How do I get to heaven? Answers to your questions on eternal life.

...ha! I admit all kinds of wrong...nothing agitator here other than when agitated. Hence the need for the Dharma, for me. you got to flow which is The Dharma. Banks? I make pretty symbols out of concepts, etc, no need for banks :(

...Priests were the initial guards of knowledge. A cursory glance at academia will expose that. Unless those schools have somehow become irrelevant. Back to shamanism goes the guard of knowledge. They were the 'priests' of the tribe. song and dance, here, though. Really, nothing but an honest attempt at reducing density. Oops, I hope you don't hate that last bit :oops:

i grok that bro.

thats why im not lambasting you with a fusillade of insults invective and allusions to sexual deviance and dysfunction.

i recognize that your rhetorical style triggers a visceral response in ME and as such i am restraining my baser urges and trying to hear what youre saying rather than the manner in which you speak.

it's part of my internal struggle to accept people for what they do rather than what they say, since often words are used so ass backwards (thanks to the lefty socialist re-definition craze of the postmodernist era) or deployed as metaphor when the literal meaning results in confusuon, that sometimes it seems that everyone has their own bizarre dialect of english. those dialects may sound similar but none of the words match up, making any argument pointless.

argue with cheesus or buck for a few rounds and youll see what i mean.

anyhoo... as i understand hindu philosophy,, Dharma is the light of truth, like the zoroastrian Ahura Mazda (zoom zoom) and it permeates all things, or in my faith, The Bann expanding when truth and positivity expand, but contracting in the presence of lies and evil.

is this the dharma to which you refer?
i grok that bro.

thats why im not lambasting you with a fusillade of insults invective and allusions to sexual deviance and dysfunction.

i recognize that your rhetorical style triggers a visceral response in ME and as such i am restraining my baser urges and trying to hear what youre saying rather than the manner in which you speak.

it's part of my internal struggle to accept people for what they do rather than what they say, since often words are used so ass backwards (thanks to the lefty socialist re-definition craze of the postmodernist era) or deployed as metaphor when the literal meaning results in confusuon, that sometimes it seems that everyone has their own bizarre dialect of english. those dialects may sound similar but none of the words match up, making any argument pointless.

argue with cheesus or buck for a few rounds and youll see what i mean.

anyhoo... as i understand hindu philosophy,, Dharma is the light of truth, like the zoroastrian Ahura Mazda (zoom zoom) and it permeates all things, or in my faith, The Bann expanding when truth and positivity expand, but contracting in the presence of lies and evil.

is this the dharma to which you refer?


...the one that is.

...the one that is.

much like Mr Combs, upon finding a $1 bill in his wad of Hundie Sticks, i am perplexed.

generally i prefer straightforward questions should be answered with a straightforward response. your response is dazzlingly unresponsive.

i can only infer you mean to say, dharma exists , and is thus self evident.

that would be inaccurate since most people on earth when asked "what is Dharma" would respond "a shitty TV show with jenna elfman".

the SUN is self evident and when asked "What is the sun" just about everyone on earth who is not clinically retarded would simply point up into the sky at the burning chariot of apollo.

THAT is a self evident phenomenon. dharma is not.
much like Mr Combs, upon finding a $1 bill in his wad of Hundie Sticks, i am perplexed.

generally i prefer straightforward questions should be answered with a straightforward response. your response is dazzlingly unresponsive.

i can only infer you mean to say, dharma exists , and is thus self evident.

that would be inaccurate since most people on earth when asked "what is Dharma" would respond "a shitty TV show with jenna elfman".

the SUN is self evident and when asked "What is the sun" just about everyone on earth who is not clinically retarded would simply point up into the sky at the burning chariot of apollo.

