This Should Concern Everyone....2016


The image is a Chav (british hilbilly, note the Burberry shirt)
Theirry Henri played for england, when his infamous Handball robbed ireland of their dreams of World Cup Glory,
i can only asssmue you are "Taking the Piss" when feigning ignorance of the chav/ned dialect.

i assumed everyone would get the references to the 3000+ year rivalry between england and ireland.

you mean he played for france?
obamacare expands medicaid (although i think states can opt out of that expansion now thanks to the SCOTUS ruling, could be wrong on that though).

however, $28k is going to probably put you just out of the medicaid cutoff as it is about 150% of poverty for a family of three. in that case, you're looking at about 4% of your income, about $1100 to 1200 a year. your premiums by law should not be able to exceed that number.

however, a fear mongering righty with a raging obama hate boner will be along shortly to scare you into believing otherwise. they will probably reel off some diatribe about how you're going to be charges $27,500 to have the privilege of watching obama eat your unborn baby raw as you are strapped down to a medieval torture chair and infected with commie fluoride from an AIDS ridden, rusty needle.

wait for it...


Obamacare is deliberately byzantine, the "expansion" to medicaid is an unfunded mandate which will bankrupt already struggling states like california.

the "expansion" of medicaid simply instruct the state to raise their eligiblitiy threshold from "poor as fuck" to "up to 2x the poverty line" which in california is still "poor as fuck" without giving one thin dime to the states to absorb these new costs.

as an unfunded mandate states may "opt out" and simply refuse the mandate but then there will be a huge void between "poor as fuck and on medicaid" and "not rich and qualified for obamacare subsidies"

every one in between those marks will be boned, and individual premiums are continuing to climb precipitously in anticipation of the new obamacare 10% premium hike cap per year.

as illustrated earlier, i do not qualify for medicaid, and i will not qualify for subsidies since the % of my income consumed by the ~$350/month premiums falls within the range Barry Seotoro has determined to be "optimal"

the result of this one-size-fits-all boondoggle will be to longdong those who fall in between "free welfare healthcare" and "subsidised obamacare"

and this is all for the "bronze plan" which is of course "optimal" for kludges and the servile class of untouchables.
Obamacare is deliberately byzantine, the "expansion" to medicaid is an unfunded mandate which will bankrupt already struggling states like california.

the "expansion" of medicaid simply instruct the state to raise their eligiblitiy threshold from "poor as fuck" to "up to 2x the poverty line" which in california is still "poor as fuck" without giving one thin dime to the states to absorb these new costs.

as an unfunded mandate states may "opt out" and simply refuse the mandate but then there will be a huge void between "poor as fuck and on medicaid" and "not rich and qualified for obamacare subsidies"

every one in between those marks will be boned, and individual premiums are continuing to climb precipitously in anticipation of the new obamacare 10% premium hike cap per year.

as illustrated earlier, i do not qualify for medicaid, and i will not qualify for subsidies since the % of my income consumed by the ~$350/month premiums falls within the range Barry Seotoro has determined to be "optimal"

the result of this one-size-fits-all boondoggle will be to longdong those who fall in between "free welfare healthcare" and "subsidised obamacare"

and this is all for the "bronze plan" which is of course "optimal" for kludges and the servile class of untouchables.

so you're working 36+ hours per week, 52 weeks a year, making min wage since you say you are more than 133% of poverty.

unless you are fired up on the reefer like those untiring mexicans and those jazzy negroes and working a million hours, chances are you fall into the range where your premiums will be capped at 3-4% of your income.

now do regale me with tales of $12k traffic tickets.
so you're working 36+ hours per week, 52 weeks a year, making min wage since you say you are more than 133% of poverty.

unless you are fired up on the reefer like those untiring mexicans and those jazzy negroes and working a million hours, chances are you fall into the range where your premiums will be capped at 3-4% of your income.

now do regale me with tales of $12k traffic tickets.

reductio ad absurdum.

