Dr Kynes
Well-Known Member
...ha! I admit all kinds of wrong...nothing agitator here other than when agitated. Hence the need for the Dharma, for me.
...so you got to flow which is The Dharma. Banks? I make pretty symbols out of concepts, etc, no need for banks
...Priests were the initial guards of knowledge. A cursory glance at academia will expose that. Unless those schools have somehow become irrelevant. Back to shamanism goes the guard of knowledge. They were the 'priests' of the tribe.
...no song and dance, here, though. Really, nothing but an honest attempt at reducing density. Oops, I hope you don't hate that last bit![]()
i grok that bro.
thats why im not lambasting you with a fusillade of insults invective and allusions to sexual deviance and dysfunction.
i recognize that your rhetorical style triggers a visceral response in ME and as such i am restraining my baser urges and trying to hear what youre saying rather than the manner in which you speak.
it's part of my internal struggle to accept people for what they do rather than what they say, since often words are used so ass backwards (thanks to the lefty socialist re-definition craze of the postmodernist era) or deployed as metaphor when the literal meaning results in confusuon, that sometimes it seems that everyone has their own bizarre dialect of english. those dialects may sound similar but none of the words match up, making any argument pointless.
argue with cheesus or buck for a few rounds and youll see what i mean.
anyhoo... as i understand hindu philosophy,, Dharma is the light of truth, like the zoroastrian Ahura Mazda (zoom zoom) and it permeates all things, or in my faith, The Bann expanding when truth and positivity expand, but contracting in the presence of lies and evil.
is this the dharma to which you refer?