Spread the truth

the continental militia had distinctive uniforms, and a command structure bunny.

thats a lawful combatant.

even the irregulars had a badge for their jacket, militia commanders and were in fact "well regulated"

And yet, out of uniform, you were hanged. And you could say, Give me Liberty or give me Death!

See how ignorant we have become?

The war in 1776 was also our first Civil War. Which we also won. New York against Boston. Tory vs Wing. And like the 2nd Civil War many summary executions did occur, along with the usual lynching of collaborators, punishment rape of women, and the burning of farmsteads.
And yet, out of uniform, you were hanged. And you could say, Give me Liberty or give me Death!

See how ignorant we have become?

The war in 1776 was also our first Civil War. Which we also won. New York against Boston. Tory vs Wing. And like the 2nd Civil War many summary executions did occur, along with the usual lynching of collaborators, punishment rape of women, and the burning of farmsteads.

Nathan hale actually was a spy bro, he removed his uniform (continental regular) to sneak into a british encampment and got caught sneaking about with hand drawn maps...

That's exactly what I was getting at. You don't ever want to be in the situation, "Oh shit! This isn't my right jacket."

Which has me thinking. Now that women can go on the front line, will our women be hung just like our men, if they forget their jacket.
That's right. Out of uniform you are a spy. An illegal combatant and get hanged. He would not have gotten far in Uniform.

How about the fine line about the ruse de guerre? Was always illegal to attack shipping under false flag. But, if you raise the National flag as you are about to give the broadside from 100 feet, that was OK.

And there are cases in WW2 where Germans wore American uniforms to lure in their enemy. Those guys were swapped for guys in German uniforms, at the last second. The other guys stripped off the American stuff.

It was adjudicated in the war crime trials. Perfectly fine. But a fine line upheld. They didn't fire, they lured. Had they attacked in US uniform as was the case, sometimes, well, those could be executed if they didn't get you.

Several cases of summary execution that have been adjudicated for those in uniform, also. Running from the enemy will get you shot by your Sargent. During Neapolitan times it was called the Drum Head trial. On an, over turned drum, amid the dripping battle field. Vengeance and blame, not justice. Those called before the Drum Head were doomed.

In WW1 France would sometimes execute an entire squad, as blame. The Romans practiced decimation. Every 9th man, kills every 10th. As blame.

Many Viet Cong were executed on the spot. One made the cover of Life magazine. But when you need info, you don't have to execute them. They are already forfeit.

They will spend their lives at Gitmo. But, many will live.

That's exactly what I was getting at. You don't ever want to be in the situation, "Oh shit! This isn't my right jacket."

Which has me thinking. Now that women can go on the front line, will our women be hung just like our men, if they forget their jacket.

So, go easy. I'm aware that I'm often not getting subtle humor. But, you understand that a uniform is not a jacket? You understand that being in uniform is passing muster by a designated person in a chain of command that is legally responsible for your conduct?

You can forget your jacket and be punished for that by your commander. But, if you purposely hide the fact that you are a combatant, in order to blend in and then pop out, that's not legal and the penalties are very stiff, including, randomly on the civilians around you.

Lastly when you are wandering the battlefield when you should have taken off or taken to hide, it is illegal if you are not in Uniform or an official mark or designation of some kind.

Battlefields are martial law. Units stick together. Those carrying weapons and no designation are shot or interrogated. With no weapon, just shot, if the story is not very very good.

I'm surprised we catch are release these dogs, not Iraqi or Afgan, just stateless mutts with AK-47s. We are getting soft. Then we catch them again. It's like the gun walking stuff. No information from catch and release, just weakness from applying our standards of sympathy to these killer jihadi.

You didn't answer my question. Are women, who fight on the front line out of uniform, hung like men?

Yep and still raped from the back, just like men. Do think this is new? Do you know what the Romans did to Queen Bodicia and her daughter?

Oh, and in case you pun. Women spies are well hung.
And I think anyone who fights for us has a hanging, great big pair of brass ones, regardless of gender.
That's right. Out of uniform you are a spy. An illegal combatant and get hanged. He would not have gotten far in Uniform.

How about the fine line about the ruse de guerre? Was always illegal to attack shipping under false flag. But, if you raise the National flag as you are about to give the broadside from 100 feet, that was OK.

