeda.
al-Jazeera (2006): 49.9% of Muslims polled support Osama bin Laden
Pew Research: 59% of Indonesians support Osama bin Laden in 2003
41% of Indonesians support Osama bin Laden in 2007
56% of Jordanians support Osama bin Laden in 2003
Pew Global: 51% of Palestinians support Osama bin Laden
54% of Muslim Nigerians Support Osama bin Laden
MacDonald Laurier Institute: 35% of Canadian Muslims would not repudiate al-Qaeda
World Public Opinion: Muslim majorities agree with the al-Qaeda goal of Islamic law.
Muslim majorities agree with al-Qaeda goal of keeping Western values out of Islamic countries;
(Egypt: 88%; Indonesia 76%; Pakistan 60%; Morocco 64%)
ICM Poll: 13% of Muslim in Britain support al-Qaeda attacks on America.
World Public Opinion: Attitude toward Osama bin Laden:
Egypt: 44% positive, 17% negative, and 25% mixed feelings
Indonesia: 14% positive, 26% negative, 21% mixed feelings (39% did not answer)
Pakistan: 25% positive, 15% negative, 26% mixed feelings (34% did not answer)
Morocco: 27% positive, 21% negative, 26% mixed feelings
Jordanians, Palestinians, Turks and Azerbaijanis. Jordanians combined for: 27% positive, 20 percent negative, and 27 percent mixed feelings. (Palestinians 56% positive, 20% negative, 22 percent mixed feelings).
Pew Research (2010): 49% of Nigerian Muslims have favorable view of al-Qaeda (34% unfavorable)
23% of Indonesians have favorable view of al-Qaeda (56% unfavorable)
34% of Jordanians have favorable view of al-Qaeda
25% of Indonesians have "confidence" in Osama bin Laden (59% had confidence in 2003)
1 in 5 Egyptians have "confidence" in Osama bin Laden
Pew Research (2011): 22% of Indonesians have a favorable view of al-Qaeda (21% unfavorable)
Gallup: 51% of Pakistanis grieve Osama bin Laden (only 11% happy over death)
44% of Pakistanis viewed Osama bin Laden as a martyr (only 28% as an oulaw)
Zogby International 2011: “Majorities in all six countries said they viewed the United States less favorably following the killing of the Al-Qaeda head [Osama bin Laden] in Pakistan”
Populus Survey: 18% of British Muslims would be proud or indifferent if a family member joined al-Qaeda.
Policy Exchange (2006): 7% Muslims in Britain admire al-Qaeda and other terrorist groups.

9/11 Attacks
al-Arabiya: 36% of Arabs polled said the 9/11 attacks were morally justified; 38% disagreed; 26% Unsure
Gallup: 38.6% of Muslims believe 9/11 attacks were justified (7% "fully", 6.5% "mostly", 23.1% "partially")
Pew Research (2011): Large majorities of Muslims believe in 9/11 conspiracy

Violence in Defense of Islam
40% of Indonesians approve of violence in defense of Islam.
Pew Global: 68% of Palestinian Muslims say suicide attacks against civilians in defense of Islam are justified.
43% of Nigerian Muslims say suicide attacks against civilians in defense of Islam are justified.
38% of Lebanese Muslims say suicide attacks against civilians in defense of Islam are justified.
15% of Egyptian Muslims say suicide attacks against civilians in defense of Islam are justified.
13% of Indonesian Muslims say suicide attacks against civilians in defense of Islam are justified.
12% of Jordanian Muslims say suicide attacks against civilians in defense of Islam are justified.
7% of Muslim Israelis say suicide attacks against civilians in defense of Islam are justified. (Pew Global Attitudes Project September, 2009)
Center for Social Cohesion: One Third of British Muslim students support killing for Islam
Policy Exchange: One third of British Muslims believe anyone who leaves Islam should be killed
NOP Research: 78% of British Muslims support punishing the publishers of Muhammad cartoons;
NOP Research: Hardcore Islamists comprise 9% of Britain's Muslim population;
Another 29% would "aggressively defend" Islam;
Pew Research (2010): 84% of Egyptian Muslims support the death penalty for leaving Islam
86% of Jordanian Muslims support the death penalty for leaving Islam
30% of Indonesian Muslims support the death penalty for leaving Islam
76% of Pakistanis support death the penalty for leaving Islam
51% of Nigerian Muslims support the death penalty for leaving Islam
ICM Poll: 11% of British Muslims find violence for religious or political ends acceptable.
Terrorism Research Institute Study: 51% of mosques in the U.S. have texts on site rated as severely advocating violence; 30% have texts rated as moderately advocating violence; and 19% have no violent texts at all.

