i havent seen those graphs (or any like them) anywhere. if you got a link ill take a look.i'll work backwards here.
the CRS (congressional research service) put out both those graphs a while back, they've been on wikipedia for some time now.
if you read the bill, you will notice a couple things about the non-criminal tax penalty for non-compliance. this is from lawrence o'donnell, so don't masturbate. but he does cite the bill itself in the video.
"In the section called 'Waiver of Criminal Penalties,' it says 'In the case of any failure by a taxpayer to timely pay any penalty imposed by this section, such taxpayer shall not be subject to any criminal prosecution or penalty with respect to such failure.'" Another key component is the "Limitations on liens and levies." That reads, “The Secretary shall not file notice of lien with respect to any property of a taxpayer by reason of any failure to pay the penalty imposed by this section, or levy on any such property with respect to such failure."
premiums have tripled over the last twenty years, and the PPACA doesn't do much to actually address that rise in costs. but it does put a foot in the door for more government intervention into the health care market, which is what all the other nations that do health care better than us do.
and yes, the poverty line is just a metric, and from what i remember reading about it, it is based on some ridiculous old metrics at that and is probably used as a political football as you mention.
I’ve addressed your wacky concept of this claim ALREADY on two separate occasions. I’m not getting into it again with the mind fucked poster boy for glyphosphates. You loathe O’Care but don’t realise you’re an individual that would benefit most.but i didnt mention Jews, i mentioned ZIONISTS, and as you have previously established, they are distinctly different. thats why you were so confident that machmoud achmedinejihad wasnt talking about wiping jews off map, just that illegitimate zionist regime...
A large majority of Jews reject the Zionist ideology and the problems it presents for both Israel and Palestine. In fact, Zionism is a clever attempt to swap religion with nationalism, thus using religion as a convenient “iron dome” if you will, against the incoming LEGITIMATE criticism of Israeli Government policies, human rights abuses and its attitudes towards the Palestinians. Your pathetic attempt to lure me into some more of your bullshit circular logic is another epic fail on your part. Anti-Zionism does not equate to Anti-Semitism. Bitten by the Dershowitz bug where you?are zionists jews or not? ill even let you establish the rules, but you cant switch them about to suit your holocaust denial narrative.
The UN considers the definition of genocide to be;denying the event is not required to deny the extent and claim it was a put-up job. even the ausfailian speech codes find it to be a crime to deny or aattempt to diminish the holocaust in public, so you dance on the edge of the law, claiming things like the savy observer is well aware that Latuff is a noted holocaust denier. he regularly equates israelis with nazis, and took first place in the iranian holocaust cartoon competition. which is just one of MANY re-iterations of the trope you embrace so eagerly, that the occupied territories represent a "genocide" which you then equate with the holocaust, dancing right on the cusp of ausfailian speech laws which make holocaust denial and holocaust minimization hate crimes. i could drag through many more of your posts to find additional cases where you invoke the holocaust and imply it was either exagerated, fabricated or used as a pretext for some imagined atrocity, but youre really not woirth the trouble:
but also minimizes the actual holocaust (like all holocaust deniers do) while carefully avoiding the ausfailian speech codes and preventing your arrest,, conviction and incarceration with a petrol huffing Abo who tried to rape a cigarette machine outside the Centre Link in Alice Springs
yep, no speech codes in ausfalia.Too Long, Insufficiently Intelligent To Repost
Lol.It's been a couple thousand years since the Hebrew captivities to Babylon and Egypt, so I would say sometime between now and two-thousand years from now.
not having read this whole threadJust out of interest, when is this whole holocaust thing gonna be pushed back into the pages of history where it belongs? It's been almost 60 years, Hitler is gone and we ALL know what happened at this stage.
Why do Jews cling to it like a shield against everything? Do past injustices give a get out of jail free card to certain groups? How long does this last for?
In short, when will people finally shut the fuck up about the holocaust and move forward?