i make too much to qualify for medicare, my quotes for private medial insurance were ~$350/month (which works out to about 25% of my income) and there is no "gubmint exchange" to subsidize my medical insurance premiums, so as it stands now i cannot pay it.

the cost of living in california is crippling, and thus even if obamacare DOES eventually provide the subsidy, 4-8% of my income will still be a sucking wound which will result in even less ability to save, and even greater pooritude around my hacienda.

even the 2.4% "penaltax" will crack my finances pretty good. how hard do you think i should be spanked for not earning enough?

and the $12k "traffic ticket" included 7 or 8 "failures to appear", since the ticket was fictional, no notice was given, and the courts just kept piling on more fees fines penatlies and "administrative fees"

but yeah, civil penalties cant result in jail. especially from the "kinder and gentler" IRS
reductio ad absurdum.

i make too much to qualify for medicare, my quotes for private medial insurance were ~$350/month (which works out to about 25% of my income) and there is no "gubmint exchange" to subsidize my medical insurance premiums, so as it stands now i cannot pay it.

the cost of living in california is crippling, and thus even if obamacare DOES eventually provide the subsidy, 4-8% of my income will still be a sucking wound which will result in even less ability to save, and even greater pooritude around my hacienda.

even the 2.4% "penaltax" will crack my finances pretty good. how hard do you think i should be spanked for not earning enough?

and the $12k "traffic ticket" included 7 or 8 "failures to appear", since the ticket was fictional, no notice was given, and the courts just kept piling on more fees fines penatlies and "administrative fees"

but yeah, civil penalties cant result in jail. especially from the "kinder and gentler" IRS

so you make $16,800 a year (exactly 150% of poverty for now, soon you'll be in the medicaid range), meaning your premium costs will be capped by law at 4%, which works out to be a whopping $56 a month.

you're saying that you simply have no choice but to have the rest of us pay for your health care because god forbid you fork over $56 a month.

oh, you poor thing. my oh my.

you make such a fuss about this $56 a month and claim you'll be thrown in jail and raped by some bubba at folsom, yet you never said a thing when your 2% payroll tax cut went away this year.

your false indignance has been noted.
Hasn't anyone told him to get of his arse and get a higher paying job or further education. Then he can stop bitching and moaning about $56 - $88 bucks.
Hasn't anyone told him to get of his arse and get a higher paying job or further education. Then he can stop bitching and moaning about $56 - $88 bucks.

the mexicans took all of his vegetable picking jobs because they are harder workers, hence his disdain for multiculturalism.
Obamacare is deliberately byzantine, the "expansion" to medicaid is an unfunded mandate which will bankrupt already struggling states like california.

the "expansion" of medicaid simply instruct the state to raise their eligiblitiy threshold from "poor as fuck" to "up to 2x the poverty line" which in california is still "poor as fuck" without giving one thin dime to the states to absorb these new costs.

as an unfunded mandate states may "opt out" and simply refuse the mandate but then there will be a huge void between "poor as fuck and on medicaid" and "not rich and qualified for obamacare subsidies"

every one in between those marks will be boned, and individual premiums are continuing to climb precipitously in anticipation of the new obamacare 10% premium hike cap per year.

as illustrated earlier, i do not qualify for medicaid, and i will not qualify for subsidies since the % of my income consumed by the ~$350/month premiums falls within the range Barry Seotoro has determined to be "optimal"

the result of this one-size-fits-all boondoggle will be to longdong those who fall in between "free welfare healthcare" and "subsidised obamacare"

and this is all for the "bronze plan" which is of course "optimal" for kludges and the servile class of untouchables.