Sharia (Islamic Law)
83% of Pakistanis support stoning adulterers
78% of Pakistanis support killing apostates
Center for Social Cohesion: 40% of British Muslim students want Sharia
ICM Poll: 40% of British Muslims want Sharia in the UK
GfK NOP: 28% of British Muslims want Britain to be an Islamic state
NOP Research: 68% of British Muslims support the arrest and prosecution of anyone who insults Islam;
MacDonald Laurier Institute: 62% of Muslims want Sharia in Canada (15% say make it mandatory)
World Public Opinion: 81% of Egyptians want strict Sharia imposed in every Islamic country
76% of Pakistanis want strict Sharia imposed in every Islamic country
49% (plurality) of Indonesians want strict Sharia imposed in every Islamic country
76% of Moroccans want strict Sharia imposed in every Islamic country
World Public Opinion: 64% of Egyptians said it was “very important for the government” to “apply traditional punishments for crimes such as stoning adulterers.”
Pew Research (2010): 77% of Egyptian Muslims favor floggings and amputation
58% of Jordanian Muslims favor floggings and amputation
36% of Indonesian Muslims favor floggings and amputation
82% of Pakistanis favor floggings and amputation
65% of Nigerian Muslims favor floggings and amputation
Pew Research (2010): 82% of Egyptian Muslims favor stoning adulterers
70% of Jordanian Muslims favor stoning adulterers
42% of Indonesian Muslims favor stoning adulterers
82% of Pakistanis favor stoning adulterers
56% of Nigerian Muslims favor stoning adulterers

Honor Killings​
Turkish Ministry of Education: 1 in 4 Turks Support Honor Killings
Civitas: 1 in 3 Muslims in the UK strongly agree that a wife should be forced to obey her husband's bidding
BBC Poll: 1 in 10 British Muslims support killing a family member over "dishonor".
Middle East Quarterly: 91 percent of honor killings are committed by Muslims worldwide.
95% of honor killings in the West are perpetrated by Muslim fathers and brothers or their proxies.
A survey of Muslim women in Paris suburbs found that three-quarters of them wear their masks out of fear - including fear of violence.
Two-thirds of young British Muslims agree that 'honor' violence is acceptable.

Muslims have highest claimed disability rates in the UK (24% of men, 21% of women)
2011: 16% of UK prisoners in 2010 are Muslim (Muslims comprise about 3% of the total population)
Pakistani Muslims in the UK are three times more likely to be unemployed than Hindus. Indian Muslims are twice as likely to be unemployed as Indian Hindus.

Policy Exchange: 1 in 4 Muslims in the UK have never heard of the Holocaust;
Only 34% of British Muslims believe the Holocaust ever happened.
Policy Exchange: 51% of British Muslims believe a woman cannot marry a non-Muslim
Only 51% believe a Muslim woman may marry without a guardian's consent
Policy Exchange: Up to 52% of British Muslims believe a Muslim man is entitled to up to four wives
Policy Exchange: 61% of British Muslims want homosexuality punished
NOP Research: 62% of British Muslims do not believe in the protection of free speech;
Only 3% adopt a "consistently pro-freedom of speech line"
ICM Poll: 58% of British Muslims believe insulting Islam should result in criminal prosecution
Pew Global (2006): Only 7% of British Muslims think of themselves as British first (81% say 'Muslim' rather than 'Briton')
Policy Exchange (2006): 31% Muslims in Britain identify more with Muslims in other countries than with non-Muslim Brits.
Ipsos MORI: Muslims are 3 times as likely as Christians to believe that their religion is the only way.
Pew Research (2011): Muslim-Americans four times more likely to say that women should not work outside the home.
Pew Research (2007): 26% of Muslim-Americans want to be distinct (43% support assimilation)
Pew Research (2011): 20% of Muslim-Americans want to be distinct (56% support assimilation)
Pew Research (2011): 49% of Muslim-Americans say they are "Muslim first" (26% American first)
Pew Research (2011): 21% of Muslim-Americans say there is a fair to great amount of support for Islamic extremism in their community.
ICM Poll: 11% of British Muslims find violence for political ends acceptable
Wenzel Strategies (2012): 58% of Muslim-Americans believe criticism of Islam or Muhammad is not protected free speech under the First Amendment.
45% believe mockers of Islam should face criminal charges (38% said they should not).
12% of Muslim-Americans believe blaspheming Islam should be punishable by death.
43% of Muslim-Americans believe people of other faiths have no right to evangelize Muslims.
32% of Muslims in America believe that Sharia should be the supreme law of the land.

