So after dabbing concentrates ill probably never "smoke" cannabis flowers again!

It all depends on how you get the hash, different processes result in different kind of hash. Bubble hash is going to bubble(almost like a ball of resin, without completely melting into liquid. This does come from small amounts of water trapped inside bubbling out! ). Finger hash is gathered from growers every time they just handle too many trichomes (dark buildup found on your fingers and hands can be scraped off, almost pure THC!) Your hash oil can be dropped onto a bowl, or maybe dip a joint into the hash oil :0 (For my personal experience we used a bottle of butane pushed through a bunch of leaves and stems post-harvest, after the butane evaporates, you are left with your butane hash oil!)

Different processes will get you different types and colors, as will the different types of bud will give you different results and colors. I think its safe to say a simple search in youtube will give you a very informative tutorial on any type of hash you would like to try making!

I was recently introduced to a new term I have not heard yet. Some kids were saying they were going to go smoke some 'dabbers'. I assumed it was just some sort of hash oil. Correct me if I am wrong, please. Wierd to hear new terms.
i just started smoking oils about 4 days ago that i make. oil is sooo tasty vs buds. i just need to stop at the 1-2 hit mark. last night i took 5 very healthy rips and was the highest ive ever been in my life. border-line tripping, almost too high. lol shit had me going for 4+hrs.
dabs, pens, oil rigs, expensive ways to smoke.. dont get me wrong, i loveee them, and i want one, but most are wayy pricey, i have been smoking my oil on nugs bowls for a while, its sooo tasty, but! i thought i would spam this thread with what i predict to be the best hit of my life..


i recently got some excellent bubble hushh.. soo, i topped my used nug/oil bowl with the bubble, been smoking on that baby tonight.. sooo,i figured i would properly prepare a freshy, and i came up with this bowl, layers in order from bottom up:


gonna start my day off with this baby tomorrow

ahh, so like, i thought i would share my discoveries.. if you havent already tried this, please, give it a go!..

I heard smoking off of foil is The worst thing you can do if worried on it affecting your health. I am only wanting to not waste any of it or as little as practical so if I were to put a dab on some weed in a pipe it sounds like a lot of waste just transferring the sticky goo and I read that combustion is wasteful so is it worth it to gp get an oil burner? How much loss?
I prefer a method that doesn't involve combustion, and recommend either a titanium nail, skillet, or wand to "dab" oil with. Any one of the three will work well and each has its things that it does better, so it is a matter of individual use and preference.

Here are some pictures of different vaporizing setups, including a DYI electric one, made from two 150W security lights and a dimmer switch.


  • New glass ware and repaired skunk pipe.jpg
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is there a how to on that DYI electric one? and also... is that a titanium wand???? i've only seen glass wands, i hate them.. titanium sounds wayyy more preferred..
i just started smoking oils about 4 days ago that i make. oil is sooo tasty vs buds. i just need to stop at the 1-2 hit mark. last night i took 5 very healthy rips and was the highest ive ever been in my life. border-line tripping, almost too high. lol shit had me going for 4+hrs.

andddd, ya, if you were telling yourself 2 hits is gonna get you high 4 days ago, and now you say your ripping 5.. heheee, im sorry my friend, but slow down, or else you my not think so right now, but you are gonna say goood-bye to buds real quick..

i myself, still love taking fresh grounded rips out of a bong.. but, some people just get so picky..
^ sorry to agree, completely..

all i have smoked is hash oil for the past 2months'
any bud i smoke taste like pure garbage, all smokey and what not.. i wish i could get high off of weed still and im in san diego where fire 8ths are only 30$

and look up perfection pen eclips for the pens they are 2 for 50 and you have to purposely brake it and push the coil in the hole diagonaly for it to suck up the wax from the bottom and smoke it works preety well comparable to the cloud vape cloud pen dabr or micro g without the screen .....
i have almost every pen , not the atmos or the white rhino though or thermovape or omnicron, soooo i dont have a good amount but i got like 800$ worth in diffrent brand names.
I just did my first dab ever last night. Made some absolute out of biodiesel flowers. Went out and bought a $225 rig, a $60 TI nail, and a $50 torch. The flower alone cost me $260 and the rest of the supplies cost me around $120. It was the best $700 hit I ever had But seriously, I was middle school high!
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Haha that's funny everyone says that, when the first time they smoke dabs its like the. First time being baked all over again haha
Haha that's funny everyone says that, when the first time they smoke dabs its like the. First time being baked all over again haha

maybe i was doing sometihng wrong.....a while back i tried an oil rig for the first time used the bubble tho and at first i think i didnt get it hot enough the hits were kind of half ass and then i realized maybe thats because its vaping instead of combusting. by the time i decided to heat it longer their was also residue on the nail so i tihnk it was also combusting to an extent so idk if i started getting better hits because the bubble started burning or because i was getting the nail hotter so the hits were just bigger?!?! can anyone weigh in on the difference in high or the heaviness of a high based on vaping or burning the same hash??
I was doing 30 vials of Honey Oil at a time in the late '70's
and Hash Oil does not compare at all.
maybe i was doing sometihng wrong.....a while back i tried an oil rig for the first time used the bubble tho and at first i think i didnt get it hot enough the hits were kind of half ass

I've experienced the same thing. I'm new to this and heating the nail and then putting on the globe/ hitting can be tricky. The nail keeps cooling down and the dabs keep sticking to my fingers before I can dunk them. I've been sticking to a dabbler until I get this down a bit better. Practice, practice, practice!
It is unlikely that you combusted oil dabbing it on a hot nail. We heat to red, and then let go dark before dabbing. Try to keep the dabs small enough that it all vaporizes before the nail cools and leaves behind pooled residue.