I have heard the governor in my state speak about how the new healthcare law actually funds the expansion of medicare to the tune of 90%.
you're saying that you simply have no choice but to have the rest of us pay for your health care because god forbid you fork over $56 a month.

oh, you poor thing. my oh my.

if it were for birth control pills you'd have the rest of us pay for it even if he's a gajillionaire, why not his healthcare when he actually can't afford it?
I have heard the governor in my state speak about how the new healthcare law actually funds the expansion of medicare to the tune of 90%.

your state may be one of the few granted a special deal, in exchange for their senator's votes, whereby the states in question (but no others) get their unfunded mandate "medicaid "expansion" funded by washington

the wonks and weiners who spend their lives pouring over every word issued forth from the lips of The One will of course claim the "cornhusker kickback" was removed before obamacare was finally passed, but the byzantine provisions of the largest pile of legalistic garbage to come out of washington ever, is brimming over with contradictory language, curious penaltax provisions, madates that do not mandate, penalties that do not penalize, and "reforms" that enshrine the current system as a super awesome "public private partnerships" between the BHO regime and the insurance giants, promising us that once the dust has settyled there will rainbows and puppies for everyone. im not a big fan of "faith based initiatives" so i keep looking for HOW these "improved outcomes" will appear, and i dont see shit.

i see more people "buying" medical insurance at inflated rates, with the gubmint picking up the bill, more people NOT having insurance getting pushed onto medicaid where the states have to pick up the bill, and a few people getting boned by massive medical insurance premiums, but they are over 400% of the poverty line, so they dont count.

when the gubmint picks up the bill, the bill is being paid by US, not washington, WE give washington the money they so gleefully spend on silly bullshit and obamacare is just more silly bullshit. it's a game of health insurance musical chairs, and when the record stops its the people in the middle, not poor enough to be treated as victims and not rich enough to be treated as villains who will be fucked.

when i follow the money i see the insurance companies in a "cant lose" position. everybody has to buy their "product", and if you cant afford it, the gubmint will pay the bill. those who want actual medical coverage will still have to pay the full freight for the real medical insurance indemnity plans, and everybody else will be forced into some variety of "managed care" ranging from the "gold plan" which looks curiously like the medical insurance offered by kaise and aetna today as basic medical insurance, to the "bronze plan" where the patient is pushed out to sea on a semi-private ice floe to die.
If I remember correct, doesn't it also say in Obamacare that if you don't make a certain amount of money you won't get penalized? I do believe that is how it works. Or maybe I don't know how to read and comprehend. You should never take your "news" from a right wing blog, it will never give you the full truth. Don't take your news from the far left either, they do the same thing. Best thing to do....get a copy of "Obamacare" and read it for yourself and see what you think then.

I can't believe how many people just take the word of some person they don't even know. This person could have their own agenda, which 99% of the time they do when they are "reporting" "news". That right wing blog/news website the OP got this from doesn't give you ALL of the information. Just like when the republicans too what Hilary said about Benghazi during her hearing and made it out like she didn't care people died. SMH when will people learn to stop being ignorant?

I didn't know that "Obamacare" was an insurance company who offered bronze, silver, gold and platinum plans to people and they were the only choices we would ever have. I thought the whole idea of this "Obamacare" was to have people who can afford insurance buy insurance, mainly for the kids, that way when you have more people buying insurance that creates a competition. When competition is created among companies that sell things, those companies often start having these things called "Sales", so they can bring in more people. The more clients you have the more money you make. If you can undersell your competition you will get more's simple business. At first these companies won't be doing that, but eventually when a company breaks out and lowers their rates, or offers better service for the same, if not cheaper, price then the rest will follow.

Look at car insurance. Allstate started doing that "lowering your deductible to 0" thing and now everyone does it. If you don't get into an accident for a year, your deductible drops by $100, and if you go long enough without an accident your deductible will get to $0. They started stealing away a ton of customers so now all the other insurance companies are doing the same thing so they can stay competitive.

If I remember correct, doesn't it also say in Obamacare that if you don't make a certain amount of money you won't get penalized? I do believe that is how it works. Or maybe I don't know how to read and comprehend. You should never take your "news" from a right wing blog, it will never give you the full truth. Don't take your news from the far left either, they do the same thing. Best thing to do....get a copy of "Obamacare" and read it for yourself and see what you think then.