THAT is a self evident phenomenon. dharma is not. recognize it, you have to first 'see' karma. If you don't want to effect those around with your own faults, there is a path to dharma. The cause of your reasoning ability was transferred to you by another kind of knowledge (and I'll add 'that is the same' - not to take the piss, I assure you.). All that (does, or does not) lie behind that knowledge cannot be understood, imho. Karma is self evident, the cause was desire, the result is all of us (having been gifted the ability to reason - which is always taken for granted). recognize it, you have to first 'see' karma. If you don't want to effect those around with your own faults, there is a path to dharma. The cause of your reasoning ability was transferred to you by another kind of knowledge (and I'll add 'that is the same' - not to take the piss, I assure you.). All that (does, or does not) lie behind that knowledge cannot be understood, imho. Karma is self evident, the cause was desire, the result is all of us (having been gifted the ability to reason - which is always taken for granted).


...dude, what? I honestly do not understand why you'd post that. I know that I could be more clear. But, for 'continuity's' sake, I am choosing not to. Continuity (:lol:)

...dunno what else to say, man. Really.
...dude, what? I honestly do not understand why you'd post that. I know that I could be more clear. But, for 'continuity's' sake, I am choosing not to. Continuity (:lol:)

...dunno what else to say, man. Really.

Karma is even less self evident than Dharma.

karma is a distinctly eastern idea, with no corresponding value in the west.

my religion has no karmic concept, and thus invoking it is pointless without providing some exposition as to your view of it's form and function.

if i ask 50 karma believers (new age, hindu buddhist or shinto) ill get 50 different irreconcilable answers.

karma is a religious trope, not a self evident phenomenon, it is even more nebulous than dharma or The Bann, and those are VERY sticky wickets which require a great deal of explanation for those who do not already know what the speaker is talking about.

unfortunately the word "karma" was so misused and abused in the 60's 70's and 80's, that every asshole on the planet has their own interpretation of what it is and how it works.

without specificity, your comments are useless in fostering dialogue.

conflating karma and dharma (two dissimilar ideas) does not explain your view of either.
Karma is even less self evident than Dharma.

karma is a distinctly eastern idea, with no corresponding value in the west.

my religion has no karmic concept, and thus invoking it is pointless without providing some exposition as to your view of it's form and function.

if i ask 50 karma believers (new age, hindu buddhist or shinto) ill get 50 different irreconcilable answers.

karma is a religious trope, not a self evident phenomenon, it is even more nebulous than dharma or The Bann, and those are VERY sticky wickets which require a great deal of explanation for those who do not already know what the speaker is talking about.

unfortunately the word "karma" was so misused and abused in the 60's 70's and 80's, that every asshole on the planet has their own interpretation of what it is and how it works.

without specificity, your comments are useless in fostering dialogue.

conflating karma and dharma (two dissimilar ideas) does not explain your view of either.

...I can agree that the terms are misused. My explanation is a product of my cognitive / energetic conditioning, as is your interpretation. I cannot perceive a point to your post. Willingness is the only prerequisite to fostering dialogue. And, my preference is a less rigid environment.

Karma: Sanskrit, literally "deed"; derived from kri, "to do..." - cause and effect.
...I can agree that the terms are misused. My explanation is a product of my cognitive / energetic conditioning, as is your interpretation. I cannot perceive a point to your post. Willingness is the only prerequisite to fostering dialogue. And, my preference is a less rigid environment.

Karma: Sanskrit, literally "deed"; derived from kri, "to do..." - cause and effect.

without a framework of mutual understanding any discussion will result in misunderstanding when nebulous and ill-defined ideas like "karma" come into play.

it doesnt have to be terribly rigid, but it should at least be linguistic. wihtout some accepted meaning, every word becomes putty in ther hands of every speaker and nobody knows what the hell anyone else is really saying since their "interpretation" of each word and the corresponding idea will be utterly irreconcilable.

case in point: argue the nature of "anarchy" with abandonconflict and youll so discover that "anarchy" in his mind means about the same thing as "aloha", and "mozol tov". basically anarchy means "good things" , and as such "anarchy" is suitable for use in any circumstance where "Goodthings" are implied. it can be hello, goodby, sunshine, lollipops, rainbows, puppies, kittens, pistachio icecream, or the smell of fresh baked bread.

if you are discussing cause and effect in the physical world, then karma is a sound principle, but if you are discussing cause, a whole bunch of seemingly unconnected interactions and eventual effect through supernatural mummery, then no, i do not accept the premise of karma.

