So after dabbing concentrates ill probably never "smoke" cannabis flowers again!

I don't know if anyone has clarified this in the thread. But BHO is not medicinal. It's extremely concentrated delta9. Almost all the canabanoids are extracted in the process. Rendering it non medical by definition.

Cannabinoids do dissolve in hydrocarbon solvents. cn
ya i'm confused on that whole not being medicinal by definition. I'm just looking at it by simple definitions. Could you just clarify your definitions?

medicinal - of, pertaining to, or having the properties of a medicine; curative; remedial: medicinal properties;medicinal substances.

medicine - any substance or substances used in treating disease or illness; medicament; remedy.

Canabanoids are what is listed by medicinal journals as the medicinal properties in the marijuana plant. Delta9 thc is what give you the head high, or soaring effect. Canabanoids give you the couch lock, medicated body high.

Bho is not concentrating all these properties. It actually extracts almost everything from the plant. Including canabanoids.
Most bho products have less then 1%cbd
Therefore to summarize, smoke both!

Well I feel different effect from BHO made from young fresh bud or bud that had cured and decarbed a lot. I feel what you're saying though, cause i do smoke both and I get a more "full" effect when smoking bud vs just bho. Though i made some BHO from some blue dream that was atleast 4months old and pretty dry, when i smoked the bud it made me lazy and shit and had very nice body effects...not sure which cannabinoids were causing this specifically but the BHO from it made me feel the same just with more of a head high included. I only smoked it right before bed if i'm restless.
I kinda have the same thing going on when i vape herb...i don't really feel the full effect. I love topping a bowl with some BHO then initially vaping it with a hot-rod then burning the bowl right afterwords. pretty fuckin intense.
I read somewhere that patients dealing with speed, meth, other similar addictions find relief in BHO...or other concentrates. Mainly ones loaded with THC, i guess i can see why it helps but not like i can't really understand cause i've never done anything else but boomers once. I think that's interesting though
I read somewhere that patients dealing with speed, meth, other similar addictions find relief in BHO...or other concentrates. Mainly ones loaded with THC, i guess i can see why it helps but not like i can't really understand cause i've never done anything else but boomers once. I think that's interesting though

Never heard this, but I can see why. Bho tends to be more energizing. I believe it still maintains some use in the medical world, to help with symptoms, but as far as helping medically not so sure. Seeing as the government is the only one allowed to run tests on cannabis
Never heard this, but I can see why. Bho tends to be more energizing. I believe it still maintains some use in the medical world, to help with symptoms, but as far as helping medically not so sure. Seeing as the government is the only one allowed to run tests on cannabis

And sadly MJ is listed as a Schedule I but you can't ignore the fact that it does get abused and does have a physical/habitual many things thing that you do on a daily basis.
Schedule I
Schedule I drugs, substances, or chemicals are defined as drugs with no currently accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse. Schedule I drugs are the most dangerous drugs of all the drug schedules with potentially severe psychological or physical dependence. Some examples of Schedule I drugs are:
heroin, lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), marijuana (cannabis), 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (ecstasy), methaqualone, and peyote

I read somewhere that patients dealing with speed, meth, other similar addictions find relief in BHO...or other concentrates. Mainly ones loaded with THC, i guess i can see why it helps but not like i can't really understand cause i've never done anything else but boomers once. I think that's interesting though

We have withdrawn two morphine sulfate patients, one after 15 years, and the second after only 8 years, but with a 60mg 3X a day habit. Here are their stories:

In the course of providing oil potions to OMMP patients with various dis-eases, we’ve had some notable successes reported that we would like to share with you in the patients own words. Opiate withdrawal is one of those areas of success, so here is a testimonial from one of our first major success, followed by a day to day log from our last successful withdrawal on cannabis oil reported to us.

The first is from a patient addicted for 8 years and using 270mg morphine sulfate a day, and the second addicted for 15 years to 60 mg Morphine sulfate per day and 4 mg Klonopin per night.The second made his decision to withdraw from the opiates, after switching medical providers and being told that they would not prescribe pain medications for him, as long as he used cannabis, unless it was a terminal condition.