Nathan-yahoo and his predecessor could not or can not make a speech without mentioning "we cannot allow what happened to us in the past happen again".not having read this whole thread
i'm struggling to think of an occasion where a jewish person has brought up the holocaust that hasnt been a direct response to someone else bringing the subject up first
and with the above i'm also struggling to think of a time where they were trying to use the holocaust as a shield for anything
have you any examples?
linky pleaseNathan-yahoo and his predecessor could not or can not make a speech without mentioning "we cannot allow what happened to us in the past happen again".
It was mentioned at the start of every Israeli military engagement for the past 10 years.
Do you not watch the news? Speeches? Or is it purely "book knowledge" you have on the subject?
i dont recall Bebe making any holocaust invocations save in response to, for example achmedinejihad "Totally Not Saying "wiped off the map" But Saying Shit His Own Press Office Translated That Way"Nathan-yahoo and his predecessor could not or can not make a speech without mentioning "we cannot allow what happened to us in the past happen again".
It was mentioned at the start of every Israeli military engagement for the past 10 years.
Do you not watch the news? Speeches? Or is it purely "book knowledge" you have on the subject?
dog whistles can be used with great effecti dont recall Bebe making any holocaust invocations save in response to, for example achmedinejihad "Totally Not Saying "wiped off the map" But Saying Shit His Own Press Office Translated That Way"
however your arguments do stand up when applied to Blacks in america, for whom slavery is a gris gris they hold close, and nurture. even BHO who has not ONE DROP of slave blood in his veins trotted that one out, to his dismay.
some clowns have a whipping boy they trot out at every opportunity, for some it's the spectre of Monsanto, for others it's the secrets revealed by the Troofers, for others it's the conspiracy theories about JFK, for others it's space aliens chem trails and a mystery "syndrome" that only afflicts mental patients and nutcases.
sometimes it's fun to poke them with a stick and watch them flail, but echii is a particularly vile specimen.
you might recall his invocation of the "rothschilds" in the GMO thread, and in his deranged world, even JP Morgan and the rockerfellers are servants of the vast conspiracy which he takes such pains to never associate with JEWS, but avails of every opportunity to point his crooked finger and shout J' ACCUSE!!! at any member of the hebrew community who is insufficiently apologetic to achmediniejihad and his cronies.
it's not TECHNICALLY Jew Bashing, it's just a consistent pattern of bashing Jews.
Choo Know about Fades Bunny?Doc,
The Shadow People and The Old Hag (syndrome) are scary!
The Fades is just a shitty British TV show.Choo Know about Fades Bunny?
Beware the Moss, Beware the Moor.
They Stalk, Riding the Darkling Winds!
servants of the Bitch Queen from the Depths Of Glashtin!
nahh bro, a Fade is a wretched shade who managed to escape from Anwnn. they dwell in shadows, and travel by stepping from one shadow to the next in search of a fool they can dominate to gain a form.The Fades is just a shitty British TV show.
The Shadow People and the Old Hag are psychic vampires. They've been mentioned in literature for thousands of years. In Tanzania, for instance, they're called the Popo Bawa. I'm really lucky their kind only fucks black people in the ass. The supernatural are racist nazi shits!
You'll note YOU actually started in with the "jew" garbage. For the record, you actually started in with Uncle Buck. After I questioned your Bircher rant that buck posted a copy of, you jumped right on the anti-semetic bandwagon exaggerating, skewing & distorting statements made to suit your warped version of reality.you might recall his invocation of the "rothschilds" in the GMO thread, and in his deranged world, even JP Morgan and the rockerfellers are servants of the vast conspiracy which he takes such pains to never associate with JEWS, but avails of every opportunity to point his crooked finger and shout J' ACCUSE!!! at any member of the hebrew community who is insufficiently apologetic to achmediniejihad and his cronies.
it's not TECHNICALLY Jew Bashing, it's just a consistent pattern of bashing Jews.
i never said GMOs were lethal, dipshit.
too bad you can't erase history, either. dumbass.
too bad that was all in response to your allegation that im a member of the john birch society (which is as untrue now as it was then) and none of those statements are an admission of membership (cuz i aint one) nor an invocation of their crazy theories.
