Avoiding the PH game, noob

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Well-Known Member
1,978, not much better. Get back to me when you have more rep.
Ok, so you joined 3 months ago, and you already have 3,000 some odd posts... That's a little over 1000 posts a month..There are 168 hours in a week..Tell me more about your exciting life that doesn't soley revolve around posting on this website. You don't work. Do mom and dad cut you some slack as long as you keep your door closed when your blasting Nickleback?


Well-Known Member
Just use water for PH UP. Tap water is usually 7+ and will raise your PH just fine.

Depends if you have room for the amount of water and wether or not your gonna scrap some water just to reraise, ph up is just more concentrated and smaller amounts are applied, if your ph is off slot you need to dump and start again, phosphoric acid will burn your plants in higher concentrations and should only be used for quick, smaller ph changes.


Well-Known Member
Oh And thought id add, I Still use a nokia 1209 due to the fact that i could Run it over with a car and it still wouldnt brake. The amount of times my brand new smart phone has fallen out of my pocket and broken on site is just silly . (Comment on Old tech , wanted to add this as old tech doesnt mean dead tech or any worse depending on application)


New Member
Depends if you have room for the amount of water and wether or not your gonna scrap some water just to reraise, ph up is just more concentrated and smaller amounts are applied, if your ph is off slot you need to dump and start again, phosphoric acid will burn your plants in higher concentrations and should only be used for quick, smaller ph changes.
Well hell, if you have to make a MASSIVE adjustment, yeah, ph up is awesome. Usually you can bring your PH up with just water, or a diluted (corrective) mixture if you run active hydro setups like myself.


Well-Known Member
Ok, so you joined 3 months ago, and you already have 3,000 some odd posts... That's a little over 1000 posts a month..There are 168 hours in a week..Tell me more about your exciting life that doesn't soley revolve around posting on this website. You don't work. Do mom and dad cut you some slack as long as you keep your door closed when your blasting Nickleback?
Your math is a little out there. The spam Filter on this site is actually set to 30 seconds. Meaning that u could rack up 2888 posts in About 24 hours. (Why u would want to though lolz)


Well-Known Member
shit fuck. i didnt realise it shot up so much when it went 12/12..

so if its currently 20cm tall, and it will double to triple in height.... I have no space issues, only height issues, will be screening in a future grow (sog or scrog)

from the pics im guessing i need to let those leaves get a bit bigger then turn it? maybe 7-10 days?
so you need to make a screen or buy one, johnjayrambo has a video on youtube about how to make a net. It works great for keeping plants down.

To be blunt. Your broke, you cant afford a water chiller, you live an a hot climate. Nut up and drop a frozen bottle in there when your lights come on. Also since im being blunt. Stop feking with your damn ph and that rez! My four gallon rez goes from 6-7 in 15 days. Who cares, every drop of liquid other than water costs money. That damn plant is young bro, and it has a huge rez. You shouldnt have to change your rez untill the plant has consumed all the water in the rez once. The more you fek with it the worse your water quality gets. Set it and forget it. Check it every now and then to see what the plant is doing, measure your ph and ppm in the bucket to see if anything is changing.

i cant stand threads that meat ball is on so im out in a minute but just remember. If your taps ph is good and your nutes are buffered to 6 then you should have lots of time between when you have to do anything to your rez. Maybe dont fill your rez so much, if its under your plant, the whole thirty gal or whatever it was you can displace some of it with plastic soda bottles filled right to the top with water and if your res is off to the side...just dont fill it as much. Good luck :):):)


Well-Known Member
Listen slapnuts, when you grow what I grow, you wouldn't be employed either. It's called self employment. Don't be jealous. I have what you WISH you had. Silly noob.
LMFAO. So he admits to being unemployed, (didn't mention that he lives with mom and dad), and didn't address me exposing him to spending to much time online. If all I did was stay in my home and grow pot, and it was all my life consisted of, I would have blown my brains out by now, and I would have moved to alaska to do it.


Well-Known Member
The pH scale is logarithmic and as a result, each whole pH value below 7 is ten times more acidic than the next higher value. For example, pH 4 is ten times more acidic than pH 5 and 100 times (10 times 10) more acidic than pH 6. The same holds true for pH values above 7, each of which is ten times more alkaline (another way to say basic) than the next lower whole value. For example, pH 10 is ten times more alkaline than pH 9 and 100 times (10 times 10) more alkaline than pH 8.
This is true and should be remembered. Just dont get hung up on it, they call it weed for a reason, you cant stop it ;)

PJ Diaz

Well-Known Member
Listen slapnuts, when you grow what I grow, you wouldn't be employed either. It's called self employment. Don't be jealous. I have what you WISH you had. Silly noob.
I am not selling to make a living. I have higher aspirations than that. I have a family that I support. They don't need a drug dealer for a daddy. I do however grow some quality medicine.


It's amazing that both of you just wanna talk shit and not back it up with any read knowledge. Silly kids, tricks are for hoes.


Well-Known Member
LMFAO. So he admits to being unemployed, (didn't mention that he lives with mom and dad), and didn't address me exposing him to spending to much time online. If all I did was stay in my home and grow pot, and it was all my life consisted of, I would have blown my brains out by now, and I would have moved to alaska to do it.
Self Employment isnt unemployment.

Also I wish i could spend all my time growing plants (not just weed) As I love horticulture.

But unfortunalty im a human breeder :P


Well-Known Member
I am not selling to make a living. I have higher aspirations than that. I have a family that I support. They don't need a drug dealer for a daddy. I do however grow some quality medicine.

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It's amazing that both of you just wanna talk shit and not back it up with any read knowledge. Silly kids, tricks are for hoes.

im in the same boat as u. And i agree.


Well-Known Member
Your math is a little out there. The spam Filter on this site is actually set to 30 seconds. Meaning that u could rack up 2888 posts in About 24 hours. (Why u would want to though lolz)
Shaun2000, so you are saying that 1000 some odd posts, in the spand of 3 some odd months, wouldn't mathamatically explain Krondizzle's (dizzle?) post count? Elaborate.


New Member
I am not selling to make a living. I have higher aspirations than that. I have a family that I support. They don't need a drug dealer for a daddy. I do however grow some quality medicine.

View attachment 2514657

It's amazing that both of you just wanna talk shit and not back it up with any read knowledge. Silly kids, tricks are for hoes.
I'm still not impressed. Keep trying. You might get there some day.
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