Successful withdrawal after 8 years! Successful withdrawal after 8 years of heavy opiate dosage over a 90 day period on QWET oil , to become opiate free.He initially tried reflux extracted oil, but the concentrated chlorophyll turned his digestive tract inside out. We extracted his first QWET oil and it worked well for pain, so he attended one of our skunk pharm classes and learned to make his own so that he was self supporting.Here is his thank you letter to us from Ronnie B, aka Southpaww, and may I note that he stayed opiate free and subsequently successfully withdrew himself from the oil as well?

______________________________ ___________
I want to thank the people whom taught me to be healthier today.Graywolf, Eloquentsolution, Joe, Growgeek, you are just awesome. You taught me to make the oil in Nov. and as of then, I was able to reduce the Morphine intake from three, to one 60mg a day by months end.

In Dec. I returned the script for 90- 60mg. Morphine and asked for 30′s instead. The Dr. does know of my oil intake.I used 24 of the 90 pills 30mg. this month, and for the last 10 days I have been RX free. I had my Dr. appt. today and was able for the first time in over 8 years, to not get a refill.I am for the new year FREE of the Morphine. Thank You: The 4 AmigosSouthpaww

Successful withdrawal after 15 years!

Eddie Kirk is another associate of both ours and Ronnie B’s, whom successfully withdrew from both Morphine and Klonopin using cannabis oil. At his request, we supplied enough of our Holy Shit potion to supports his efforts.

Sent 26 August 2012 – 09:26 AM by Eddie KirkHi you two Graywolf and Eloquentsolution. I have used the medicine as you have written. And I believe I am almost done. It’s been a long 14 days and I can see an end to this. I have kept a journal of the withdrawal process. And will be finishing it in the next day or 7 days. I want to be off the Morphine. I am off the Klonopin. Find below the journal.

When it is finished. (say another 7 days) I will submit it to you for your web site. I will not use it here. It will be yours.
Thank you both,Kirk15 milligram Morphine sulfate extended relief. Two every 24 hours 2-2Mg Klonopin per night.HAOH

More at:

Skunk Pharm sounds like it is full of dedicated researchers. I've read pretty much their entire site. Love the Terpenator and really wish I could use pure n-butane as well as recover butane for more runs. Extractions are a lot of fun. It's science....
Ok, after always being on the take in Internet forums,I feel if there was a time for reciprocity, now is that time. We all make honey oil with the hope that it is the strongest ever. Having made honey oil more than 50 x over the past 5 years, I've learned a few tricks or methods that I wish I'd known the first time. Please note I acknowledge I am making statements and forming opinions that are solely based on my experience.
Ok, so nobody wants mediocre oil. If you aren't trying to make the greatest concentration each time you try, I would suggest sticking with herb in its natural form. I also make it a point to tell friends who ask NOT to use dro,loud,kind,etc. Why in the world would you want to convert to oil the buds from a super strong strain??? Smoke it and appreciate it for what it is. I recommend using leaf. Basically, cut 2-4" from where it is above soil, and use everything except the buds. I have made honey oil from pure leaf, yes fan leaves as well, that knocked down a set of heads that have been smoking for 50 years. Most folks I've turned on have later reported the honey oil taking them higher than anything else in the weed plant, period. I've seen my share of regular,knowledgable growers and smokers who,after taking 3-4 tokes of oil, tell me there was no possible was my product came from all leaf and stem. This is perhaps the greatest thing about honey oil. You can get 3-5x filtered (maybe higher) butane. The butane extraction technique was nt developed by some bored stoner,it is a well known method of extraction,and thru web it is cheap.
Heres what I do(or use to do)
Cut down plant and remove every single legit bud for drying and to be smoked as is following curing phase.
All the remaining stuff should be chopped and chopped and chopped until it is no longer than your finger.
Let everything dry on a window screen setup like a table. This saves lots of time, and unlike curing buds, we aren't interested in the slow process. We just want kick ass oil.
Once everything is dry or mostly dry, begin putting it in you blender to get it looking like the consistence of cigarette tobacco.
Put back on screen tables and let it finish drying. The whole cut/drying phase can be kept around 6 days if you open windows and allow circulation. He'll, I have poured 5 grocery brown bags out on concrete in sun for an even faster dry.
Once your stuff is dry, hit it with blender again. Here's why. You want to expose as much surface area of the chopped leaves as possible. Doing so will have a significant impact on your return. So while making it into a powder is overkill, don't be lazy and stuff big stuff into your stainless steel pipe. I prefer stainless steel, but there are options. Do 3 runs per load, unless you have more pounds leaf than you intend to make oil. In that case, 2 runs using butane is perfect.
My experience, taken from 50 + sessions, is that you get 1g of honey oil per ounce of leaf. I use a stainless steel pipe 14" long,1.5 -2" in diameter. Longer pipes are better, since the butane turns from gas to liquid inside of pipe, and flushes thru a few more inches of pipe before that beautiful amber looking honey oil begins to slowly drip I into your Pyrex dish. I do all my butane crap outside so as to reduce risk of explosion. Also, if you really wanna boogie and make an ounce of oil fast, have a lasagna pan half filled with water on electric stovetop that maintains a "just before boil" temperature. Sit the smaller Pyrex dish in warm water, and evaporation is expedited considerably. Final comment, I always use leaf from very potent strains, and while you certainly can make honey oil from juicy buds using same process,it doesn't make much sense. It's a complete waste of juicy smokable or vaper bud. While there is certainly a difference between oil make from leaf versus bud, I can guarantee you that it is completely inefficient to use good buds, and the final result is nowhere near the difference between smoking leaf versus bud. Trust me, you will use leaf and stem and still create something that is likely stronger than most anything your peeps have ever smoked. Feel free to email if I am not clear about one of the steps here. It's easy, simple, and when done right, presents no real danger inside stainless steel pipe. Note also that I leave the bottom of the tube free of any metal. I simply tape 2 coffee filters around bottom ,shoot 3 cans thru pipe, empty pipe, refill same leaf, and run 2 more cans thru, finally emptying and refilling for final 1 can purge. One person can setup a pretty impressive assembly line so you can do 4 pipes at a time, combining each of the bowls filled with liquid butane into one on your electric stove until your glass Pyrex dish is left with pure oil, and a few of those pizza looking boils. Finally, let sit out for 24-48 hours to ensure all the butane has escaped. I prefer to keep my oil liquid, but still viscous. Hobby lobby sells everything you need for containers. Good luck, wear goggles , and enjoy!
Final note: I did figure out a few additional steps the truest of the true would prolly wanna do. All related to actually curing the oil, and giving it a 100% natural fruity taste.
By the way, I am still trying to dig up the logic that honey oil is pure Sativa. I can say from lots of experience that my oil always carries saliva traits with it, even when I've made oil from 90-100 % indica leaf and stem. Are there any honey oil lovers out there who have had different experience regarding oil always assuming saliva qualities ? I.e. head high, energetic, uppity, whatever.

I read somewhere that patients dealing with speed, meth, other similar addictions find relief in BHO...or other concentrates. Mainly ones loaded with THC, i guess i can see why it helps but not like i can't really understand cause i've never done anything else but boomers once. I think that's interesting though

No experience with speed, just the two morphine sulphate addicts. It would be interesting to try, but people seeking something speedy, are often not drawn to cannabis.
No experience with speed, just the two morphine sulphate addicts. It would be interesting to try, but people seeking something speedy, are often not drawn to cannabis.