I can't believe how many people just take the word of some person they don't even know. This person could have their own agenda, which 99% of the time they do when they are "reporting" "news". That right wing blog/news website the OP got this from doesn't give you ALL of the information. Just like when the republicans too what Hilary said about Benghazi during her hearing and made it out like she didn't care people died. SMH when will people learn to stop being ignorant?

I didn't know that "Obamacare" was an insurance company who offered bronze, silver, gold and platinum plans to people and they were the only choices we would ever have. I thought the whole idea of this "Obamacare" was to have people who can afford insurance buy insurance, mainly for the kids, that way when you have more people buying insurance that creates a competition. When competition is created among companies that sell things, those companies often start having these things called "Sales", so they can bring in more people. The more clients you have the more money you make. If you can undersell your competition you will get more's simple business. At first these companies won't be doing that, but eventually when a company breaks out and lowers their rates, or offers better service for the same, if not cheaper, price then the rest will follow.

Look at car insurance. Allstate started doing that "lowering your deductible to 0" thing and now everyone does it. If you don't get into an accident for a year, your deductible drops by $100, and if you go long enough without an accident your deductible will get to $0. They started stealing away a ton of customers so now all the other insurance companies are doing the same thing so they can stay competitive.

Bullshit you read all of it, it's like 1,000,001 pages long.

Your feigned arrogance is all the more hilarious because you act as if everyone should have read it, when you clearly didn't.
If I remember correct, doesn't it also say in Obamacare that if you don't make a certain amount of money you won't get penalized? I do believe that is how it works. Or maybe I don't know how to read and comprehend. You should never take your "news" from a right wing blog, it will never give you the full truth. Don't take your news from the far left either, they do the same thing. Best thing to do....get a copy of "Obamacare" and read it for yourself and see what you think then.

I can't believe how many people just take the word of some person they don't even know. This person could have their own agenda, which 99% of the time they do when they are "reporting" "news". That right wing blog/news website the OP got this from doesn't give you ALL of the information. Just like when the republicans too what Hilary said about Benghazi during her hearing and made it out like she didn't care people died. SMH when will people learn to stop being ignorant?

I didn't know that "Obamacare" was an insurance company who offered bronze, silver, gold and platinum plans to people and they were the only choices we would ever have. I thought the whole idea of this "Obamacare" was to have people who can afford insurance buy insurance, mainly for the kids, that way when you have more people buying insurance that creates a competition. When competition is created among companies that sell things, those companies often start having these things called "Sales", so they can bring in more people. The more clients you have the more money you make. If you can undersell your competition you will get more's simple business. At first these companies won't be doing that, but eventually when a company breaks out and lowers their rates, or offers better service for the same, if not cheaper, price then the rest will follow.

Look at car insurance. Allstate started doing that "lowering your deductible to 0" thing and now everyone does it. If you don't get into an accident for a year, your deductible drops by $100, and if you go long enough without an accident your deductible will get to $0. They started stealing away a ton of customers so now all the other insurance companies are doing the same thing so they can stay competitive.


in breif, you didnt read it.

fuck the congress didnt even read it.

obamacare was drafted in secret by the insurance companies to get their artificially inflated premiums paid by the gubmint for the people who are currently declining their offer of exorbitantly priced real medical insurance, or the HMO-style death on the installment plan.

if you think obamacare doesnt penalize those who are too poor to buy insurance (from a private company with a profit motive) then youre not paying attention. heres how it eventually is SUPPOSED to work:

Fucking Poor As Dirt: ($0- the arbitrarily chosen "poverty line") medicaid, mediCal, or whatever state run healthcare program for the indigent your state provides. medical welfare.

(from the poverty line to 133% of the poverty line which currently works out to ~$16000/year) medicaid but only if your state accepts the unfunded mandate and foots the bill.

Poor: (up to 200% of the poverty line) medicaid, but only if your state accepts the unfunded mandate.