And there are cases in WW2 where Germans wore American uniforms to lure in their enemy. Those guys were swapped for guys in German uniforms, at the last second. The other guys stripped off the American stuff.

It was adjudicated in the war crime trials. Perfectly fine. But a fine line upheld. They didn't fire, they lured. Had they attacked in US uniform as was the case, sometimes, well, those could be executed if they didn't get you.

Several cases of summary execution that have been adjudicated for those in uniform, also. Running from the enemy will get you shot by your Sargent. During Neapolitan times it was called the Drum Head trial. On an, over turned drum, amid the dripping battle field. Vengeance and blame, not justice. Those called before the Drum Head were doomed.

In WW1 France would sometimes execute an entire squad, as blame. The Romans practiced decimation. Every 9th man, kills every 10th. As blame.

Many Viet Cong were executed on the spot. One made the cover of Life magazine. But when you need info, you don't have to execute them. They are already forfeit.

They will spend their lives at Gitmo. But, many will live.

I presume you mean This Dick...
his name was Nguyen Van Lem, and he was shot by the chief of the South Vietnamese Civilian Police

Dinglenutz got his lead milkshake in the midst of his Monologueing.

it went summat like this:

"Yeah im a captain in the Viet cong, and i stripped off my uniform pyjamas, crept into this town, and kidnapped bound, raped and executed your God-Daughter and her entire family like 5 minutes ago! Their bodies are over in that ditch! LULZ!
You May have caught me but my Revolutionary Brothers will soon over run your positions and liberate me!! MWA HAHA HA HA!! And the first thing on my Action Item Agenda is finding your other God-Daughter and her family and raping and killing them too!! You cannot stop us! we are too strong! Our resolve is adamant! Our proletarian zeal is indominatab-" *

all in all i think the chief is BADASS!
There are many things I find odd {for lack of a better word} about the military and war in general.

I understand the need to have a hierarchy, a chain of command because without it chaos would rein and yet chaos is the very meat of war.

How is it that we have the gall if not fortitude and pride for sending a fellow into the arms of death, but wail at the injustice of it all?

War. Is it not a place ruled by death, the power to control it a mirage?

How can you chastise a man for changing his clothes in order to defeat an enemy, but applaud the push of a button which kills without compunction?

A soldier will fight long and hard for a piece of coloured ribbon- Bonaparte
So, I detest it when you hide behind ignorance with stupidity. We can educate the ignorance but we can not cure stupidity. Which is it? ------------------- According to Article 4 of the Third Geneva Convention of 1949, irregular forces are entitled to prisoner of war status provided that they are commanded by a person responsible for his subordinates, have a fixed distinctive sign recognizable at a distance, carry arms openly, and conduct their operations in accordance with the laws and customs of war. If they do not do meet all of these, they may be considered francs-tireurs (in the original sense of "illegal combatant") and punished as criminals in a military jurisdiction, which may include summary execution. -------------------- It is why we have gitmo and we could have executed them already on the battlefield. But, we keep them to torture out more information. Laugh all you want out of fear but it ain't funny.
You racist!
so he is saying that they many not be hung like men but but they may be hanged like them?

Many are balled wimps but some cooze can stick it up you ass sideways. They are well hung and hang as well as men.

Really it kinda wimpy to think that in war, anyone is safe. No one is safe from being hanging or worst by the other side.

And 300 year ago in Europa, woman, man or child could be hanged.
There are many things I find odd {for lack of a better word} about the military and war in general.

How can you chastise a man for changing his clothes in order to defeat an enemy.....

A soldier will fight long and hard for a piece of coloured ribbon- Bonaparte

First off you don't get chastise for this . It's punished with the extreme prejudiced of execution and/or torture. So, in war there is no right and wrong until the victor says so. On the victor's side you are a hero, for the sacrifice and risk.

Bad news if you are caught by the enemy. Also, notice we rarely fight against signatory of the Convention. They torture all, regardless.

And Old Boney was wrong about a few things. That is one of them. He was being flip, of course. It's not like that. You fight for your buddies and the baubles and ribbon are after you make it through.