For some reason i really want to be a provider of specifically concentrates to patients who need help from withdraws...i personally have been watching my ADHD very closely when i smoke the BHO or when i vape product of my LCOG. When i smoke just nug of LCOG I get pretty heady but my thoughts bounce around a bit making me lose track of time just thinking about shit lol mainly the science of MJ extractions and different methods. The past week i've been smoking BHO before i go to work in the am and i've been so fucking efficient time almost seems to slow down haha, i do the same exact thing at work every day...gotta find a different job. Some days when i'm at work time seems to fly by and i've barely done anything, that's when i know i've been day dreaming way too much..and sometimes i just can't help it. I feel like that part of my brain is stuck being 12yo lol just too many interesting things to think about and contemplate and so little time. I'm out of BHO currently :( and almost out of nug!!!!!!! Have some that's been drying for a few days though so soon enough.
Go ahead and pm me if you have any input on treating ADHD with MJ...i don't know if it's really possible or logical haha but i know at times i find great relief.
Ok, after always being on the take in Internet forums,I feel if there was a time for reciprocity, now is that time. We all make honey oil with the hope that it is the strongest ever. Having made honey oil more than 50 x over the past 5 years, I've learned a few tricks or methods that I wish I'd known the first time. Please note I acknowledge I am making statements and forming opinions that are solely based on my experience.
Ok, so nobody wants mediocre oil. If you aren't trying to make the greatest concentration each time you try, I would suggest sticking with herb in its natural form. I also make it a point to tell friends who ask NOT to use dro,loud,kind,etc. Why in the world would you want to convert to oil the buds from a super strong strain??? Smoke it and appreciate it for what it is. I recommend using leaf. Basically, cut 2-4" from where it is above soil, and use everything except the buds. I have made honey oil from pure leaf, yes fan leaves as well, that knocked down a set of heads that have been smoking for 50 years. Most folks I've turned on have later reported the honey oil taking them higher than anything else in the weed plant, period. I've seen my share of regular,knowledgable growers and smokers who,after taking 3-4 tokes of oil, tell me there was no possible was my product came from all leaf and stem. This is perhaps the greatest thing about honey oil. You can get 3-5x filtered (maybe higher) butane. The butane extraction technique was nt developed by some bored stoner,it is a well known method of extraction,and thru web it is cheap.
Heres what I do(or use to do)
Cut down plant and remove every single legit bud for drying and to be smoked as is following curing phase.
All the remaining stuff should be chopped and chopped and chopped until it is no longer than your finger.
Let everything dry on a window screen setup like a table. This saves lots of time, and unlike curing buds, we aren't interested in the slow process. We just want kick ass oil.
Once everything is dry or mostly dry, begin putting it in you blender to get it looking like the consistence of cigarette tobacco.
Put back on screen tables and let it finish drying. The whole cut/drying phase can be kept around 6 days if you open windows and allow circulation. He'll, I have poured 5 grocery brown bags out on concrete in sun for an even faster dry.
Once your stuff is dry, hit it with blender again. Here's why. You want to expose as much surface area of the chopped leaves as possible. Doing so will have a significant impact on your return. So while making it into a powder is overkill, don't be lazy and stuff big stuff into your stainless steel pipe. I prefer stainless steel, but there are options. Do 3 runs per load, unless you have more pounds leaf than you intend to make oil. In that case, 2 runs using butane is perfect.
My experience, taken from 50 + sessions, is that you get 1g of honey oil per ounce of leaf. I use a stainless steel pipe 14" long,1.5 -2" in diameter. Longer pipes are better, since the butane turns from gas to liquid inside of pipe, and flushes thru a few more inches of pipe before that beautiful amber looking honey oil begins to slowly drip I into your Pyrex dish. I do all my butane crap outside so as to reduce risk of explosion. Also, if you really wanna boogie and make an ounce of oil fast, have a lasagna pan half filled with water on electric stovetop that maintains a "just before boil" temperature. Sit the smaller Pyrex dish in warm water, and evaporation is expedited considerably. Final comment, I always use leaf from very potent strains, and while you certainly can make honey oil from juicy buds using same process,it doesn't make much sense. It's a complete waste of juicy smokable or vaper bud. While there is certainly a difference between oil make from leaf versus bud, I can guarantee you that it is completely inefficient to use good buds, and the final result is nowhere near the difference between smoking leaf versus bud. Trust me, you will use leaf and stem and still create something that is likely stronger than most anything your peeps have ever smoked. Feel free to email if I am not clear about one of the steps here. It's easy, simple, and when done right, presents no real danger inside stainless steel pipe. Note also that I leave the bottom of the tube free of any metal. I simply tape 2 coffee filters around bottom ,shoot 3 cans thru pipe, empty pipe, refill same leaf, and run 2 more cans thru, finally emptying and refilling for final 1 can purge. One person can setup a pretty impressive assembly line so you can do 4 pipes at a time, combining each of the bowls filled with liquid butane into one on your electric stove until your glass Pyrex dish is left with pure oil, and a few of those pizza looking boils. Finally, let sit out for 24-48 hours to ensure all the butane has escaped. I prefer to keep my oil liquid, but still viscous. Hobby lobby sells everything you need for containers. Good luck, wear goggles , and enjoy!
Final note: I did figure out a few additional steps the truest of the true would prolly wanna do. All related to actually curing the oil, and giving it a 100% natural fruity taste.

