Wanted to try a grow, so here we go... C99


Active Member
you might want to move your light a bit closer...
Dragon: I don't know if you're going by the photo or the distance of 13 inches in the post, but, pictures were taken with the hood raised just after I placed the pots. I lowered it even further to 10 inches last night and it still was holding 73 degrees at the plant tops and the back of my hand wasn't feeling any warmth, so I lowered it to about 8 inches this morning and it's now 75 degrees and I feel some warmth on my hand when I hold it at the plant tops. Thanks for looking out for me.

what strain u have there?
A and C & Puffdat: My reaction to the question was "seriously", but I didn't want to seem snarky so I just answered the question. :roll: Thanks for the encouragement guys.

Mechanical: I remember when you got your Go Box in your thread but I already had the GH Flora Series. I saw a post by Chesus that showed a Flora Bloom bottle so I know that it's good stuff too. Your girls look great, I am totally in love with the Sativa on the right!! :) Thanks for the information on the greenup. I have been following yours and Puffdat's grow for a month now so I know that things will happen eventually.

O.K., so some information and observation. This is my first time using FFOF soil. I didn't have a good ph tester when I started this and ordered one which finally arrived. I have been using rain water all along and up until yesterday have just been "spritzing" with a spray bottle as they were seedlings and didn't need much. Yesterday when I potted up, I put 1 1/3 liters of rain water on each plant and hadn't used any nutes as of yet. My ph supplies arrived later in the day and I thought that I would test the rain water and the runoff that was in the saucers. After reading a post by Kite High about peat in soil decomposing causing ph to be very acidic, I wondered about this FFOF. I did NOT mix any lime with it when I potted. So, my rain water ph'd at 7.5 and my runoff ph'd at 5.2!! I tested another saucer of runoff and it was 5.1; this FFOF is obviously VERY acidic and I'm wondering how long it's going to take to bring this soil up to a more balanced reading. Now that I have the ph pen, I will adjust the water to 6.2-6.5 and water them as needed. Eventually, it will flush out what the plants haven't used and I'll start to add some nutes. Lesson learned: must...use...lime.

The plant in 15.jpg above was really struggling and since I hadn't fed these ever, I mixed a weak solution of a seed starter nute today and gave each about 3 oz's around the stem and wetting the seed starter mix that they had rooted in. We'll see in a couple of days if it makes any difference.


Well-Known Member
If your ph is so low ,do you really need to worry about bringing your water down?
He's right, you've been watering with 7.5 ph this whole time, and your run off is already low. If you lower your water ph to 6.5 its only gonna make things worse. I think Kites dolomite lime would be the way to go.


Active Member
If your ph is so low ,do you really need to worry about bringing your water down?
Top dress with powdered dolomite lime and water it
He's right, you've been watering with 7.5 ph this whole time, and your run off is already low. If you lower your water ph to 6.5 its only gonna make things worse. I think Kites dolomite lime would be the way to go.
Hey guys, thanks for the replies. My reason for adjusting the water ph was I was thinking that adjusting the soil too quickly would be more harmful than helpful. I thought that adding a neutral water was better than 7+ and that eventually the soil would improve. Yesterday I top dressed with powdered lime and watered (thanks Kite and TC). The runoff tested at 5.5 so it went up a little already. This mix seems to dry out pretty well after 2 days, so we'll see about watering again tomorrow and test it. Thanks for the article link Puffdat, interesting reading. I'm not sure how getting your water up to a good ph after adding nutes would be harmful. Seems that it might be extra effort, and maybe just adding lime after a low runoff test like Kite says is the way to go. Learn something new every day.

Photos later today or tomorrow. The girls are growing nicely and the third node is up well on one and showing on the other three. One plant keeps falling over and I had to support her with a plant stake. The one that had yellowed has greened up. :-) I am going to top these above the 2nd node maybe Thursday.

Edit: Here are some photos from today. They are growing nicely and I'm pleased for day 14. You can see the one that I had to support, and the last two are the same plant; yellow on 2/2 , much better looking today.



Active Member
Subbed! Female Seeds C99 is going to be my next grow. Lots of good examples out there right now! :peace:

Adam & Cola

Well-Known Member
Lookin great GD. Personally, i think i would have grown out that node just a hair more so at least you can take a single clone from each plant. but hey.. I think we are all tryin something different. and thats awesome. Thats the only way to compare apples to apples.. lol.. except it's Bud to Bud :eyesmoke:


Active Member
Personally, i think i would have grown out that node just a hair more so at least you can take a single clone from each plant.
I hear you A & C, and I considered it. However, I'm not in a position to keep clones going and vegging after I flip these and I will just have to do another seed start in the future. I took clones off my first grow a while back and it turned out to be male so I destroyed them. I actually considered keeping a perpetual clone going; clone, veg for a while, clone, make sure they take and pull the original and so on until I was ready to fully veg one again. I have a DNA LA Woman in cold storage that I may try next. I may regret not getting a clone off of one of these; she has taken off and is out performing the other three already. Strong genetics.

Let us know how they look tomorrow, I bet you'll be seeing the difference after another dark cycle.
They look good TC. As I said above, one is really taking off and the other three are growing at a slower rate. I want to do another top dress with lime and a 1/2 rate feed with the next watering. It's been three days since the last watering and it's not dried out enough yet. Maybe tomorrow or the next day. I'm in FFOF and don't want to overfeed, so I plan on using 1/2 suggested rate of Floragro, Micro, and Bloom this time. The last runoff tested at 5.5 with 7.0 going in so I want to lime again.

What is every ones opinion on running the oscillating fan during the dark period. I'm running my fan on a timer and having it go off with lights out. Lights on with the fan and a cool mist humidifier I keep the canopy tops at 79-81 degrees and 36-38 % humidity. Lights out, the fan and humidifier turn off, and I drop to around 66 degrees and the humidity is going up to 50-55 %. I was thinking that I would run the fan 24/7 during flower for sure, but, wanted your opinion on if I should run it all the time during veg too. I can't decide if 66 degrees with a fan running might be too much or not. 55 % humidity during a 6 hour dark period during veg seems OK to me, but I'm thinking might be a little high for 12 hours of dark during flower without a fan.


Active Member
I keep one fan one during lights off. I started a la woman and basically doing 12/12 from seed. It was a few weeks old before the flip


Well-Known Member
Glad things are going well man. I have 2 fans that run 24/7 and that is about to be 3. My oscillating fan that blows on my plants, and my inline fan hooked up to my carbon filter both run all the time and I'm about to buy another oscillating fan this week to move the canopy more. Currently my inline fan is recirculating right into the room to warm the room up with the heat from my light. The other end is hooked to the carbon filter, and is basically scrubbing the air in the room 24/7. You can smell the plants in the room but not outside so thats what matters. I'm under the belief that moving air makes the plants stronger.


Active Member
Oh I keep my exhaust and intake on also, thought he was just asking about the fan inside the tent moving the plants around....