No one fights for decorations and the medal comes so late you could be dead already....in war.
So, I detest it when you hide behind ignorance with stupidity. We can educate the ignorance but we can not cure stupidity. Which is it? ------------------- According to Article 4 of the Third Geneva Convention of 1949, irregular forces are entitled to prisoner of war status provided that they are commanded by a person responsible for his subordinates, have a fixed distinctive sign recognizable at a distance, carry arms openly, and conduct their operations in accordance with the laws and customs of war. If they do not do meet all of these, they may be considered francs-tireurs (in the original sense of "illegal combatant") and punished as criminals in a military jurisdiction, which may include summary execution. -------------------- It is why we have gitmo and we could have executed them already on the battlefield. But, we keep them to torture out more information. Laugh all you want out of fear but it ain't funny.
I read
as uninformed. In my defense it isn't a word and I was already disgusted with his rant by the time I got to it so excuse me for losing interest. Good research though. The 3GC definition of irregular forces seems to describe what I would consider to be regular forces. Of course none of that condones or otherwise relates to torture.
I read as uninformed. In my defense it isn't a word and I was already disgusted with his rant by the time I got to it so excuse me for losing interest. Good research though. The 3GC definition of irregular forces seems to describe what I would consider to be regular forces. Of course none of that condones or otherwise relates to torture.

Un-Uniformed (lacking the distinctive markings that makes one a lawful combatant) that makes one a spy, a saboteur or a terrorist. it may make you uncomfortable, it may make you FEEL BAD, but these cats have been interrogated by measures not available to civil authorities (legally) in the US for a long time.

if your definition of "TORTURE!!" is sitting in an uncomfortable position for several hours at a stretch, being yelled at, and having your beauty sleep disturbed, then you have a lot to learn about life in general, from sports team hazings, to high school pranks, and "Getting the Business" from your bros if your interpretation of torture is accurate, then i am a heroic torture survivor, and amnesty international needs to step in and save about 1/2 the males in america between 12 and 24.

even at gitmo they dont saran wrap you to your bed or tip over the portable toilet when youre taking a shit. (for best results, tip it so it lands door side down, from personal experience.)

Lay off the weed if you can't sound like a normal person. The evidence is undeniable but most people think they already know about 9/11 because of what they saw on television and anyone who challenges the legitimacy of the government's story is labeled as insane, crazy, wearing a tinfoil hat, etc. There are interviews of many highly respected people in significant positions who have said 9/11 is a HOAX. There is video evidence of bombs coming out of the side of the WTC. "Troofers" are the only one's uncovering what really happened because they are the only one's challenging the story. Like I said, most Americans just tuned into the news around the time of 9/11 and now they think they know the story, so why would they seek to disprove it? The people who do the research know that the real story was an absolute fairytale. Transformers taking over NYC on 9/11 would be more believable.
"Highly respected people"? Hardly. Literally thousands of eye witnesses saw the planes strike the buildings. Hundreds of people captured the second striking the building with their cell phones. News reporters, while covering the first strike, also captured the second on tape. But we should ignore them and believe the same people who claim they have been probed by space aliens. Yeah, we're the ones not capable of critical thought.
but the government controls the media (or so the Troofers claim) so they could have knocked over the buildings with a smart bomb and claimed it was suicide bombers, or iraqi spies, or they could have used unmanned planes and simply claimed they were hijacked airliners. thats the basis of the Troofer's lies, the entire story is false, and you cant believe the reports from the congress,, the NTSB, the media, or what you saw with your own eyes. But why would the government go to all the trouble of actually hijacking airliners when they allegedly have the power to simply fake it all anyhow. just like the "moon landing was faked" dumbasses, or the flat earth society, Troofers need something to believe in, and something to make them feel like they are smarter than everybody else, even if its 100% pure fiction. it's called Munchhausen syndrome. the pathological need to tell outlandish impossible tales and insist they are true. the telling of impossible stories gives the Troofer the feeling that he is "In The Know" and anyone who tells him he is full of shit is a "sheeple". they are pretty easy to spot, since at some point they invariably start shrieking "WAKE UP!!!" (thats a key phrase... anyone who screams "WAKE UP!!" is ripe for a rubber room) or they start accusing disbelievers of being part of the conspiracy.
Who you going to believe? Me or your lying eyes?