13/11 light cycle???


Well-Known Member
this is standard adaptation and evolution..changes the phenotype of the generation to come IN REAL TIME. every second is changing living things. anything that responds to stimuli

metal is a poison
Yea and these guys are arguing that its impossible... when I provide evidence, they poke fun at my fictitious batcave computer... Australians.... must be why they were shipped over there in the first place.


Well-Known Member
Yea and these guys are arguing that its impossible... when I provide evidence, they poke fun at my fictitious batcave computer... Australians.... must be why they were shipped over there in the first place.
By all means.. answer my 1 simple question - I welcome it.


Well-Known Member
Edit: Or did I? I am watching the clock to see how many minutes of google-fu it takes you to come close. Your supercomputer is faster than that, c'mon now..
I had to pull start it again, So come on man, defend your position. You stopped talking about plants and were talking about google now. Whats up.... did you read the article. Did you read about the changes to the RNA?


Well-Known Member
You've proven my point by omission of answer.. your only knowledge is google, and it fails when I choose words carefully. I actually dropped my word choices into google, using " ", + and - to see what resulted.. just to make sure you couldn't google your answer. You get a +1 for fail, and are now dismissed, halfpint =)
LOL, Finally somebody who knows how to use "Google" for something besides copy/ paste.


Well-Known Member
I had to pull start it again, So come on man, defend your position. You stopped talking about plants and were talking about google now. Whats up.... did you read the article. Did you read about the changes to the RNA?
Yes, did you read the part about the ER being re-done to the point that the system is unable to support synthesis or transport of proteins? cite1.png
Is precisely why I asked you if you knew what happened to the mj plant when that occured.


Well-Known Member
For someone with such a high IQ your quite retarted.
I highly doubt CERN has a thermonuclear computer. I don't think that exists.. hold on let me Google....oh yea , there's no such thing. (PM me or video chat with me if you need proof.)
Maybe the IQ system in Australia is similar to the one we use here in the US to grade chimps. That may explain the high score.
So any time you guys want to return to the topic at hand of manipulating growth cycles of plants let me know. Balls in your court. and I think its dead...
Kinda like your brains.. Stay in Australia mate, Its obvious to me we have enough retards here as it is.
Who the fuck lives in Australia anyway?
Hey GENIUS, it's spelled "retarded".


Well-Known Member
Edit: Or did I? I am watching the clock to see how many minutes of google-fu it takes you to come close. Your supercomputer is faster than that, c'mon now..
Well fuck yea I googled it, And i found Information which refutes your claim completely and you have nothing to say now. HAHAHA is that the answer you wanted? Its a peer reviewed article from UC Berkley, is that not good enough for you? WTF??? I can't name a college in Austrailia, because nobody cares! I'll stick with the guys that work in the "LAB" in California.
Do you have any evidence which supports an alternative claim? or is that beyond your capacity?
Go put your lab coat on and see if that helps.


Well-Known Member
Well fuck yea I googled it, And i found Information which refutes your claim completely and you have nothing to say now. HAHAHA is that the answer you wanted? Its a peer reviewed article from UC Berkley, is that not good enough for you? WTF??? I can't name a college in Austrailia, because nobody cares! I'll stick with the guys that work in the "LAB" in California.
Do you have any evidence which supports an alternative claim? or is that beyond your capacity?
Go put your lab coat on and see if that helps.
Who said anything about Australia? I'm from the US. What evidence did you find that proves an mj plant specifically is fine when it's unable to transport proteins or support synthesis? By all means, please.. screenshot and post it.


New Member
Yea and these guys are arguing that its impossible... when I provide evidence, they poke fun at my fictitious batcave computer... Australians.... must be why they were shipped over there in the first place.
i hear you..but i dont know if you understood it..

neither does trousers. if we werent working in real time, we would not be alive.

the reason we adapt is becuase of stress, if we dont, we die. some reason we are programmed not to give up, to adapt, whether you think about it or its just happening


Well-Known Member
You are a dickhead, this is the last time i entertain your idiocy, (theres 1 collider, apparently 2 "thermonuclear computers"?),

In this context, apparently refers to an allegation of deception or dis-honesty. Unfortunatley the way you presented your lie could mislead the other 85% of the world, to indeed believe you are who you claim to be.

I simply debunked this. By continuing to post the garbage that you do, You loose any respect you have in the community.

I know im earning peoples respect and trust in this "online forum", i do this when i want to take a break from my REAL WORKSHOP, the one you wish you had. Now you will demand photos, no worries, ill offer a live video stream.

I earn peoples respect through demonstrating an ability to articulately debug and explain, any given issue, through deduction and logic, Trying to identify underlying common denominators. Now i dont expect your measly little cimpanzee brain to be able to process this, maybe you could google 1 word at a time?

So in closing, Thankyou for supporting my claims through your obvious lack of intelligence and reasoning.

I sincerley hope you grow up and learn to commit productive ideas into society.

Out of curiosity, save me googling. I know OHIO is not near LOUISIANA, But is where this man claims to be from, known to be a redneck hick area, if so, his ceased has ceased to amaze me. (again, google this term, its an insult)

Unfortunatley, i dont think you will ever be able to interpret this world as i do, i just hope someone opens your eyes before someone pulls them out of your skull.

I choose to speak "normal" language, as my IQ is alienating and causes me to be easily misunderstood.
1) Seriously, there is no such thing as a thermonuclear computer.
2) You add nothing of value to the conversation at hand( i don't think you grow weed)
3) No body cares about you.
4)The ony thing alienating about you is your personality. Good luck with that..
5) You cannot dispute the fact I am correct in stating plants growth cycles can be manipulated...
6) your gay hahahaha


Well-Known Member
i hear you..but i dont know if you understood it..

neither does trousers. if we werent working in real time, we would not be alive.

the reason we adapt is becuase of stress, if we dont, we die. some reason we are programmed not to give up, to adapt, whether you think about it or its just happening
Provide an example.


New Member
i run 12/12 from seed and if i didnt id probably run like 14 and then to compensate for it not being real sun id add an hour or two so 16/8

dont teach assholes if you truly understand something


Well-Known Member
ive been running 11/13 for a long time now. it is slightly more efficient (IME) than a direct 12/12 which never occurs in nature.

i have tried all the light schedules you can think of personally i prefer a rotating time schedule so i can take full advantage of more light without interrupting the normal PFR cyle.(rotating schedule meaning Sunday 10/14 to Saturday 14/10 slowly increasing the amount of light time over the week to restart back on sunday. at 10/14 again and so on.)


Well-Known Member
i run 12/12 from seed and if i didnt id probably run like 14 and then to compensate for it not being real sun id add an hour or two so 16/8

dont teach assholes if you truly understand something
Let us know how that works for you genius.
Don't you think somebody smart has already thought of and tried that?
I can't wait to see pics of a plant you try on 16/8.


New Member
well poly what lumens does the sun bun with here on earth? and then what does a 600watt hps run? anyone know..then you can try that equation and see if it works out..compensate for atifical light with more time..and they probably did it and it probably landed one 18/6 to be honest.

theres a reason someone invented it..you can get the times on that chart i posted for what the sun light per day is in a short month..see if it adds up at all