Barely Scraping By: subsidized medical insurance from the "Government Run Exchanges" which are as yet imaginary, with a multi-tiered system ranging from "Bronze" to "Platinum" but the subsidies only covers the cost of the "Bronze" plan and you still gotta pay as much as 9.5%% of your gross income in premiums yourself for the shit teir program, and if you want better, you foot the bill yourself, 100%

Doing Ok: once you get past "400% of the poverty line" ($44680/year) no more obamacare subsidies, instead you get to foot the bill yourself and pay for all the subsidies of those below you.

The Evil Rich: (anyone who makes more the 50K a year) fuck those assholes anyway, they deserve to die.

bear in mind this is all for single/no kids, which are the group which will be boned hardest by obamacare as currently envisioned. when you add in dependents the math becomes much harder as the "poverty line" scales in a perplexing manner, and since it's based on "estimated food costs x3" and does not count housing costs energy costs, or any of the other shit that we have to deal with in the real world it means NOTHING.

and of course the "exchanges" remain entirely hypothetical, and like all of barry's other promises, they will most likely prove to be lies.

if history is to be our guide, the BHO regime will establish the "penaltax" as a method of increasing revenue, and thus an excuse for increased spending on shit we dont need, the "exchanges" and subsidies will vanish like a fart in the wind, and we will all either pay exorbitant medical insurance fees for questionable medical coverage, or get "penaltaxed" and STILL not even have the dubious medical coverage offered by the shit tier "bronze plan" HMO's.

meanwhile state medicaid programs will either absorb the costs of "covering" everyone up to 200% of the "poverty line" and go bankrupt, or tell barry to stuff it, and not get the pork the states have come to depend on from washington. thats how the feds got the 55mph national speed limit, and thats how barry will squeeze the states who refuse the unfunded mandate.
in breif, you didnt read it.

fuck the congress didnt even read it.

obamacare was drafted in secret by the insurance companies to get their artificially inflated premiums paid by the gubmint for the people who are currently declining their offer of exorbitantly priced real medical insurance, or the HMO-style death on the installment plan.

if you think obamacare doesnt penalize those who are too poor to buy insurance (from a private company with a profit motive) then youre not paying attention. heres how it eventually is SUPPOSED to work:

Fucking Poor As Dirt: ($0- the arbitrarily chosen "poverty line") medicaid, medical, or whatever state run healthcare program for the indigent your state provides. medical welfare.

(from the poverty line to 133% of the poverty line which currently works out to ~$16000/year) medicaid but only if your state accepts the unfunded mandate and foots the bill.

Poor: (up to 200% of the poverty line) medicaid, but only if your state accepts the unfunded mandate.

Barely Scraping By: subsidized medical insurance from the "Government Run Exchanges" which are as yet imaginary, with a multi-tiered system ranging from "Bronze" to "Platinum" but the subsidies only covers the cost of the "Bronze" plan and you still gotta pay as much as 9.5%% of your gross income in premiums yourself

Doing Ok: once you get past "400% of the poverty line" ($44680/year) no more obamacare subsidies, instead you get to foot the bill yourself and pay for all the subsidies of those below you.

The Evil Rich: (anyone who makes more the 50K a year) fuck those assholes anyway, they deserve to die.

bear in mind this is all for single/no kids, which are the group which will be boned hardest by obamacare as currently envisioned. when you add in dependents the math becomes much harder as the "poverty line" scales in a perplexing manner, and since it's based on "estimated food costs x3" and does not count housing costs energy costs, or any of the other shit that we have to deal with in the real world it means NOTHING.

and of course the "exchanges" remain entirely hypothetical, and like all of barry's other promises, they will most likely prove to be lies.

if history is to be our guide, the BHO regime will establish the "penaltax" as a method of increasing revenue, and thus an excuse for increased spending on shit we dont need, the "exchanges" and subsidies will vanish like a fart in the wind, and we will all either pay exorbitant medical insurance fees for questionable medical coverage, or get "penaltaxed" and STILL not even have the dubious medical coverage offered by the shit tier "bronze plan" HMO's.

meanwhile state medicaid programs will either absorb the costs of "covering" everyone up to 200% of the "poverty line" and go bankrupt, or tell barry to stuff it, and not get the pork the states have come to depend on from washington. thats how the feds got the 55mph national speed limit, and thats how barry will squeeze the states who refuse the unfunded mandate.
And it's 5x more expensive than my free healthcare.

