they are butt buddies, and enjoy each others ass play. that is pillow talk for them.

are you trying to get my undivided attention??? u might not like whats comming if u are.. u might have to put me on ignore... or slit ur wrists.. w/e works better for ya
are you trying to get my undivided attention??? u might not like whats comming if u are.. u might have to put me on ignore... or slit ur wrists.. w/e works better for ya

we've been through this already. you're bad at it.

the word is "coming" not "comming"

by all means, go right ahead. but if i stop responding, it's not because i don't care, but likely because im either watching football, having sex, sleeping, or going to a job. I realize you do none of those things, but please respect what I be, yo.
we've been through this already. you're bad at it.

the word is "coming" not "comming"

by all means, go right ahead. but if i stop responding, it's not because i don't care, but likely because im either watching football, having sex, sleeping, or going to a job. I realize you do none of those things, but please respect what I be, yo.

its "cumming" as in im "cumming" in your wife.... and leaving u to take care da baby...... you gonna know it aint urs cuzz he aint gonna have ur lazy ass eye....
its "cumming" as in im "cumming" in your wife.... and leaving u to take care da baby...... you gonna know it aint urs cuzz he aint gonna have ur lazy ass eye....

really? that's what you come up with? I can see you having a point if that's actually what you originally wrote. But it's not. You wrote comming. You weren't trying to be clever, you just didn't know how to spell the word.

Good luck cumming in my wife. That thing is like the Holland fucking Tunnel after I'm done with it. Your pencil dick wouldn't even hit her side walls. I bet you couldn't even point out a speed bag if a girl put a laser pointer to it.