New Member
they are butt buddies, and enjoy each others ass play. that is pillow talk for them.
You really do get a picture of some people's true self in this thread!
Prying open my Third Eye!
Prying open my Third Eye!
are you trying to get my undivided attention??? u might not like whats comming if u are.. u might have to put me on ignore... or slit ur wrists.. w/e works better for ya
are you trying to get my undivided attention??? u might not like whats comming if u are.. u might have to put me on ignore... or slit ur wrists.. w/e works better for ya
we've been through this already. you're bad at it.
the word is "coming" not "comming"
by all means, go right ahead. but if i stop responding, it's not because i don't care, but likely because im either watching football, having sex, sleeping, or going to a job. I realize you do none of those things, but please respect what I be, yo.
I'm worried about the guy that has the little boy in the bathtub pic.
Pales in comparison!
its "cumming" as in im "cumming" in your wife.... and leaving u to take care da baby...... you gonna know it aint urs cuzz he aint gonna have ur lazy ass eye....