if a bastard kicks a dog, that kicking will not circle the aether until it finally returns to him in the form of some misfortune. thats not "karma" thats Chance.

the dog turning around and biting him is not karma, since it is direct, predictable and understandable. no supernatural forces required.

karma is just another easy rhetorical escape hatch for the supernatural believer. it's the eastern version of "god works in terribly mysterious ways".
without a framework of mutual understanding any discussion will result in misunderstanding when nebulous and ill-defined ideas like "karma" come into play.

it doesnt have to be terribly rigid, but it should at least be linguistic. wihtout some accepted meaning, every word becomes putty in ther hands of every speaker and nobody knows what the hell anyone else is really saying since their "interpretation" of each word and the corresponding idea will be utterly irreconcilable.

case in point: argue the nature of "anarchy" with abandonconflict and youll so discover that "anarchy" in his mind means about the same thing as "aloha", and "mozol tov". basically anarchy means "good things" , and as such "anarchy" is suitable for use in any circumstance where "Goodthings" are implied. it can be hello, goodby, sunshine, lollipops, rainbows, puppies, kittens, pistachio icecream, or the smell of fresh baked bread.

if you are discussing cause and effect in the physical world, then karma is a sound principle, but if you are discussing cause, a whole bunch of seemingly unconnected interactions and eventual effect through supernatural mummery, then no, i do not accept the premise of karma.

if a bastard kicks a dog, that kicking will not circle the aether until it finally returns to him in the form of some misfortune. thats not "karma" thats Chance.

the dog turning around and biting him is not karma, since it is direct, predictable and understandable. no supernatural forces required.

karma is just another easy rhetorical escape hatch for the supernatural believer. it's the eastern version of "god works in terribly mysterious ways".

Well said, great presentation.
without a framework of mutual understanding any discussion will result in misunderstanding when nebulous and ill-defined ideas like "karma" come into play.

it doesnt have to be terribly rigid, but it should at least be linguistic. wihtout some accepted meaning, every word becomes putty in ther hands of every speaker and nobody knows what the hell anyone else is really saying since their "interpretation" of each word and the corresponding idea will be utterly irreconcilable.

case in point: argue the nature of "anarchy" with abandonconflict and youll so discover that "anarchy" in his mind means about the same thing as "aloha", and "mozol tov". basically anarchy means "good things" , and as such "anarchy" is suitable for use in any circumstance where "Goodthings" are implied. it can be hello, goodby, sunshine, lollipops, rainbows, puppies, kittens, pistachio icecream, or the smell of fresh baked bread.

if you are discussing cause and effect in the physical world, then karma is a sound principle, but if you are discussing cause, a whole bunch of seemingly unconnected interactions and eventual effect through supernatural mummery, then no, i do not accept the premise of karma.

if a bastard kicks a dog, that kicking will not circle the aether until it finally returns to him in the form of some misfortune. thats not "karma" thats Chance.

the dog turning around and biting him is not karma, since it is direct, predictable and understandable. no supernatural forces required.

karma is just another easy rhetorical escape hatch for the supernatural believer. it's the eastern version of "god works in terribly mysterious ways".

...the furthest extension of linguistics is poetic, imo.

"without a framework of mutual understanding any discussion will result in misunderstanding when nebulous and ill-defined ideas like "karma" come into play."

...within the framework of your own understanding, yes, 100 percent. I cannot help but speak in pictures; besides, it tickles me pink. I want for others to have to dig to find meaning. That runs a strong parallel to life as it stands right now, imo. It comes down to how badly a person wants knowledge - regardless of who the speaker is.
Yes you can help it, you just choose not to. Rather than talk in a way that can be unmistakeably understood, you speak in metaphor's. I mean, kinda cool... if you don't mind people having no idea what you are talking about.... or exactly what point it is that you are trying to get across.
Yes you can help it, you just choose not to. Rather than talk in a way that can be unmistakeably understood, you speak in metaphor's. I mean, kinda cool... if you don't mind people having no idea what you are talking about.... or exactly what point it is that you are trying to get across.