"they are not nazis" is not "i love them and believe all the shit they believe"
just like "israel has the right to defend itself" does not equate to "im a zionist piggie jew who wants to murder every palestinian and steal their land"
those statements above are still true, and your assertions that im a "bircher" are still 100% false.
sorry dumbass. and you still havent provided the Lethal Dosage information for Starlink corn.
Kynes must be a farmer or come from a strong farming background... His post on the Birchers is fucking hilarious...
Does he really hold those views on Kissinger, Rockerfellers and just happened to forget the Rothchilds? Talk about being in denial...
the rothchilds are europeans, they dont have their descenants in congress like the rockerfellers, and they havent been striding around the whitehouse like they own the joint for 50 years like kissinger.
if i have to list all the dickheads on the planet ill never get done, and youll once again TL,DSMB (Too Long, and a Dingo Stole My Baby) at me.
fuck, i mentioned the trilateral commission, the council on foreign relations aand the bilderbergers, that pretty much covers the rothschilds, and my hate for the fedral reserve cartel is well established.
i just dont mention the rothschilds too often, cuz im a zionist piggie jew, and i dont like to defame the chosen people in public.
Thats how you keep your missus in the yard...dog whistles can be used with great effect
One case on a law that is generally the domain of worker’s rights. Something you in the US are not familiar with (otherwise you’d still have a job) Tobin deserved what he got, he was posting lies and in contempt of court.yep, no speech codes in ausfalia.
Holocaust Denial in Australia In Australia, there are no specific statutes prohibiting Holocaust denial. However, the Australian courts have made it clear that Holocaust denial is a form of antisemitism and vilification, which is prohibited by Federal anti-discrimination laws. In doing so, Australian law has developed genuine protection against Holocaust denial, and has demonstrated that Jews will have a means of redress.
The leading judgement is that of Jones v Toben [2003] FCA 137 decided by the Federal Court of Australia in 2003. The case concerned a website of an extreme right wing group, the Adelaide Institute, run by Fredrick Toben. The material published on the website denies the reality of the Holocaust and makes antisemitic statements. This material was held to be in breach of the Racial Discrimination Act 1975 (Cth), as it was reasonably likely to offend, insult, or humiliate and intimidate Jews in Australia because of their origins. The court ordered the respondent, Adelaide Institute director Fredrick Toben, to remove all offensive material from the site.
When an order of the Court is not complied with, it is possible to charge a perpetrator with contempt of court. In 2007 the ECAJ brought a successful action for contempt of court, which required Toben and the Adelaide Institute to comply with the 2002 order.
Voice to be held in contempt
IN a legal first, Australia's most notorious Holocaust denier, Fredrik Toben, has been jailed for three months following the failure of his appeal this week for contempt of court arising from breaches of Australia's anti-vilification laws.
The sentence follows seven years of Toben repeatedly ignoring court orders requiring him to remove racist material from his Adelaide Institute website.
His journey to prison began in 2002 when the Federal Court found Toben's website breached the racial-hatred provisions of the Racial Discrimination Act.
According to the court, material on the site suggested the Holocaust did not occur, that there were no gas chambers at Auschwitz, that Jewish people who believed in the Holocaust were of limited intelligence and that they have exaggerated the number of Jews killed during World War II to profit from what he described as "a Holocaust myth".
But it's not these claims, no matter how offensive they may be, that have landed Toben with a prison term. There are no criminal sanctions under the act.
Toben is going to jail for contempt of court. He was ordered to remove the offending material and he didn't. He promised to remove the material and then reneged. He apologised to the court but then recanted. True to form, he all but invited the court to lock him up.
Toben referred to judges as "the Jewdiciary" and, again true to form, accused them of bias without a shred of evidence. We all have to obey the law and court orders. There are no special rules and privileges for the Tobens of this world.
i dont have the desire to go through and destroy each of your ridiculous claims and charges in specific, since youre just not worth the trouble.