But you don't copypaste, right? Hahaha.

Dude, youre "football injury" sounds like a fantastic copout. And now your too old and out of shape. So essentially, you're a sad oldman with a keyboard. DON'T CALL FOR WAR IF YOU CAN'T FIGHT. You would be useless on the battlefield. Willing does not mean able.

And my saying I'd call you or anyone with similar philosophies a Chickenhawk in public as well as online was not a threat or in anyway a toughguy statement. It was me establishing the fact that you wouldn't say half the shit you say in the manner in which you screech it if your character was tied to it. Instead, you sit behind an avatar and spout ridiculous nonsense. I am proud of my stance of being Pro-Peace. Can you say the same about essentially calling for Holy War?

Here's my promise, I will no longer attack you personally because it detracts from the discussion and gives you reason to stray from the issue at hand. I will focus solely on the stuff you decide to post here.

You call Muslims (and this thread is about PALESTINIANS btw, not all of whom practice Islam) "mongrels at the gate", but whose gate is it? These are people who within the scope of a few generations called this land their home. Then through the press of imperialism and guilt on the part of Europe for not acting sooner to prevent the Holocaust, they are told to leave. Now Israel is there, and people have established themselves and their families there. They have a legitimate claim now too, but that does not give them the right to conduct cross border raids that are preemptive in nature. No nation has that privillege. We condemn such actions in others. So why should one of our allies, who receives a sizeable bit of funding from us, be allowed to act differently? We can't present ourselves as believers' in peace and human decency if we tolerate that shit. Israel must defend itself and it's borders, but that is not an entitlement to unprovoked strikes that come on the heels of peace talks.

And BTW, google Breivik. Actually do some research. This guy claimed to be part of a group called the Knights Templar (made-up most likely), said he was trying to instigate a Holy War against Muslim "invaders" to Europe. He was hoping that his actions would give rise to violent xenophobic spasm. Instead, he serves as an example for discussions like this. Not as a condemnation of Christianity, BUT AS AN EXAMPLE THAT THERE ARE PEOPLE OF ALL FAITHS WHO COMMIT TERRIBLE SINS IN THE NAME OF THEIR GOD(s).


Well-Known Member
and again you become insensible with rage that any dare question the mighty and glorious mohammed, or his fucktarded insane followers.

the video features hamas gunmen crashing a fatah part wedding with machineguns, in the "peaceful transition of power" in 2007 where hamas simply killed all the fatah supporters to cinch the vote up.

democracy arab style. yay. good times.
I think all "militant religious" of any flavour are retarded, but you're genuinely terrified of the muscle men for some reason.

Its deeply satisfying to take the piss out of ;)

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
@ Kynes

What do you suggest Hamas, the Palestinian people and the people in Gaza do?

What do you suggest Israel do?
hamas and hezzbollah need to stop assaulting murdering kidnapping and bombing israelis (and each other) and just chill the fuck out. they aint gonna win, it's past time to stop acting the fool.

they also need to stop crafting amatuer theatrical productions for the media.


the palestinian people need to stop supporting the assholes, and start resisting their attempts to set up rocket batteries in playgrounds. thats just common sense. only a moron would watch somebody set up a rocket battery in their front yard and act surprised when it gets taken out by the target nation.

israel needs to also chill the fuck out. building new settlements on land they ostensibly intend to give back eventually only reinforces the belief that the west bank is a permanent addition to israel's territory, or they need to step up and say "yeah, we are keeping this motherfucker". they then need to either shit or get off the pot. eject the palestinians from the occupied territories and claim that shit or tell the settlers, "youre living in jordan now dumbass, you can either pack up and move or become a jordanian".

one choice or the other, and i dont mind either way.

and the rest of the world needs to back the fuck up and let these guys settle it without the partisan outside agitators chiming in on either side.

the press needs to back off on the inflammatory rhetoric. arabs in israel have the highest standard of living in the region, get to vote, and dont suffer any apartheid (regardless of the moronic claims) the apartheid narrative is only half true in the occupied terirtories, and not at all true in israel. people in a military occupation zone are rarely accorded the rights and priviledges due those who are citizens of the occupying nation. only a fool would assume they should.

these dipshit provocateurs and internet toughguys have no fucking clue what they are talking about, they got all their shitty talking points from al jazeera.