Thanks for sharing bro! We also extract stems and fan leaves for topicals. Ours tend to be less tasty than bud or sugar trim, and more sedative.

They definitely will put down high tolerance heads, but more like a couch locked charlie horse between the ears that a euphoric high.

For ya'll running lots of stems, we also found them hard on most grinders, so after wrecking several, we picked up a hammer mill, which works great.

We've also tumbled stems in clean sand and then extracted the resin from the sand using denatured alcohol. More than one way to skin a cat....................
For some reason i really want to be a provider of specifically concentrates to patients who need help from withdraws...i personally have been watching my ADHD very closely when i smoke the BHO or when i vape product of my LCOG. When i smoke just nug of LCOG I get pretty heady but my thoughts bounce around a bit making me lose track of time just thinking about shit lol mainly the science of MJ extractions and different methods. The past week i've been smoking BHO before i go to work in the am and i've been so fucking efficient time almost seems to slow down haha, i do the same exact thing at work every day...gotta find a different job. Some days when i'm at work time seems to fly by and i've barely done anything, that's when i know i've been day dreaming way too much..and sometimes i just can't help it. I feel like that part of my brain is stuck being 12yo lol just too many interesting things to think about and contemplate and so little time. I'm out of BHO currently :( and almost out of nug!!!!!!! Have some that's been drying for a few days though so soon enough.
Go ahead and pm me if you have any input on treating ADHD with MJ...i don't know if it's really possible or logical haha but i know at times i find great relief.

I know of several ADHD patients using cannabis to slow down their minds. What works really well long term, is to regularly and without fail practice a form of meditation like a zen breathing exercise twice a day for 20 minutes, so that you repeatedly exercise your attention. It made a profound difference in my focus.

For what its worth, I get less done when I am heavily medicated and it certainly distorts time and does away with my short term memory math abilities. That is disasterous for an engineer, but it also opened complete new out of the box design solutions during brainstorming concepts. Timing is the essence of all things..................
I know of several ADHD patients using cannabis to slow down their minds. What works really well long term, is to regularly and without fail practice a form of meditation like a zen breathing exercise twice a day for 20 minutes, so that you repeatedly exercise your attention. It made a profound difference in my focus.

For what its worth, I get less done when I am heavily medicated and it certainly distorts time and does away with my short term memory math abilities. That is disasterous for an engineer, but it also opened complete new out of the box design solutions during brainstorming concepts. Timing is the essence of all things..................

I've mentioned in a few threads about anxiety that i personally meditate a couple times a day. If i had never started doing breathing exercises i would never be able to come down from an anxiety attack, now i'm to the point where if i feel it coming on i immediately want to meditate...if i can't i freak at work in the middle of lunch rush haha. that's where cannabis because a staple in my life, if forces my brain to slow down and not be so OCD and anxiety bound. My math skills can be best when using BHO ...otherwise any distraction can be a major brain fart for me lol, if i smoke herb or certain other concentrates that are more sedative i'm no good anymore, it's like my brain goes on strike sometimes haha and i just sit and melt into the chair...i never want that to happen unless my back or neck is in pain.
I feel like for the past years i've actually been searching for what i can do with herb to make it so i'm never getting the couch lock and always having my head energized. I feel i've found that with BHO for sure, i even extracted some super heavy BlueDream that would normally make me lazy and shit and the BHO was a very nice high...not laziness. The type of shit you wanna use before you do any extreme sports or play certain video games where you gotta be focused and on edge. Anyways, i always appreciate what you have to say man!