The rest of the world LOLS hard at the US healthcare system...fucking CHINA looks after their people better than the US Govt, but China are "evil"?
And it's 5x more expensive than my free healthcare.

The rest of the world LOLS hard at the US healthcare system...fucking CHINA looks after their people better than the US Govt, but China are "evil"?

and the funny thing is we got DOZENS of medical programs each one of which could be described as "socialized medicine" already, and they basically duplicate each other but, only for specific groups.

geezers get medicare (socialized medicine for everyone over 65)

everybody under 18 is covered by a variety of medical programs

dirt poor fucks get any of dozens of different state and federal medical programs

vets get the VA

but they are all shitty, they all cost the taxpayers way too much for what they deliver, and medical costs are driven by what the government will pay through medicare, so if the feds say "we wont pay more then $20 for an aspirin in a hospital" all aspirins of course cost $20, even though the drugstore down the street will sell you 500 of the fuckers for $10.

weve been getting fucked for so long we dont even know what Not Getting Fucked is supposed to feel like. some solution is needed, but obamacare is just one more dick in our asses, and a price hike for vaseline.
and the funny thing is we got DOZENS of medical programs each one of which could be described as "socialized medicine" already, and they basically duplicate each other but, only for specific groups.

geezers get medicare (socialized medicine for everyone over 65)

everybody under 18 is covered by a variety of medical programs

dirt poor fucks get any of dozens of different state and federal medical programs

vets get the VA

but they are all shitty, they all cost the taxpayers way too much for what they deliver, and medical costs are driven by what the government will pay through medicare, so if the feds say "we wont pay more then $20 for an aspirin in a hospital" all aspirins of course cost $20, even though the drugstore down the street will sell you 500 of the fuckers for $10.

weve been getting fucked for so long we dont even know what Not Getting Fucked is supposed to feel like. some solution is needed, but obamacare is just one more dick in our asses, and a price hike for vaseline.
Oh I totally agree, but would the Reptilians vote for UHC?
if it were for birth control pills you'd have the rest of us pay for it even if he's a gajillionaire, why not his healthcare when he actually can't afford it?

really poor analogy.

you don't get BC covered if you don't actually purchase health insurance.

and if you do buy insurance, you had better believe that basic preventive medicine ought to be covered.

you don't want to pay for my wife's BC? too fucking bad. i don't want to pay for your insulin, fatty. but health care is health care.
weve been getting fucked for so long we dont even know what Not Getting Fucked is supposed to feel like. some solution is needed, but obamacare is just one more dick in our asses, and a price hike for vaseline.
Couldn't agree more.

No bigger system of fraud than medicare.

Hell, some of my buddies are literally making over $1mill/year running their home healthcare businesses, in which they send nurses and therapists to your home and charge medicare. Of course they do it legit, but they obviously see others can easily scam the system, and it happens all the time.

For instance, there is a company in Florida which goes out looking for individuals between 65-85, which are moderate to healthy, and then pays them to sign up for their health service, as well as claim they need shit they really don't (like scooters and expensive equipment). The company then bills medicare for all of these items and meds, and then resells them/keeps the profit.
That company is making > $200mil/year, and is primarily funded by taxpayer dollars
really poor analogy.

you don't get BC covered if you don't actually purchase health insurance.

and if you do buy insurance, you had better believe that basic preventive medicine ought to be covered.

you don't want to pay for my wife's BC? too fucking bad. i don't want to pay for your insulin, fatty. but health care is health care.
Birth control is alot cheaper than a child on health care. 4000 dollars for the hospital birth alone.