...strife, I came to this site and talked about refraining from outright sexual exaggeration and God. I don't think I was in it for the popular vote :lol: me, I see what you're saying. It's very difficult for me not to speak that way. It's also a big part of developing patience, maybe for all of us.

* what I think is cool about it is that things happen by chance. It is a developing 'something or other' as it goes along. Kind of like pioneering, maybe.

** here, let me share this 'cool' thing with you. Directly after discussing the idea of flow with the doc, my mother called to tell me about a trip my parents just made to the panama canal. She starts talking about regulating of the flow of water, the use of gravity, etc... I was like, "the fck?"

Actually speechless for a couple of seconds there. You can interpret that how you wish. That is something really 'special' to me when it happens.
Regardless, i think we would have much more meaningful conversations if you allowed yourself, or at least made a conscious effort, to write in a way that is easily understandable. Maybe you could write what you want first, and then explain exactly what it means second, that way you can express yourself the way you want first.
...the furthest extension of linguistics is poetic, imo.

"without a framework of mutual understanding any discussion will result in misunderstanding when nebulous and ill-defined ideas like "karma" come into play."

...within the framework of your own understanding, yes, 100 percent. I cannot help but speak in pictures; besides, it tickles me pink. I want for others to have to dig to find meaning. That runs a strong parallel to life as it stands right now, imo. It comes down to how badly a person wants knowledge - regardless of who the speaker is.

but poetry without any grammar or accepted uses of words results in a Bob Dylan song, and nobody wants that bro.

example of "poetry" without regard to grammar or logic:

Subterranean Homesick Blues.
Bob Dylan

Johnny’s in the basement
Mixing up the medicine
I’m on the pavement
Thinking about the government
The man in the trench coat
Badge out, laid off
Says he’s got a bad cough
Wants to get it paid off
Look out kid
It’s somethin’ you did
God knows when
But you’re doin’ it again
You better duck down the alley way
Lookin’ for a new friend
The man in the coon-skin cap
By the big pen
Wants eleven dollar bills
You only got ten
Maggie comes fleet foot
Face full of black soot
Talkin’ that the heat put
Plants in the bed but
The phone’s tapped anyway
Maggie says that many say
They must bust in early May
Orders from the D.A.
Look out kid
Don’t matter what you did
Walk on your tiptoes
Don’t try “No-Doz”
Better stay away from those
That carry around a fire hose
Keep a clean nose
Watch the plain clothes
You don’t need a weatherman
To know which way the wind blows
Get sick, get well
Hang around a ink well
Ring bell, hard to tell
If anything is goin’ to sell
Try hard, get barred
Get back, write braille
Get jailed, jump bail
Join the army, if you fail
Look out kid
You’re gonna get hit
But users, cheaters
Six-time losers
Hang around the theaters
Girl by the whirlpool
Lookin’ for a new fool
Don’t follow leaders
Watch the parkin’ meters
Ah get born, keep warm
Short pants, romance, learn to dance
Get dressed, get blessed
Try to be a success
Please her, please him, buy gifts
Don’t steal, don’t lift
Twenty years of schoolin’
And they put you on the day shift
Look out kid
They keep it all hid
Better jump down a manhole
Light yourself a candle
Don’t wear sandals
Try to avoid the scandals
Don’t wanna be a bum
You better chew gum
The pump don’t work
’Cause the vandals took the handles

dont try to make sense of it, if you stare too long, you may find bob dylan staring back into you.

apparently cocaine really is one hell of a drug.

but poetry without any grammar or accepted uses of words results in a Bob Dylan song, and nobody wants that bro.

example of "poetry" without regard to grammar or logic:

Subterranean Homesick Blues.
Bob Dylan

Johnny’s in the basement
Mixing up the medicine
I’m on the pavement
Thinking about the government
The man in the trench coat
Badge out, laid off
Says he’s got a bad cough
Wants to get it paid off
Look out kid
It’s somethin’ you did
God knows when
But you’re doin’ it again
You better duck down the alley way
Lookin’ for a new friend
The man in the coon-skin cap
By the big pen
Wants eleven dollar bills
You only got ten
Maggie comes fleet foot
Face full of black soot
Talkin’ that the heat put
Plants in the bed but
The phone’s tapped anyway
Maggie says that many say
They must bust in early May
Orders from the D.A.
Look out kid
Don’t matter what you did
Walk on your tiptoes
Don’t try “No-Doz”
Better stay away from those
That carry around a fire hose
Keep a clean nose
Watch the plain clothes
You don’t need a weatherman
To know which way the wind blows
Get sick, get well
Hang around a ink well
Ring bell, hard to tell
If anything is goin’ to sell
Try hard, get barred
Get back, write braille
Get jailed, jump bail
Join the army, if you fail
Look out kid
You’re gonna get hit
But users, cheaters
Six-time losers
Hang around the theaters
Girl by the whirlpool
Lookin’ for a new fool
Don’t follow leaders
Watch the parkin’ meters
Ah get born, keep warm
Short pants, romance, learn to dance
Get dressed, get blessed
Try to be a success
Please her, please him, buy gifts
Don’t steal, don’t lift
Twenty years of schoolin’
And they put you on the day shift
Look out kid
They keep it all hid
Better jump down a manhole
Light yourself a candle
Don’t wear sandals
Try to avoid the scandals
Don’t wanna be a bum
You better chew gum
The pump don’t work
’Cause the vandals took the handles

dont try to make sense of it, if you stare too long, you may find bob dylan staring back into you.

apparently cocaine really is one hell of a drug.

...indeed, it is.

All Religions Are One
William Blake

The Voice of one crying in the Wilderness

As the true method of knowledge is experiment, the true faculty of knowledge must be the faculty which experiences. This faculty I treat of.

That the Poetic Genius is the true Man, and that the body or outward form of Man is derived from the Poetic Genius. Likewise that the forms of all things are derived from their Genius, which by the Ancients was call’d an Angel & Spirit & Demon.

All men are alike in outward form, So (and with the same infinite variety) all are alike in the Poetic Genius.

No man can think or write or speak from his heart, but he must intent truth. Thus all sects of Philosophy are from the Poetic Genius adapted to the weaknesses of every individual.

As none by travelling over known lands can find out the unknown, So from already acquired knowledge Man could not acquire more; therefore an universal Poetic Genius exists.

The religions of all Nations are derived from each Nations’s different reception of the Poetic Genius, which is every where called the Spirit of Prophecy.

The Jewish and Christian Testaments are An original derivation from the Poetic Genius. This is necssary from the confined nature of bodiliy sensation.

As all men are alike (tho’ infinitely various) So all Religions & as all similars have one source:
The true Man is the source, he being the Poetic Genius
Karma is even less self evident than Dharma.

karma is a distinctly eastern idea, with no corresponding value in the west.

my religion has no karmic concept, and thus invoking it is pointless without providing some exposition as to your view of it's form and function.

if i ask 50 karma believers (new age, hindu buddhist or shinto) ill get 50 different irreconcilable answers.

karma is a religious trope, not a self evident phenomenon, it is even more nebulous than dharma or The Bann, and those are VERY sticky wickets which require a great deal of explanation for those who do not already know what the speaker is talking about.

unfortunately the word "karma" was so misused and abused in the 60's 70's and 80's, that every asshole on the planet has their own interpretation of what it is and how it works.

without specificity, your comments are useless in fostering dialogue.

conflating karma and dharma (two dissimilar ideas) does not explain your view of either.

I can agree that karma is greatly misconceived.Karma as I understand it is the eastern term for cause and effect in motion,yet when it comes back around to the person so to speak,its not out of some divine retribution,it seems to come from the habitual pattern of the person comitting the action for the effect to take place in a manner that probability takes effect.Said person A kicks the dog of the neighbor and nothing happens on the first day of it occurring,said person A kicks the dog again nothing again,repeats and still nothing.One time he decides to have a good ole kick the dog of the neighbor session and this time the neighbor happens to be near the site of the repeated incident and armed, neighbor blows his head off with a gun.A form of cause and effect or probability?Or do they both coincide?Any Thoughts?

ya I know its a bit extreme but you get the idea right?